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Side Story 5: Faith I

THE carriage rolled down the gravel road, passing by forests of black, rivers of brown, and mountains covered in smoke and ash. This was the Elutra Kingdom. A glorious country which streets used to run with milk and honey. Now, however, its cobbled paths were stained with blood and death.

Faith leaned a hand against the delicate windowpane, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

“How did it go so wrong?”

Guards rode on horseback, accompanying the carriage as it raced its way to the Capital city of Elutra. Ertos. It was a beautiful city by Mount Soulcreep. The peaking mountaintop rose over the vast terrain, a natural barrier against large-scale assaults. Steep walls girdled the city’s perimeters. White spires peeked over the battlements, runes etched on the very tip of the towers.

It created the magical dome which shielded Ertos and its citizens. It was not the most special spell. It certainly wasn’t unique. The Vaun Qieur Empire’s Capital city of Morningvale had a far superior three-layered barrier. But Elutra never boasted to have the most superior [Mages]. It wasn’t an unrivaled force like the Vaun Qieur Empire or the Eastern Kingdom Alliance. However, it was larger than any nation state in the Helbir Plains, it dwarfed Nixa in size, and rivaled the Sunmere Republic in military might.

Yet, here they were, pushed to the brink of defeat by the Inoria Empire.

“We were winning. We had everything on our side. How…?”

It made no sense to the princess. Faith never expected this outcome when she first ordered the assassination of duke Roger Bursk. His foray into blood magic was something most were aware of. Yet, when he began practicing it within Elutra’s borders? He couldn’t be prosecuted. He was far too powerful, with connections that spread too wide.

So, she had him killed. She made it look like an accident. But somehow, the Inoria Empire found out.

War was waged, and she was confident— even assured— of Elutra’s victory. She expected Inoria to offer a ceasefire after a month. The famed [Pegasus Knights] of the Elutra Kingdom ravaged the enemy’s troops. Their armies won victory after victory, marching into Inoria’s borders. And that was when the tides turned.

An entire battalion of [Pegasus Knights] was wiped out overnight. Victories became losses. The greatest generals of Elutra were slain in battle after battle. Faith suspected foul play. Necromancy, perhaps. Or something even more sinister.

Faith’s hand tightened into fists at the thought, her fingernails digging deep into the palm of her hands. She should have known Inoria made a pact with Demons. If she made a fuss about it sooner, perhaps other countries would have acted. Now, she just sounded like a desperate princess, trying anything she could to save her country.

Back then, however, her father, King Credence, realized something was amiss. He revealed one of the greatest secrets the Elutra Kingdom was harboring for centuries. Deep within the vaults of Ertos was one of the only tomes in the world inscribed with the instructions for a [Hero] summoning ritual. It was Grand Magic of the tallest order. And it was one which every nation in the world feared.

After the disaster with Zacharius the Quisling, it was agreed upon that [Heroes] would only be summoned if every country as well as the Three Honorable Companies held a vote for it. Even then, a simple plurality or majority was not enough. At least 60% of the votes cast had to be in support of the summoning. And if any nation violated this agreement, they would be destroyed.

Of course, it was an archaic agreement. One that came from a time before Elutra and most countries existed. Credence believed that most would not carry out on the threat of war. Faith believed it, not that the theory would ever be tested.

The [Hero] that came was a young man named Daniel Song. He seemed underwhelming at first, but his Class proved to be a great boon. A simple [Hero’s Slash] in battle could kill any enemy even dozens of levels above him. Faith saw how much potential he had— how rapidly his scrawny body adapted to his Class— and she...

Faith sighed again.

She would be the first one to admit it: she used him. She manipulated him. She tricked him. But it was never just that. She was truly fascinated by him. Not as just an asset.

Yet, when he was first summoned, Credence fed him with lies. Yes, just as Faith did. But lies which even Faith saw no reason to keep. Hers were for her own political gain. As fifth in line to the throne, she thought she could gain something if she had him by her side. But Credence had a different reason.

He was afraid that the truth would lead Daniel to betray them. That the knowledge of how truly powerful Inoria was, and the fact that Elutra was the one who instigated it, would create a scenario similar to the Quisling.

It backfired when Daniel discovered the truth. Stealing whatever artifacts he could, the man from Earth fled one night. Faith was devastated. Credence saw it as a lost cause, and that resources should only be focused on repelling the Inoria Empire.

The young princess disagreed. She used her own personal connections and power to track down Daniel the [Hero]. She found him at long last, told him the truth of what she knew— and he refused to ever return.

Faith truly felt ashamed of herself— of her failure to bring him back, and of his accusations against her. But now, there was nothing that could be done. She would return to Ertos empty-handed, and devote every ounce of strength she could to saving her country.

“Even if I have to die—”

There was an explosion. Fireballs rained from the sky, knocking her carriage to its side. The enchanted mithril barely held up against the explosions. However, her bodyguards were not so fortunate. They lay scattered, dead on the road. Gold Ranks, slain without even the capacity to fight back.

Faith’s head spun as she tried to steady herself. She was standing on her window, leaning against her cushioned seat. The door above her was thrown open, her carriage driver frantically gesturing for her to grab hold of his hand.

“Princess Faith, we have to—”

An arrow struck him in the back of his head. It was a bolt made of fire, a burning arrow that blazed like the sun. The man dropped dead, and only Faith was left.


She dropped to her feet, terror gripping her being. Her carriage driver was a [Warrior] equal to a Platinum Rank adventurer. He was her personal bodyguard since she was seven years old. And he died, just like that.

Faith couldn’t move. She failed in bringing Daniel back with her. Now, she would die far beyond her city’s walls, not even able to save the life of a single citizen of her country. She really was a failure of a princess, wasn’t she?

A figure descended from the sky, wreathed in flames. Wings of red fury carried the figure down, slowly, until they landed right on top of the carriage. The fire dissipated as the figure stared down at Faith.

He looked like a man. He wore a charming smile which could seduce any woman. His raven-black hair was curled back, dropping to his neck. His gilded armor was covered in enchantments, runes of the highest quality visible on its surface.

“So, you’re princess Faith, are you?”

Faith wasn’t in the most flattering of positions right now. But still, she was a princess. She had to carry herself with some eminence, even when faced with death.

“I am princess Faith of the Elutra Kingdom. Name yourself, murderer.”

She drew herself to her feet, meeting his gaze as she spoke. The man tilted his head to the side. He was far above her level— this act of defiance almost foolish, probably confusing him. At a measly Level 42— she had managed to level once since she left the Sunmere Republic, because her escort was attacked by assassins— she couldn’t possibly stand up to the Level 112 [Mage].

“I was ordered to end your life, princess. The rumors you have been spreading about my masters have given them some… ill-feelings, towards you.”

“If you wish to end my life, assassin, then so be it. But know that your masters serve an even fouler lord. Do you truly wish to aid the worshippers of Demons in this war?”

Faith fully expected him to kill her just then. But the man’s face darkened. He raised his head, facing the clouded sky above.

“Hm, yes. That is certainly what you’ve been claiming. However, do you have any proof? Have you seen one of these Demons, which you believe they’re serving?”

“I have seen the rituals they have prepared. The unusual deaths of those within our borders. Everything points to this one conclusion.”

“Speculation, then.”

He snapped a finger, and Faith pursed her lips. She knew she wouldn’t be able to convince him. That was why she had been buying time.

“If you don’t believe me—”

The princess swiftly brought her hand up, aiming it at the man. The rings on her fingers flashed.

[Ring of the Forgotten Prison: Epic Grade Weapon - A ring enchanted to trap a target within a pocket dimension prison.]

It was one of the greatest treasures of the Elutra Kingdom. The kind of artifact which only a king should have. Yet, Faith was gifted it by Credence when she left in search of Daniel. He was worried something like this would happen. So, he gave his greatest protection to his daughter.

It came in useful now. Caught off-guard, the man would be sucked into her ring. It shone a dark green—

And the man bit into her hand, ripped it right off. Faith screamed and writhed in pain, clutching at her arm, everything past her elbow gone.


She looked back up at the man, only to see her forearm trapped between his fangs. Fangs? Why does he— And she froze.

His figure had changed. The man with a once handsome smile was replaced by a monstrous creature. Its face was like the skull of a wolf, an animalistic pair of red eyes to accompany it. Vicious fangs were dribbled in blood as it chewed on Faith’s arm. A pair of crooked horns jutted out of the side of its face. Its entire body was twice the length of what it once was, but still as thin as before as its demeanor didn’t change. A clawed hand gripped Faith and picked her up.

[Changeling - Lvl. 112]

“Mm, I do love the taste of Human flesh. It certainly is superior to the pig and other animals they try to serve me.”

It spoke in a croaky, deep voice, still uncaring, but far more fear-inducing now. It spat out the bones and picked the ring out of its teeth, inspecting it.

“An interesting artifact. One I’m sure my King would praise me for offering him.”

Faith didn’t struggle. Her eyes were bulging out of her sockets, face to face with a real Demon. An Archdemon.

“What’s wrong, princess? I thought you’d be happy to see this. You no longer have to speculate or make your guesses. I am a Demon with the Inoria Empire. Everything you have claimed— it’s all true. So, smile. You’re far prettier when you smile.”

He ran a clawed finger through Faith’s cheeks, drawing blood. She wanted to scream. She wanted to faint. the sharp pain in her hand overbearing, the stinging sensation on her face too much for her to handle.

Pride had left her. Faith opened her mouth, begging for her life.


“I’m sorry, princess. But you know too much. Goodbye.”

The Archdemon opened his maw, raising Faith up. This was it. Everything Faith had done was pointless. She died now. She closed her eyes, accepting her death. And there was thunder.

Lightning crashed down, striking the Archemon back. Its fiery wings carried it away from a hail of ice. The ground broke open as stone spikes aimed for its back, but it swerved out of the way.

Faith dropped to the ground, her gaze turned towards the shadows coming to her rescue. Horses galloped in the air, wings flapping at their sides. A man bellowed.

“[Pegasus Knights], secure the princess!”

The knight-commander leapt off his Pegasus. Faith recognized him immediately. Garland Monsterthorn. He was a [Spellknight Outrider of Storms] and a [Beast Tamer], one of the very few Level 100s the Elutra Kingdom had… left. Lightning and electricity shot out of his lance as his Pegasus circled the Archdemon, creating a cyclone.

The other [Pegasus Knights] flocked after the knight-commander, while two landed besides Faith, helping her to the back of a Pegasus. Her head lolled back as she reached out for something on the ground, a glittering ring dropped by the Archdemon. But the Pegasus took off.

The knights turned back. Each of them under Garland were above Level 70. Yet, two had already fallen by the Archdemon’s hands.

They fled the field as Garland himself drew back. He raised a hand.

“[Flight of the Cavalry]! After me!”

A light overcame his [Pegasus Knights]. Their speed doubled as the Archdemon tried to give chase. The gap between them widened as the Archdemon fell behind. Until it seemed like it gave up, returning to the broken carriage.

Faith could only curse as she saw it pick something off the ground. The [Pegasus Knights] reached Ertos, and a small hole in the magical dome opened up for their return. They landed on the battlements, setting the princess down.

“Get the [Healing Mages], hurry!”

Garland shouted as he applied a healing potion to Faith’s hand. The princess found her energy returning to her. She barely mustered up the strength to speak.

“G-Garland Monsterthorn, you have my thanks.”

“No, princess. I apologize for my late arrival. We should have known that the Inoria Empire would try something like this. I should have personally sallied out to ensure your return myself. No— we should have warned you against coming back.”

Faith slowly nodded. Then a thought crossed her mind.

“Why are the Inoria Empire here? How have they reached our Capital?”

“A lot has happened while you were gone, princess.”

There was a pause. Garland averted his gaze as he took a deep breath.

“There is much to tell you. But the Inoria Empire’s most elite troops have surrounded Ertos. Their armies are mere months behind them. We cannot hold them off for long. Especially…”

He steeled himself and continued. Faith’s heart stopped. And her world shattered.

“Especially after your father, King Credence, was assassinated. Elutra will fall, princess. I am sorry.”

Author's Notes:

Do try not to talk about side story chapters in main story chapters. These are things being revealed early, but they would be naturally revealed in regular chapters eventually.

Thanks for reading. Gib thoughts!


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