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So as mentioned on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, and in the author's notes of the most recent chapters, I've been considering changing my tiers for Salvos for a while now, consolidating it all to a single $5 tier for all 17 chapters ahead (soon to be 20). I've thought about it for a while, but charging $10 is kind of expensive, especially considering the economic climate of today.

However, I'm sure many of you understand how this can possibly be financially damaging to me. So, after consulting my $10 patrons, I'll be doing an experiment for the rest of this month and will be consolidating my advance chapter rewards to only the $5 tier like I did with Melas. 

Depending on the outcome of this, I may or may not revert back to the way things currently are with a separate $10 and $5 tier, however I would rather not split my fanbase too much. 

$10 tiers will be getting a Side Story Chapter too before the month ends. But if I decide to revert back to the way things were, there will no longer be Side Story chapter rewards.

I will make an announcement with my final decision on this test before the month ends. Until then, thanks for reading and for your wonderful support <3

Current tiers are reflected in my tier page, and any further suggestions are welcome before this month ends so I can implement any final changes before March!



Rly hope this will help the growth of the community. Making this change early should help as well. HYPE \o/


I joined your patron just because of the lowered price - $5 a month is very doable for me, $10 a month and I just read it on RR. Thank you!