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53. Escort


Overall, I had not only accustomed myself to my Skills quite nicely during the time I spent clearing out Silkfall’s Crevice, I also made off with more levels than I expected. The Centinels  provided me with a lot of experience as expected, while the surprise encounters such as with the [Queen Howre] and clearing her Lair added only to it.

Satisfied with my [Agility] and [Endurance] for now— especially with both [Self Haste] and [Charge of Embers]— I decided to split my Stat Points between [Vitality], [Strength], and [Wisdom]. For my Skills however, I focused on my [Passive] - Deadly Instincts] while raising both [Blue Flames] and [Advanced Fire Creation] because those were my most useful Skills as of right now.

Salvos (Death of the Destroyer)

Species: [Greater Demon] (Mortal Form - Human)

Subspecies: [Midday Changeling] - Lvl. 47

General Skills:

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] - Lvl. 2

[Identification] - Lvl. 4

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] - Lvl. 1

[Racial Skill: Mortal Form] - Lvl. 1

[Rest] - Lvl. 2

[Title Skill: Zealous Call] - Lvl. 1


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 47 (+5) (-7)

[Strength]: 32 (+5) (-7)

[Endurance]: 63 (+5) (-7)

[Wisdom]: 65 (+5) (-2)

[Agility]: 100 (+5) (-7)


[Available Skill Points: 3]

[Advanced Fire Creation] - Lvl. 11

[Charge of Embers] - Lvl. 3

[Fire Strike] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Ignition] - Lvl. 3

[Scorching Wave] - Lvl. 5

[Self Haste] - Lvl. 5

[Passive - Blue Flames] - Lvl. 7

[Passive - Deadly Instincts] - Lvl. 6

[Passive - Weapon Mastery] - Lvl. 1

Honestly, I had expected the trip back from Silkfall’s Crevice to take a while— I had seen how Human [Traders] walked. They were slow. Fortunately for me, it didn’t take us long to get to Hazelbury. The three Gold Ranks proved to be faster than those [Traders] much to my relief. Sure, it took longer than it would have if I had gone off on my own... but at least I didn’t get lost!

I was also lucky that I wasn’t the only one rushing for us to get a move on; Zack was all too happy to push his companions to speed up their pace, considering they had to do a job in the Elutra Kingdom. We traveled for three days before we finally saw the city approaching in the distance.

I felt my lips curl up into a smile as I realized I was finally going to see Daniel again. I wonder if he’s finally reached Level 40? I thought, tilting my head up towards the orange twilight sky. Probably not. I shrugged and marched on.

We walked past the grassy green fields surrounding the Human city, down the brown dirt path leading up to its gates as the landscape lost its tints with the setting of the sun. The guard waved us through after each of us had to pay an entrance fee— I was out of gold and almost couldn’t get it, but Helen paid it off for me.

“Thank you.”

I spoke courteously, glad that I decided to have gone with them— that she offered to accompany me here. I would have been stuck outside of the city with no way to get in if I went back on my own!

Well, I probably would have just snuck in. However, that would have been a hassle which would end with Daniel lecturing me over something stupid.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to pay me back, it’s only a few silver.”

Helen waved a hand off and I cocked my head. Pay… you back? The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind; I assumed that I wouldn’t have had to give her anything from the start. Huh.

I still had a lot to learn about Humans.

“So, where are you staying, Salvos?”

She glanced back at me as we waded our way through the busy street— I caught a glimpse of a few people looking my way before I faced her.

“Where am I… staying?”

Zack groaned as his shoulders sagged.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know where you’re staying either.”

“I do!”

I threw my hands up in protest. I looked around the busy street, trying to pick out any familiar looking buildings. It’s a building with about three floors… a lobby… a lot of people going in and out… very busy— I perked up and snapped a hand out.


The three Gold Ranks turned and stared at the building I pointed out. Helen’s face grew beet red and Zack burst out laughing. Even Jaakko couldn’t suppress a light smile.

“There? You’re staying there?!”

“Uh… I think? What’s wrong with that place?”

“That’s a brothel. Not a place you’d be staying at.”

I frowned and crossed my arms.

“And how would you know that?”

“I think you should just drop the act, Salvos. There’s no shame in admitting you don’t know something.”

Helen spoke placatingly. Zack snorted.

“Except that she doesn’t know anything— ouch.”

She punched him on the shoulder.

“Shut up!”

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Who cares.”

The blonde woman turned to me, offering a smile.

“We’ll help you find where you’re staying, but first we need to get an inn of our own. So just come with us for a little longer, ok?”



We found an inn shortly after— it was in a different part of Hazelbury. The buildings here weren’t the same dull wooden ones I was used to seeing. They were decorated and colorful, full of life. Carriages passed through the cobbled streets, the clopping of the hooves muffling as we entered the large inn, light now filling my vision.


I blinked, staring around the gilded hall.

“This is nice.”

“You like it? This is one of the best inns in the city, apparently. And I believe it. You can tell by those lamps right there— see? Enchanted and powered entirely through magic.”


I walked up to one of the lamps sitting right beside a hallway that led further into the building. It had a long, thin body that was as tall as I was, with a gleaming golden light held at the top. I saw the intricate ways the lines of mana wove itself into the runes etched on the surface of the crystal orb.

I identified it and continued trying to decipher the symbols and how it emitted magic.

“It’s actually quite a simple artifact— most [Enchanters] can craft it. But it’s expensive. So… she’s not even listening to me, is she?”

“Definitely not.”

I heard a sigh.

“Just stay here, Salvos. We’ll talk to the [Innkeeper] and get you your own room. Then we’ll be back.”

“Why do we have to pay for her room?”

“She doesn’t have any money.”

“That doesn’t mean we have to. And she’s not a child— she’s a runaway noble who survived this long by herself.”

“You don’t know that.”

“But it’s true that she doesn’t need us to babysit her—”

“It doesn’t matter, Helen, Zack. Helen wants to pay out of her own pocket and it is her own decision to do so. Unless she’s asking you to…”

The voices trailed off as the three Gold Ranks slowly left me, going to the counter at the other side of the large room.

I continued my inspection of the magical object, perplexed and amazed by how it worked. Can I make something like this with [Advanced Fire Creation]? Perhaps in the future— for now, I had to focus on making a kusarigama first. I wasn’t sure how much time I spent looking at it— if it was a long time at all— but eventually…

General Skill [Identification] Level Up!

[Identification - Lvl. 4] -> [Identification - Lvl. 5]!

Experience is awarded for the leveling of a General Skill!

I jerked back, blinking.


That hadn’t happened in a while. I didn’t expect to get it from identifying something for a few minutes after having identified hundreds of things before, but I guess it was because I identified hundreds of things before…? I shook my head, glancing around the room.

Now where did Helen and the others go again?

I started in a vague direction, passing by the hallway that led further into the inn when a figure turned the corner. The figure almost stumbled into me, but I moved out of the way just in time.

“Sorry— wait, Salvos?”

I blinked.

“Daniel? What are you doing here.”

The black haired Human man stared at me for a moment. He rubbed at his eyes before looking me over once again.

“You are Salvos.”

“Hello. That’s me.”

His eyes widened in shock as he just stood there. I cocked my head, confused.

“I’ve been waiting for you for— I thought you died out there! Didn’t you say you just wanted to test out your Skills a little bit?”

“I did. It went great!”

I smiled, giving him a reassuring nod. He paused, opening his mouth. Then he sighed and grabbed my arm.

“Well, it’s a good thing you’re here. There’s a job I signed us both up for— an escort mission. They wanted Gold Ranks, and we’ll be heading in the same direction, so might as well earn some gold while we can. The only reason they even waited for us is because we’re kinda well known in the area since… y’know? And there's been rumors of another Greater Demon in the area after you… y’know?”

“No, I do not know.”

He sighed, shaking his head.

“Come on, you don’t need to sleep, right? Let’s go now before they just—”

“Hold it right there.”

Daniel blinked, turning to the voice. He immediately paled, backing up.

“Woah, wait— what’s going on?”

My companion let go of me and raised both his hands; Helen did not lower the bow however, keeping it trained on his chest.

“Who are you and what are you doing with Salvos?”

“I’m just taking her to meet with— wait, you know her?”

“Yes. And you? What is your relationship with her?”

“She’s my—”

“We’re companions!”

I piped up, grinning. Helen blinked and Daniel’s face turned red.

“Oh, uh… sorry, I had no idea that you were her…”

The Human man’s face burned furiously as he waved his hands over his face.

“She means friends. We’re friends!”


Helen slowly lowered her bow, putting the arrow back in her quiver. Daniel sighed in relief as two more figures approached from behind the [Archer].

“Is there trouble, Helen?”

“No, it was just a misunderstanding.”

“I see you’ve made a few new friends while you were gone, Salvos.”

Daniel turned to me, raising a brow. I nodded.

“Yep! Daniel, this is Helen, Jaakko, and Zack. Helen, Jaako, and Zack, this is Daniel.”


Zack blinked.

“You’re one of the others who saved Silvergrove, aren’t you? I didn’t expect you to be Level 50. Although, you look kind of familiar…”

I glanced at Daniel. Level 50? He’s not—

[Warrior - Lvl. 51]


It took me a moment to catch on, but he was disguising his levels to be higher than it actually was. Why is he doing that though? The Human man noticed my confusion and quickly leaned in to whisper.

“I have to look stronger than I actually am because of our job. Since it’s just the two of us and all.”

He turned back to the three Gold Ranks.

“Sorry— Zack, right? I don’t believe we’ve met before. It’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to make the acquaintance of you too. Tell me, are you her bodyguard or her steward?”


“He thinks I’m a noble or something.”

I quickly whispered to Daniel. He sighed.

“Well, you certainly do come off as sheltered as one.”


“Don’t feign offense, I know you don’t know what that means.”

“But I can tell it’s meant to be an insult.”

I crossed my arms and glared at him. He ignored it, instead going over to greet the other two. They shook hands and Helen profusely apologized.

“Sorry again, for what happened earlier. Salvos seems kind of… so I thought you were…”

“It’s fine, I know what you mean.”

They both shared a light chuckle. Then the smile vanished from Daniel’s face, being replaced by a nervous trickle running down his face as he spoke to Jaakko.

“Uh, hi, Mr Jaakko.”

“Please, just Jaakko is fine.”

He seemed rather intimidated by the Cyclops man— and that made no sense, considering that he was higher leveled than Jaakko. But Humans acted weirdly all the time, especially Daniel. So I didn’t question it.

“Where are you staying, Daniel? We couldn’t get a room in this inn because it’s fully booked— apparently some noble booked out all the available rooms for themselves.”

“Oh, I’m staying at a cheap inn on the other side of the city. I won’t actually be staying the night, but I think you might be able to get a room here since the person who—”

“So this is the Gold Ranked team you promised me, Daniel?”

A loud voice interrupted him as a rather young looking Human woman walked over to us accompanied by armored guards. Her high heels clacked against the marble floor with each step as her long, dark frilly dress trailed behind her. She had her long pink hair tied into what resembled a horsetail, reaching down to her waist.

Helen, Zack, Jaako, and I blinked as she placed her hands on her hips and nodded.

“Well, it seems like I didn’t waste my time waiting for you to deliver, after all. Come on, we leave now.”

The three Gold Ranks— actually, two since Jaakko cocked his shead— immediately erupted into a flurry of protests, demanding an explanation from the woman. Daniel rubbed at his temples as I turned to him.

“Who’s that?”

“That’s Saffron Merryster, third daughter and fifth child of Nixa’s Merryster Dukedom. And she’s who we’ll be escorting further up north to Warrington.”

“Huh, so that’s a noble.”



Salvos’ inexperience with people is hilarious.


I truly love the over powered but is a moron with people trope so much