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Normally my different projects work together in a virtuous cycle, but I try to always be honest with these updates, so I have to say that this week that didn't work out at all. I can't even say I was having so much fun writing I didn't get as much done on other things, I just got ambushed by junk. -_- Some of that produced stuff for you guys.


The above image is a promo for a bundle I got invited to:


I won't lie, the authors involved want to get email addresses for their newsletters. In return you immediately get a bunch of ebooks free and are entered into a drawing to receive a bundle of free physical books. If that seems like a fair deal to you, click through for more information.

On that note, if you want to sign up for just my book mailing list, you can do so here. I only send out a handful of emails a year, basically for book releases. You already get that info here, but via the mailing list you don't have to be giving me any money on Patreon.


After it has been asked enough times, I finally caved and made a Discord channel for Cognosticon story stuff:


Hopefully now that this is done, my schedule will be just a little bit clearer. Thanks to Grim8P for handling so much of the setup or this would have eaten up even more of my time.


I won't lie, I'm pretty low energy right now. This is why I was pushing myself so hard: if I had been able to wrap up Vhala's update before getting hit with other stuff, I'd be doing a lot better overall. Sometimes you ride the wave and sometimes you go under.

And before anyone asks, yes, I'm regretting spending so much time on Stineford a bit. At the time it seemed like the best I could manage, but if I'd somehow gotten Vhala done, this week wouldn't have slowed progress as much. It's all work toward the final product, yes, but it doesn't all flow equally and there are consequences to going too long without wrapping up an update's worth of content.

I guess I can report a little progress. New Stineford is now finished and tested, at least until people find things I missed. I finally got on top of the avalanche of reports/requests last month's question posts produced (almost). Lots of secondary stuff bundled with Vhala's update is done.

Anyway. No choice but to keep moving forward.




Oof. I get that your concern is more for your own flow, but speaking from the patron/player perspective (since that is the only one I have), a year from now I'm not going to remember which update or which week a given bit of TLS appeared in, so I have no problem whatsoever with things breaking one way vs the other as far as content generation goes. (As you said, "it's all work toward the final product", so you obviously already understand all this but I wanted to reinforce it.) In other words, from my PoV you did indeed make progress, and I'm happy with that. FWIW, I can sympathize a bit-- we use an "agile" system at my work, and since I am quite bad at guesstimating "unexpected interruptions", it is common for me to finish a multi-week sprint with zero goals accomplishment followed by an avalanche of completions in the next one. I know the production was the same overall, but it's soul killing to report all those missed milestones in that first messy sprint even though my team is cool about it. Bleah.


Fanart of Ingrid by Saki in the Discord: https://discord.com/channels/896059111106551859/918713782899970068/1206305938122743930


Any work is good work, and the pass over of Stineford will make people that get there more likely to stick with it in terms of a new player at full release, which is a strange thing to be saying and thinking about.

Ark Tolei

Personally I think if you're this exhausted and swamped, it further reinforces that it was a good decision to work on the Stineford stuff, if that was easier for you to wrap your head around at the time. I feel like the word "somehow" was pulling a lot of weight in that sentence about completing the Vhala content. You have extremely aggressive release scheduling, and just completed a fairly major objective with TLS, despite all of the known and unknown hurdles you're dealing with atm. I'm aware that there are both social and financial pressures to meet very specific deadlines, but on at least an emotional level I hope you're giving yourself some grace. You've done a lot of really good work the last couple months.