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Unfortunately, even with the scaled back release schedules of Salvos and Tian from 5 chaps a week to 3 chaps a week and from 3 chaps a week to 2 chaps a week, my Finals are approaching and I feel entirely unprepared for it with the amount of study time I can get in. 

I have already done quite a few things to try and take the work load off my shoulder. One of them being signing Tian with Aethon Publishing so I won't have to worry about all the self-publishing matters. However, I am still working close to 100 hours a week between University and all that I'm doing regarding writing. That is not to include all the other things I'm doing tangentially related to writing. Trust me, I'm working on a lot of things. As such, while I will NOT take a break, instead, I will have no choice but to scale back chapter uploads once more.

For the next three weeks there will only be one chapter a week for EACH series. If I find the time to write more than that, I will try and pop out an extra chapter here and there. TO CLARIFY, I will return to a normal schedule once I am done with graduating. This schedule will only remain until I graduate in THREE weeks. It will return to normal AFTER.

But my main focus right now should be finishing my education. It's just three more weeks until my Finals, then I am done. I will be fully graduating from University, and after I sort out my life such as finding a place to stay and etcetera, I will be able to focus all my time on writing. 

Don't get me wrong. I love writing. I have two other story ideas planned right now, but I can't even start on them because I literally have no time. One of my story ideas... probably won't do amazing on RoyalRoad. It's a LitRPG that will be written entirely in meter. It's something I'm doing for fun. The other... I'm considering writing from an alt. As much as I want to show you guys ALL of my stories, some of you... won't read any of my other stories even though you have access to it on my patreon. 

Maybe you gave it a try and decided you didn't like it, which is fair. However, others put it off to read later (which always means never lmao). And I think, psychologically speaking, if you discover one of my other stories naturally and it piques your interest, you will be more likely to read it then if I post it on my patreon for you to read anytime you want (again, never). 

There are various other reasons for it. One is self-validation. I want to prove to myself that I can succeed on RR once more, and that the first time wasn't a fluke. Another reason is how Trending currently works; the currently way RR's Trending works actively harms established authors due to having a fanbase which can boost them up too early, effectively frontloading them so their time is cut short. The last reason is to erase any preconceived notions of my writing. 

Some people on RR have already established an opinion of the stories I write, and as such, they will refuse to read my stories. Some of them said they tried to give Tian a shot, but they didn't like it because Tian was acting like a teenager or a young adult... which WHAT? I admit, my stories have their flaws. But that's just wrong. Tian is anything but a teen/young adult. And the only reason they think that is because they read Salvos first. 

Anyway, I have various reasons that are currently pushing me towards writing from an alt in the future (not anytime soon because soon is my Finals and my graduation). I am still not fully decided. You can weigh in with your own opinions, and maybe sway me one way or another. I just want to be fully transparent. 

Thank you all so much for your support <3



Good luck on your finals! Fortunately I also have to prepare for exams, so I'll be able to survive without salvos for a few week...


Good luck! Will you dm us the link where the stories ull plan to write on an alt will be uploaded to if we ask via dm? Coz I want to read all ur stories and I’m not always checking RR for trending an such ;)


Just do what you can I'm just glad you're not planning to go on hiatus.


Just to clarify to everyone, this schedule will only remain UNTIL I graduate in three weeks.


I mean I'm still here and I'll be honest I let a backlog happen. That's more for me though cause I love being able to binge read your stories. This is an opinion but your stories are some of the best ones I've discovered. Though I found your stuff through Amazon rather than RR so u can't speak on that. You do what makes you comfortable and healthy, I'll be here waiting patiently for a binge read night.


You're welcome, and thank you for sharing the stories. ^_^


Just to put in there not all of your readers came from royalroad. I actually first read you on amazons kindle unlimited. Also I'm cool with you slowing down to focus more on getting yourself through graduation.


Oh, of course! For books, I’ll publish all my books to Amazon at some point under the same pen name, so there’s no need to worry about that haha


Thanks for the notice, and smart choice by focusing at your studies the last three weeks.


Why do you think that story idea wouldn't work on RR ? if it's just the meter thing, there's plenty of story at least decently popular on RR that use it, there's a fair amount of people from the EU around. But anyway do what you feel is best for that and the scaling thingy, a healthy author is a healthy story y'know.


All three of your stories are awesome. I love how different the personalities of your three main leads are, and I appreciate that each story is unique. I started with Melas on Reddit and then when I started reading Salvos, too, I became a Patron. Seriously, your writing is really good. Then Tian came out and that one is also great! I really like your writing style and hope that you will continue to share your new ideas. Best of luck with your finals!

Jolly Jolly

Pretty sure I'm reading all your stories!