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Hey folks. I disappeared because my internet just up and died; the ISP has been getting worse lately, but I didn't expect it to be down for so long. This sucks in general, and doubly sucks because I've gotten messages from people worried that there's another reason.

Nope! I am just unable to access proper internet on my main machine. No real consequences other than harmed productivity and general grouchiness.

I will not be very prompt in responding to feedback. If I haven't clicked "like" on your post, it's because I haven't gotten to your comment yet. (EDIT: I am back! 30 hours down with no explanation from the ISP except "mechanical failure" - my guess is aging infrastructure. Please be patient while I catch up with everything.)

Anyway, we have more fanart for this week, in this case something new: fanart for a YouTuber? This guy has been doing full playthroughs of TLS, so patron Argo the Ratfolk got the above fanart made for him. Hope people have fun with that.



Leveler All

Technicall issues tend to happen also we all have things to do outside the web, saw some of the vidoes of the guy, he adds some comentary and has fun with it, any attention indi creatores get is good and more with big brain plots like yours


Sorry to hear about the internet troubles. Hope it gets resolved soon!


Yeah, general grouchiness is justified after a day of no internet


Welp, I could catch a bullet to the skull right now and I don't think it would sour my mood much, a shoutout from you is incredible.

Abso Haram

You know, there were only 2 RPGs I played this year that I've enjoyed so far, so I'm really looking forward to running through TLS for a third time once it is done. Thanks for making this.


Unrelated to anything, and might be a case of "my English is failing me a.k.a TLS was an educational game all along"... In Uyae's quest, what exactly do Skill and Quality represent? In particular, how are they different from one another? At first glance, it seems they both measure the upper end of what that martial art style allows.


Skill represents breadth of skills contained within the martial art, Quality represents its overall rigor: the person who knows a thousand skills versus the person who has practiced one skill a thousand times. I tried to hint this with which locations/decisions give which bonuses, and the rewards for each stat, but I'll admit it's ambiguous.