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Retcon 1 - Merger

Chapter 95 and 96 are merged. Meaning:

> The Valiant Dreamers were split into two different groups

> Which was why there would be someone standing guard at all times. It was time. The city had been notified of the company war. Citizens were ordered to hide in their homes. The Valiant Dreamers Company was going into lockdown. War had begun, and Edithe felt her certainty from before…

> Fading away.

From Chapter 96 is now in Chapter 95 instead.


> After Daniel rejected Faith’s request, he retired straight to bed. I wanted to follow after him, but I didn’t need to sleep. Especially not after the night before— I did not want to try sleeping again!


> Daniel’s felt his heart racing as the words were read out. But he wasn’t prepared for the last part. The part which made Salvos burst into action.

> “Since the declaration has been made, the headquarters of the Valiant Dreamers Company in Viechester has been in lockdown. The Iron Champions Company have begun their siege, and the entire city has been thrown into chaos.”

From Chapter 95 is now in Chapter 96

Retcon 2 - Deletion due to confusion

> Perhaps the Iron Champions could have simply declared war themselves. They might have instantly struck the Valiant Dreamers when that happened. But not only have each clash between both companies resulted in almost an equal amount of losses suffered for both sides, this was the Valiant Dreamers’ territory.


> But since the Iron Champions were the ones being attacked, these companies could not act. Only the allies of the Valiant Dreamers could justifiably act in a way that didn’t just paint a target on their backs. So, even if the Iron Champions plan to crush the Valiant Dreamers Company as soon as possible failed, they could still fall back and recuperate.

Removed entirely to avoid confusion.

Retcon 3 - Clarification

> “That, and the fact that the city has been in lockdown too.”

Changed to:

> “That, and the fact that the city has issued a lockdown warning too for the citizens own safety.”

Retcon 4 - Hostage Situation


> Stephen casually walked up to the man named Thomas and crossed his arms. Hadrian narrowed his eyes while Baris snapped.

> “You’re not allowed to involve innocent civilians in a company war, Stephen. The Sunmere Republic and the Adventurers Guild will not stand for it.”

> “I’m not going to do anything to him. Nor is anyone from the Iron Champions Company. But some assassins unaffiliated with our company might.”

> Evelyn’s eyes grew wide as one of the two assassins produced a large sickle. They stepped up to the tied up man as Stephen shrugged.

> “Plus, collateral damage happens all the time in company wars. It’s… unfortunate.”


> Stephen casually walked up to the man named Thomas and crossed his arms. Hadrian narrowed his eyes while Baris snapped.

> “You’re not allowed to involve innocent civilians in a company war, Stephen. The Sunmere Republic and the Adventurers Guild will not stand for it.”

> “I’m not going to do anything to him. Nor is anyone from the Iron Champions Company. But some assassins unaffiliated with our company might.”

> “That reasoning won’t stand!”

> “Will it? Maybe not. We’ll see. But I don’t think Ms Evelyn cares about that, does she?”

> Evelyn’s eyes grew wide as one of the two assassins produced a large knife. They stepped up to the tied up man as Stephen shrugged.

Flight becomes fight

> Then Stephen spoke simply as Evelyn watched Hadrian grab her lover.

> “Kill her.”

> The two assassins burst into action, one appeared behind her and the other to her flank. Evelyn spun around and her entire body blurred forward. She made a break for it back towards the gates—

> And Stephen stood in front of her. He drew his sickle back, pulling it away from the woman’s block. She fell, her eyes hollow and fixed onto Thomas.


> The lone adventurer marched out to meet Stephen face to face. He nodded at the assassins behind him and they kicked Thomas forward, rolling into the Valiant Dreamers Company headquarters.

> Evelyn watched Stephen grab her lover. Then she burst into action. A dagger appeared on her hand as she leapt up to the other Platinum Rank.

> The two assassins intercepted her, one appeared behind her and the other to her flank. Evelyn spun around and sliced the first in half. She kicked the second back—

> And Stephen stood in front of her. He drew his sickle back, pulling it away from the woman’s neck. She fell, her thumping on the ground and spinning to face Thomas.

Retcon 5 - Hadrian’s Leadership

> Hadrian and Baris both had grim looks on their faces. They were caught up in the middle of a discussion. They had their hands tied. Their plan to hold out a siege— until reinforcements arrived— was ruined.

> Stephen had sowed discord amongst the Valiant Dreamers. Many Platinums were proposing they tried to break out, fight their way through the army of adventurers camped outside.


> Edithe grinned as Hadrian finally understood what she was saying. He looked her over, slowly nodding.

> “So, that is when we strike. A counter attack.”

> “Our very first one.”

> “That is… that might work.”


> “Of course it would! It has to! For our loved ones!”

> Celine roared, eliciting the other Platinums to join her. Hadrian rubbed at his chin, thinking it over, muttering to himself.

> “So, if we… no, we’ll have to—”

Removed and replaced with:

(Entirely Brand New Section!)

And when they got their reprieve once again, Edithe heard Hadrian speaking with Baris. They were making plans.

“Not all of our Platinum Ranks are like Evelyn. They won’t charge in the face of death. They won’t make that leap across that chasm or fall trying. If their family gets dragged into it, they might not volunteer themselves. But their morale will still break.”

“Hadrian, I have heard your reasoning before and you’ve already convinced me once. But unless you have a solid plan of action, I will not approve any such brash decisions!”

“I know, father. But we have to do something.”

She knew she shouldn’t have been listening. But she had to know what they were going to do. Edithe would not just let Rachel die.

Rubbing his temples, Baris let out a tired sigh. The man had just recovered from a poisoning not long ago. The battle had strained him. And now it was clear that his dilemma stumped him too.

“What do you propose?”

“That we break the siege and reunite with Gabriel’s forces. Then drive the Iron Champions out of the city.”

“How are we supposed to do that? We are surrounded.”

“I know. But I’ve spoken to a few of the Platinums. The brazen ones and the ones worried about their family. They’re willing… they’re willing to make a sacrifice.”

Baris took a step back, eyes wide. Hadrian continued.

“They will form a spearhead. The one to break their armor.”

“We’re outnumbered. We might lose everything.”

“We’ll lose everything regardless.”

Edithe heard this, and she couldn’t help but speak up.

“But what… what if we found a chink in their armor?”

The two turned to face the sudden guest in their conversation. She burned up for a moment, realizing she probably shouldn’t have spoken. But Baris gestured to her to continue.

“And what is that?”

Edithe turned to face the closest window. She looked through the glass pane, staring into the darkness beyond, remembering something Stephen had said. Then a small smile— one of hope… or was it madness?— spread across her lips.

“We know they number us two-to-one. But we think they’re always there, keeping guard. But they also think we won’t try to break the siege. That we won’t sally forth and face them. So, they’re complacent. Stephen said it himself, the assassins are the ones gathering our loved ones in between each of their assaults. One of their biggest advantages is gone when they’re not attacking.”

Edithe grinned as Hadrian finally understood what she was saying. He looked her over, slowly nodding.

“That could work. That should be when we strike.”

“Our counter attack.”

She agreed. But Baris still seemed undecided. The older man met Edithe’s gaze, almost studying her.

“Edithe, before I say anything, let me ask you: why do you agree with this plan?”

The red haired woman stopped. The once feisty, fiery, and short tempered woman tilted her head up. She spoke slowly, thinking over her words carefully.

“Perhaps if you asked me this question a year ago, I would have told you this was for revenge. To make them pay for what they did to Evelyn. But, now? The reason is much simpler than that.”

“And that is?”

Edithe looked back down at Baris, speaking softly.

“I’m tired of doing nothing while my friends die.”

Then it was settled.

Retcon 6 - Clarification

Removed to avoid confusion

> It was unlikely. Only those at Platinum had any cause for concern. Gold Ranks in Viechester were almost common amongst adventurers. It would be too hard and too risky to target those that could be killed by their Level 70 assassins, especially when it could increase their chances of incur the wrath of the country itself.

> The key word was ‘could’. If it was only a dozen collateral casualties, nothing would be done. Especially since the Sunmere Republic would not want to get involved. They had their own politics to deal with. Their own enemies. Real country problems.

> Getting wrapped up in a war against an adventuring company was not something they wanted.

Author's Note:

Hopefully that addresses all the concerns and problems people had with chapters 95 and 96. I'll be making the changes now. 



Seams like some good changes. “He drew his sickle back, pulling it away from the woman’s neck. She fell, her thumping on the ground and spinning to face Thomas.” I assume it’s supposed to be “her head thumping on the ground”. Overall I’m still lost on the reasoning for the iron champions doing all this nonsense. I assume we are going to get some more information in the next book about this so it’s ok to be in the dark for now. Because in my opinion it seems that Stephen dragged his company into a personal revenge plot, but that doesn’t explain the assassins lying in wait for months. Oh well still looking forward to seeing the next book. Hopefully we’ll get some more details on the iron champions plan.


> Overall I’m still lost on the reasoning for the iron champions doing all this nonsense. I assume we are going to get some more information in the next book about this Yeah. You will lmao.

Lictor Magnus

These are some solid changes. I'll be interested to see how the RR and scribblehub crowds react to reading the new version.

Simon Casey

These look like good changes to me. You’ve made it clear that something is outside the norm with what the iron champions are doing, and that even if they were getting away with it in the moment, that won’t necessarily be the case in the future without some further shenanigans on their part. I really liked the clarification on why the country doesn’t want to get involved, and that the lockdown is less a result of company wars being common and more a form of damage control to avoid further losses.


> Evelyn watched Stephen grab her lover. Then she burst into action. A dagger appeared on her hand as she leapt up to the other Platinum Rank. Every time I read this, I can't help but think that the "Stephen" should be "Hadrian" or this wouldn't make much sense.

Aezy Ken

She's literally a child