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NEW Author's Note:

Previous chapter has been retconned and edited.

OLD Author’s Note:

Lot’sa dislike for the previous chapter. I don’t mind criticism, but from now on, if anyone uses any rude language in the comments, especially offensive slurs, I will be removing your comment regardless if it’s legitimate criticism.

Anyway, I’ll wait for Volume 2 to end before rewriting anything, mostly because I’m too busy to make any changes now. I don’t think it can ever be perfect in a way that everyone likes it, but it can certainly be improved.

Regardless, we press on. An author can only improve their writing if they write more. And trust me, I am writing a lot more than you think ;)

2,000 words. 

97. Found


I bounded through the dark forest, leaping across the canopy of trees. I tried to stay at the treetop, away from view of anyone that was possibly at the forest floor.

I was no longer in my Mortal Form. I couldn’t waste any time. If what I heard from Faith was true— then Edithe and Rachel were in danger. My companions were in danger.

Daniel tried getting me to wait for him. However, he was too slow. And carrying him would have only slowed me down. So I left, on my own, for Viechester. Unfortunately, I seemed to have run into a minor problem. The same one I always faced whenever I traveled on my own.

...am I lost?

I wasn’t entirely sure if I was heading in the right direction. Daniel had pointed it out on the map for me— he had instructed me to head in a straight line without making a single detour. But it was hard to follow a path when there was nothing obvious to lead me.

I had been given his map too. Just in case I got lost. But… I barely understood how to read it.

Pushing myself off a thick branch, I grabbed onto the trunk of a tree right at the edge of the forest. I saw a road just before me. Does this road lead to Viechester? I was about to jump down to check when I caught a glimpse of something moving in the shadows.

A flicker.

Chains spread through and in between the trees, hurling heavy spiked balls at me. I threw myself from the tree as the clanging of the metal echoed above me, before I landed on the dirt ground.

I glanced up just in time to see a cloaked figure falling after me. It was a Human man. He wore the same shadow cloak of the Harrowed Vindicators, but he bore no mask. His hood was not up, exposing an unbridled fury on his face. He stared down at me with a single eye that nearly burst out of its sockets.

“Demon! I have found you, now I will get my revenge—”

Defeated [Flailberserker of Chains - Lvl. 65]

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

...who was that? Why did he attack me?

I didn’t know. But I killed him easily and continued on my way. Maybe he’s just another Human mad that I’m a Demon. That was probably the case. I saw a sign slightly further down the road indicating that I was indeed heading to Viechester. Maybe I should change to my Mortal Form. Don’t want Hadrian or the other Valiant Dreamers attacking me for being a Demon!


The group that stalked through the halls of the temple were gripped by a deathly silence. Edithe’s eyes glazed over the gilded walls, paying attention only to the heavy beating in her chest. The thumping of her heart echoed in her head, almost like a drum. It grew louder and louder— almost deafeningly so— becoming the only thing she could hear.

Calm down, she told herself. So far we’ve seen nothing, and that’s a good thing. If there really were assassins here, they would have left some signs. The [Priests] promised to keep Rachel safe, and even if they weren’t combatants, they still would be able to put up a fight.

But the question was, would the Iron Champions Company really risk angering the Sanctum of Elements? Certainly, the Den of Souls would not stand for an attack against [Priests], even if they were from a different denomination. The Iron Champions might have been treading a thin line, but they weren’t idiots.

Despite what Edithe had been telling herself all night, she knew they weren’t immune to consequences. It had only been a month since they poisoned Baris, then three days since they tried to burn down the headquarters. Whether they would have actually faced backlash for their actions over what happened in the past night— or rather, the past six hours— remained to be seen.

Edithe quietly led the group through the familiar corridors leading to William’s quarters. She knew that he slept in the third floor of the [Priests] dormitories. That was because he was one of the higher ranked members of the Sanctum of Elements in Viechester.

The moment the group reached the dorms, Edithe knew what happened. She understood why there were no signs of a scuffle— no evidence of fighting. Because the assassins did not attack the [Priests]. Instead, they used some sort of artifact to erect a barrier and cordon off the entire area.

Frowning, Edithe approached the translucent yellow wall of energy and placed a hand on it.

“It’s a powerful sealing spell. At least, too powerful for me to break. It’ll probably dissipate by the time the sun’s up. But I don’t think anyone inside even realizes they’re locked in since it cancels noise too.”

“Think we can destroy it if we combine our magic?”

Cless suggested, trying to inspect the barrier too. Edithe shook her head.

“No. I say we don’t waste time trying to break in. The fact that the Iron Champions Company— or their assassins— are blocking out this entire area means Rachel and William aren’t inside.”

“Where are they then?”

Sophia asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

“I’m a [Hunter]. I can probably track them down if you give me some general directions.”

“I’m not sure. But if I know William, he might have been anywhere from studying away in the temple library or wandering the streets to feed the homeless.”

“And this Rachel…”

Ian piped up, narrowing his eyes.

“She’s with him?”

“Yes. Or she should be.”

Edithe spoke, almost as if she were remembering a fond memory.

“When I was little and visited the temple for some of the spare scraps they handed out, William would always bring me around to show me his work. It didn’t matter if I wasn’t interested or was just trying to bother him— he would always be so patient and kind to me, showing me every part of his daily life and teaching me new things.”

“You grew up in the streets?”

Sophia blinked. The red haired woman nodded.

“Yes, and William took care of me. Just like how I trust he’ll take care of Rachel. So she has to be with him, and if he isn’t in the dorms then we’ll have to sweep through the temple. Find where he’s at.”

“If you’re certain Rachel is with him, then I can just use a Skill.”

The other [Mage], Cless, offered. Edithe turned to him, raising a brow.

“You can?”

“[Scry Direction]. It has a long cooldown. But I can use it on people whom I’ve interacted with. And I used to visit this temple quite a lot too. I probably spoke to William once or twice— enough for it to work.”

“Let’s give it a shot then.”

Cless nodded and began activating his Skill. Edithe waited, casting wary glances around the area. Once or twice, she thought she saw someone sneaking around. She sent Mistshard over to check, and it turned out it was just her paranoia getting to her.

The assassins won’t know that we’re coming, we’re fine. Edithe found herself breathing again. Cless finished his casting and his eyes shone slightly blue as he scanned the surroundings.


Edithe couldn’t help but ask after a moment passed. He raised a finger and pointed down a large corridor.


The group proceeded to follow Cless. They made their way down the winding halls until finally reaching a large, familiar room. It was the summoning room of this temple. The place where Edithe first summoned Hana.

There, Edithe’s eyes grew wide as she saw…

William and Rachel were standing over the summoning pool. The [Priest] had a book open, reading aloud an excerpt from the Immortal King’s Legacy as the girl rested her head on his lap, her feet lightly kicking against the water.

“And it was only when Alexander regaled the wonderful tales from his world to the Council of Cremont did the [Archbishops] at the time allow him to cross through to the Spirit Plane—”

He paused and glanced up at the group that approached him. Edithe ran up to him, the relief on her face evident.



The [Priest] stood up and Rachel jumped, running to meet the red haired woman. She hugged Edithe’s legs as William spoke in a confused voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“She came back for me!”

Rachel exclaimed, but quickly shyed back the moment she noticed there were others in the room. Edithe caressed Rachel and spoke softly.

“Yes, I did.”

Then the red haired woman turned back to William.

“Is everything alright? We came to check on you two.”

“Everything has been fine, although we’ve been worried about you, Edithe. We heard about the declaration of war. And there have been some talks of how the siege against the Valiant Dreamers headquarters. But it’s barely been a day since then. How did you get here?”

“We fought our way out.”

Edithe replied simply.

“We weren’t going to fight in the terms the Iron Champions set anymore. Especially when they started to bring innocents into it. We’re the Valiant Dreamers. We fight for the weak against the strong.”

“Right… I get that. Did something happen during the siege?”

Of course William didn’t know. But Edithe was glad she arrived before he had to find out the hard way.

“The Iron Champions have been sending assassins after the friends and family of Platinum Ranks. But we were worried they would go after you two as well.”

“That’s… terrible!”

He had a horrified look on his face. Edithe concurred with that, but she didn’t want to spend anymore time explaining.

“Right, so we have to get out of here as soon as possible.”

“They can’t come after us. If they attack us [Priests]—”

“They don’t have to harm you.”

Edithe shook her head. The assassins had already separated most of the [Priests] from possibly getting involved. Abducting a child from a single old man was not so hard after that.

“They’ll just have to grab Rachel and leave. That’s why Rachel needs to come with us.”

The girl looked up at Edithe, a confused look on her face.

“Are more people coming after me?”

“I… yes.”

Edithe couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment. But instead of striking fear into the girl’s heart, she seemed to have elicited a different kind of worry.

“Am I causing more trouble for you?”


Biting her lip, Edithe took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

“No, you aren’t. Come, let’s get out of here.”

She held onto Rachel’s hand and started down the hallway they came. However, Ian held out a hand and sharply cut her off.

“Wait, someone’s coming.”

The [Rogue] drew his daggers. Edithe’s eyes snapped ahead of her. She couldn’t see anything, but she didn’t think he meant they were arriving right now.


“Possibly. Not the most discreet, maybe high Silver or low Gold in level. But I don’t think they’re alone.”

“What do we do?”

Sophia spoke, panic clearly heard from her tone of voice. Edithe tightly gripped her staff.


“Over here!”

William’s voice drew the group’s attention. He was gesturing towards a wall. Wait, that wasn’t just a wall. It was shifting— moving. A hidden room?

“Go inside. Let’s go!”

They hurriedly rushed inside, before the secret passageway closed. Edithe glanced back, relief washing over her.

“Thanks, William—”

She paused when she realized the [Priest] hadn’t followed after then. Standing there in shock, Edithe her voices escape through the walls.

“Where’s the girl?”

A vague voice that sounded like Stephen’s reached her. And an older one, coming from William, came back.

“I do not know what girl you’re referring to.”

“Don’t force my hand, [Priest].”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Edithe felt her heart drop. No— not William too. She wanted to break through the walls and attack Stephen, even though she knew the Platinum Rank would easily kill her. But a chuckle sent her back to her senses.

“No, I wouldn’t. But that still doesn’t change anything.”

Footfalls. The echoes of someone leaving the summoning chamber. And a final command.

“Find the girl. Bring her to me, no matter what.”

A hand tugged at Edithe. Sophia nodded at her, breaking her from her trance. Breathing deeply, Edithe reassured herself that William was fine, even if she couldn’t see him. He wasn’t attacked by Stephen, and the assassins with the Iron Champions were now searching for Rachel.

Now all that mattered to the group was getting out of the temple with Rachel, alive.


Yeno Memevig

Poor chain dude Salvos couldn't even remember you😔


Ignore the haters, I'm loving your story here and really hope you keep up the good work!


Honestly, I normally try to take criticism constructively and make changes where necessary, but last chapter was really brutal since I spent the entire day until 2am after I finished my essay in the morning writing it.

Simon Casey

I’m sorry to hear that people were using slurs in the comments, that’s never constructive or warranted. I’m one of the people whose suspension of disbelief was strained by what the iron champions seem to be getting away with, but i want to be clear that I’m really enjoying the story. It’s because I enjoy the story so much that I care enough to comment when something seems off. And at the end of the day, it’s your story to tell the way you see fit.

Kevin Caffrey

I’m really enjoying this arc, including last chapter. That said, I empathize with parts of the criticism. The biggest issue for me was the logic surrounding allies, and how if the Iron Company declared war then the Dreamers would get allies to help. I think the underhanded assassin not-war strategy of the Iron Company totally makes sense in the context of avoiding notice of the empire overlords. In a world where an entire town was wiped out by a demon and the empire couldn’t be bothered to help, it definitely fits that they would look the other way when some company in a backwater province bent the rules a bit so long as they weren’t too blatant about it. However, it seems like if the Dreamers had allies that would come to their aid if they were attacked, said allies would realize that declaration of war or not, the Iron Company were the aggressors. Maybe if you ever go back and edit, you could expound upon how some of their allies have been unreliable and would probably only follow the letter of their mutual defense treaty? In the scheme of things, this wasn’t sufficient to knock me out of my suspension of disbelief, but it clearly caused issues for some readers.


> The biggest issue for me was the logic surrounding allies, and how if the Iron Company declared war then the Dreamers would get allies to help. Huh, was that what people thought was being said? I must have explained it poorly then. No, the Valiant Dreamers would get allies to help regardless. The problem is unrelated third parties joining in. My logic comes mostly from vidya games like Crusader Kings or Total War here, so it might not hold up in reality, but I can name an instance of it in recent times right now if need be, but let me explain: Regardless of who declares war, the Valiant Dreamers' allies will join in to help. But if the Iron Champions Company declared war, they'd be seen as the aggressors officially. This would attract third parties. Enemies of the Iron Champions or companies that are opportunistic, hoping to expand upon the Iron Champions sphere of influence, would be given a justification to declare war on the Iron Champions then. In vidya games, when a country is being expansionistic and aggressive, other countries are more likely to declare war on you, especially since they feel threatened. The same thing can be said in history, such as World War 2. Nazi Germany's expansion across Europe prior to Poland instigated talks of intervention within the French and the British Empires, despite the fact that Nazi Germany wasn't directly attacking them. Why? Because their expansionistic nature, and the history between the countries, gives them cause for worry that such a thing could happen to them too. I'll have to go back and see where I mistyped and what caused people to misinterpret Edithe's fears and concerns. But it was never my intention to say the Valiant Dreamers Company's allies will not support them. But here's a direct quote where I said this exact line of reasoning, albeit less fleshed out. > Waiting for the Valiant Dreamers to declare war first eliminated this risk. The other companies that were enemies of the Iron Champions but not allies of the Valiant Dreamers would have no justification to join in a war unrelated to them. If the Iron Champions declared war first— without due cause— these companies would have jumped on them, claiming that they were acting to counter the Iron Champions’ aggression. But since the Iron Champions were the ones being attacked, these companies could not act. > Only the allies of the Valiant Dreamers could justifiably act in a way that didn’t just paint a target on their backs. So, even if the Iron Champions plan to crush the Valiant Dreamers Company as soon as possible failed, they could still fall back and recuperate.


Thanks and I think the iron champions are just trying to get this done quickly so people don't realize what they did and also they probably have someone high ranking covering for them or protecting them


While even I was a little critical previously, I still ultimately like the chapters, excited to hear where it goes! Suppose its great for growth of certain characters like Edith. Foreshadowing some allies coming in to help the Valiant Dreamers hopefully no friendly fire with Salvos lol


I thought both this chapter and the previous one were great as always, as for consequences for what the Iron Champions are doing, there are lots of explanations you could come up with. For example, you could say that it's just been too short a time for anything to have happened yet as you said with the WWI example. Or you could say that both companies allies haven't stepped in because that would rapidly escalate it beyond control, and as for the kingdom, you could say that depending on the size of the company that the kingdom either can't afford to step in if they're big enough (because I'm pretty sure you said the bigger companies spanned across multiple kingdoms) or even if the company isn't that huge, the various nations still rely on adventurers to deal with monsters and can't afford to get involved with adventurer matters unless something egregious was committed. Those are just examples of things you could say that I think would fairly plausibly wrap things up. Anyways, don't mind the haters, if they don't like the story they can read something else.


As note if we're talking kings and nobles then the question wouldn't be if the country is strong and willing to do anything about the guilds. It would be if the local nobles are strong and willing to do anything about the guilds. Then you have to go past tradition which this seems to be however the Iron Company guys uh broke some rules I belive and are likely to have a hammer come down on them. Can't imagine the Guild can let their actions go. Also by all rights from what I can tell they're basically landed mercs. That automatically suggests a higher status for the companies than just some adventurers duking it out btw.


Can't wait for Salvos to get to the city. Thx for the chapter.


"tried to stay at the treetop{}" - recommend adding an "s" onto "treetop". "Edithe's eyes {glazed} over" - I'd recommend "glanced".


I have to ask why the guild wars plot is necessary. What does it do that bringing the Belzul army into play couldn’t? It seems pretty likely that the war is going to be the excuse for Salvos to murder people and evolve again. Maybe she even gets caught transforming into a demon. However, it needs to be asked, why not use the Belzul army. A lot of the reader criticisms wouldn’t really apply with the Belzul army while still allowing you to hit the same basic plot points.


Mostly because, as Lily had said, Salvos and Daniel would die if they face Belzu now. Also, the company war is another example of consequences. Every action in the story so far has had consequences, even minor ones played for laughs such as Salvos stealing a map. Maybe I'm making it too difficult on myself by trying to establish consequences for every single action in the story, but I can't improve my writing without writing more.