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Before we get into the images, something important! I am seeking one or two fans of the game interested in providing early feedback on WIP scenes. Anyone can volunteer, but the intent is for people to look over the scenes carefully, noting continuity errors or other potential problems. If you think you can do that, this is your chance to influence the game going forward!

Anyway, as for these scenes... the first one is a new experiment covering Janine's wedding night. Instead of conventional variants on images, we did several little vignettes. I think it's the right choice for her scene, but what do people think? Anyone else it might be appropriate for?

After that we have Megail and Iris with an anal fan favorite that I think turned out well. And don't miss Yarra and Elleani being extremely comfy!



Abso Haram

Hey, new art looks great. Except Yarra's got a reeeeaaalllly long right leg apparently lol. Also a distinctive lack of tail... Yarra's pretty free with it in other scenes, have her wrap it around Ellie's waist or thigh. Girl's been after her for over half the game, don't think she'd hold back.


Glad you like it! You aren't the only person to object to the leg positioning, and you make an interesting point about the tail.


Some lovely art! Always a treat to see! A question on volunteer work for WIP scenes. Are you asking for feedback WIP text, or WIP art?