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TLS 0.73.x looks like it will be progressing strangely, but slow isn't always bad. If this one takes longer, that's just how it goes. As per usual, my focus is on the long term.

Work on TLS has never been strictly linear, but sometimes it's more linear than others. Working wildly out of order often leads to unnecessary revisions later, plus there are benefits to being focused on one section instead of spreading your attention thin. Given how slowly 0.73.x is moving toward the public release, I have been splitting my time more than usual.

With the conclusion of the open world segment, the next step for TLS is the finale and its two updates. This is obviously a critical part of the entire project - I almost wrote "pivotal", but we're not really pivoting anymore, this is the end of the line. I know expectations are high, and mine are pretty elevated too. I've been heading here for so many years and I want to get it right. ^-^

A lot of things are set in stone, but just assembling everything requires significant planning, and there are some tricky details to finalize. It's easy to dismiss this sort of cognitive work, but it's an essential part of why TLS has found the success it has. Hopefully by dividing my time between winding down endgame content and warming up finale content I'll be able to transition with a minimum of wasted time.

Public release may or may not be next weekend, but regardless, onward!



Not fan-art or anything like this but there two coincidences to see here: https://discord.com/channels/896059111106551859/896059111777660951/1213938654595256391 I'm actually laughing, better stop before someone comes to check on me.


Haha, reminds me of how I couldn't take the blog URL I wanted because of this random blog: https://thelastsovereign.blogspot.com/


Incredibly minor note from replay. During the Ardford Conference content, on the first visit to the Gardens of Steam map the player chibi is made translucent to represent the group going invisible. You can leave the Gardens of Steam in this state and still have the translucent effect wandering around Ardford. There should probably be a set of blocker events @ 8: Ardford/City Regions/Ardford Area/Gardens of Steam (017,025), (018,025) and (019,025) that bounce you back into the map with a message of "We need to complete the investigation" or whatever if switch 0886: GoS Finished is Off.


Good catch. This is easy to add but a pain for me to test right now, so I'd be obliged if you check everything is working next build.