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Surprise, it's release time! Or maybe not a surprise, I did tell everyone that the next update would be coming sooner. In any case, this should be enough text that the links aren't publicly visible.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/S4EQnLRQ#wo9YeB0QYuzQe4GBbzuRIrsOzAadcgrtDHOEreKceFg 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/asV1DTYK#-4ljmERqUwQUepzhmGt9Oh1SDw6376neasj_GORg2ac 


- New harem quest beginning in the Renthnor Wilds.

- New harem quest beginning in Orgasmic Palace 4F (after Philon quest line).

- New Wilds building unlocked.

- Additional interaction/consequence added to Succession Crisis (Blademasters Guild).

- Further cleanup and minor bugfixing from the Succession Crisis.

- Six new sex scenes.

- Three new illustrated scenes: Ginasta First Time, Hilstara Missionary, Robin First Time

This is the most chaotic I've felt going into an update. Hopefully it doesn't feel equally chaotic to play. Over the years I've tried to establish best practices that prevent things from being a complete mess, but maybe wait on this one if you want a smoother experience.

Two more quests in this one. Varia has a dungeon and I did my best: new environment, new mechanics, new feel. Again, the goal is for the endgame as a whole to have a wide variety. This is meant to be one of the harder endgame dungeons but there are lots of ways to avoid enemy damage.

Nalili has a quest with lots of numbers, but it's meant to be relatively simple to optimize. My original goal was for it to be an "easy win" for all saves: you need to think a bit, but everyone should be able to finish with good results. As I kept adding in consequences to past actions, however, I slipped away from this original goal. I don't know how much of a pain this will be for saves that are behind. Hopefully fun in general. More sex scenes than usual for this update. It's a succubus quest, and it's Nalili, so how can it not?

This update has only one known failing: I wanted Nalili's training fights to be LP-limited, because I don't want the solutions to be "use LP preservation items", but I couldn't figure out the syntax in time. LP handling is weird/impossible in the base engine and I never remember what script actually adds what I need. =/

I'm sure players will be along to point out all the unknown failings, but I really hope this one is stable-ish. More info Sunday.




Can we play FuckBall in this update?


If you spend 25 days chasing the slime around, when you come back in, it triggers the original threesome with Esthera and Nalili.


Whoops, I tested the joke but didn't test leaving! Forgot that returning calls the old common event.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Ok this is not another set of reports or related to this update at all, so it's very low importance. But I did have a couple flavor ideas I wanted to float after replaying some of the other post-Incubus War content. First thing is that I think it would make more aesthetic sense to build Ginasta's Neutral Headband with a Crystal of Stability than a Crystalized Divinity. The Liquid Sex and the Crystalized Divinity are crafting items from opposite ends of the established polarity, so it just kind of felt odd to me that that building a "neutral" item would take a crafting material from one extreme end of the spectrum. Ginasta is also a balancing mechanism of the tower and one of the stated (non-mechanical) effects of the headband is that it seems to stabilize Ginasta's mood and power as it relates to her tension with Simon's power. I know we've only ever seen one Crystal of Stability in the entire game so far and that we have multiple Crystallized Divinities to throw at similar items, but maybe one can be added as an extra reward to some other quest or something as part of overall resource balancing. The other idea involves the Philon quest. After replaying that section and the scene with Zelica it occurred to me: would it be possible to give Zelica an honorary list line in Yarra's Harem List? Zelica explicitly asked to join Simon's harem, Simon accepted, and Yarra tends to take these things rather seriously. I know her picture in the portrait room already has the "In Memoriam" ribbon on it, but I thought this idea might be a nice detail if it is doable. Anyway, those are just my thoughts, and I wish you luck and skill as you ride your own chaos onward!


Oh my god yes! I wasn't entirely sure whether it was even gonna be a real thing, was nearly as disappointed as Nali and Yarra when Simon vetoes it


These are reasonable suggestions that I'm concerned could cause errors if I tried to implement them right now. There's one more Crystal of Stability planned for inclusion, but it's earmarked for another item and I'd have to figure out replacing another Crystallized Divinity, plus a fixer event. The harem menu is not as likely to produce bugs, but the script is finicky. So both of these are worth bringing up again at a different point in the dev cycle.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Rad, I'll keep it in the back of my mind until more of the big and/or critical stuff is completed and stable


A user named Anything has pointed out an inconsistency in the Portraits Control Room. At coordinates (036,031) and (037,031) is the portrait of Zelica, which appears even before we meet Zelica in the Incubus Prison, assuming the player does Janine's quest early in Ch 5. Thus her portrait appears before the player or the characters have any idea what she looks like. So the portrait's appearance based on 4780: All Default Portraits should be replaced by 4541: POST-IK.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Ok sorry for one more report but there's a bug in the new Blademasters event during the Succession Crisis Finale. Same bug as many events in that section actually, the interaction and choice can be repeated ad infinitum


Nalili's quest was a fun harkback to Simon's Route, right down to the 100-day limit and the agonisation over the right order to do things. I liked the way that seemingly innocuous NPC remarks can turn into Nalili leadership opportunities as she gains experience. It makes it feel like she's taking the lead, rather than being guided into everything. I also enjoyed the succubus take on the Judgement of Solomon. I very much enjoyed the lore during Esthera's social training, and I will have some map-related questions for you later. The point at which they become a generic repeatable event is well signalled, as is the case for Simon's sex training. However, the library events look like a generic repeatable event right from the start. This means it would be easy to miss the scenes with Iris and/or Elleani/Orilise, if the player doesn't bother repeating the event enough. I realise it might be a pain to come up with ~10 bits of library flavour text, but I think it would be good to have some way of signalling to the player that there's no more unique content after a certain point. I haven't done the maths yet on Nalili's quest, but I got to 38 knowledge, 45 sex and 52 social playing blind. After doing the training events, I did things in the wrong order the first time around and failed out the quest, because I didn't realise how critical it is to do the office task first. After reloading and replaying, I was able to get a better result. I assume we need to aim for 50/50/50 to get the library/vault/Erosia events, but I don't know if that's possible while also getting the more important stuff; I guess they're an alternative target for people who run out of days for the bigger tasks, but still have a few left over at the end? Varia's quest was a more straightforward maze dungeon. Combat balance seems OK to me - I enjoyed pasting the big piranha mobs with AoE spells after accidentally getting pasted by them with a single-target-heavy party. Here are some bug reports and suggestions for possible expansion: Some additional flavour text would be welcome for the Underwater maps, since it's such a unique environment. For example, you could add some dialogue the first time the player falls down a hole, rises up a bubble stream, or clears a seaweed knot. I like the use of the slowed-down Garden of Earth theme for the Underwater maps, but is it deliberate to use Alonon's theme for the combat music?! I assume this is an accident from an unrelated bugfix. The Wilds Explorers' Guild appears to have a bar but no corresponding Orcent bar conversation. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


maps the -> map the / maps of the: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ujhyg6pxgxqb9h/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2010.02.34.png?dl=0 waters feels -> water feels / waters feel: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9g4nze158ch6sdq/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2010.08.26.png?dl=0 Repetition of help - suggest deleting "and help them": https://www.dropbox.com/s/ezjlqaxuunaf2yk/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2010.59.51.png?dl=0 Text overflow, and double space between "them both" on line 2 of paragraph 2. Also, the "her master" bit at the end of paragraph one sounds more like Dominated Varia than Reshaped. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwstpny4h116chy/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.00.33.png?dl=0 Text overflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/of3j4ij4m3svi2h/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.01.48.png?dl=0 Fearing outside investment is a bit counterintuitive - would replacing 'investment' with 'competition' be clearer? https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8rxv8cubjqsthe/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.11.20.png?dl=0 Simon and I -> Simon and me (unless intentional for voicing): https://www.dropbox.com/s/twk73jafmocobck/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.13.51.png?dl=0 Me and a few -> I and a few (again, unless intentional for voicing): https://www.dropbox.com/s/d592b0sudlm4649/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.17.13.png?dl=0 Empty text box after cancelling the initial decision in the baths. This also happens after selecting the one-day option. Not sure about the five day option, I haven't triggered it yet. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pu99djqoji4u7jf/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.19.55.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fmcz6o7r3snsyc/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.09.02.png?dl=0 stiff too, but -> stiff too, and not in the good way, but? https://www.dropbox.com/s/fptv6lkeb7bgfub/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.20.43.png?dl=0 out -> our: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f35z58tl9dekjpj/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.29.42.png?dl=0 visitor -> visitors (unless Ralke quest - Support Human Visitor, Save World): https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jio9se8y8cihae/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.31.38.png?dl=0 cannals -> canals (also, I hadn't realised how dirty the Canals of Climax sounds until now): https://www.dropbox.com/s/8t5qi07d6newil9/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.32.26.png?dl=0 professional -> professionally: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubwgi9hkdc5h2gh/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.40.41.png?dl=0 repeat of "each other"; suggest changing the first to "ourselves": https://www.dropbox.com/s/z5lbgjacy9prz9n/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.40.58.png?dl=0 Text overflow, and on paragraph 2 line 2, choked -> choke: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui4zie6x4xfgug0/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.42.06.png?dl=0 More text overflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2wcmi95f47i0q8p/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.43.17.png?dl=0 reigned -> reined: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4czrax23xps61u/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2011.45.22.png?dl=0 all stops -> all the stops: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k73daor0c62fd3j/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.00.25.png?dl=0 Moreso -> More so (unless that would look as weird in US English as the one-word version does to me): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ybmczg54ogmehvy/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.01.48.png?dl=0 Text overflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cr8j7ygb31lxohq/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.02.57.png?dl=0 Paragraph 2, first line: flipped -> flipping: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rgkje7e688cg74l/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.04.07.png?dl=0 Wendi -> Wendis: https://www.dropbox.com/s/za1j40sw70h9i6j/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.05.50.png?dl=0 thirty nine -> thirty-nine: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkd8nx76h09azhn/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.10.34.png?dl=0 that -> That: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dpw0ka8yxffn7m/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.11.32.png?dl=0 that -> the: https://www.dropbox.com/s/web3j2v8z1um753/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.11.39.png?dl=0 its -> it's: https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyayv9s4w5ksq3/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.15.56.png?dl=0 different -> differently: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldymwl3kkxvkdri/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.20.36.png?dl=0 "that crescent province" should ideally be named, since Nalili's first day is spent learning the names of all the provinces. https://www.dropbox.com/s/br536aiffkur0zw/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.27.14.png?dl=0 This clock doesn't have the Nalili stat tracker (not that important though, since I believe there's nothing relevant here): https://www.dropbox.com/s/u91hjg3y22znsec/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.50.15.png?dl=0 This character has a black-haired sprite but a white-haired face (also in the dungeon): https://www.dropbox.com/s/v3928qdy20euawk/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.52.29.png?dl=0 Text overflow, and on the last line, "her the book" -> "her book" / "the book": https://www.dropbox.com/s/nvndmhvs33mdjr7/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2014.54.20.png?dl=0 monster -> monsters: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ien9gpu9zeq73u/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2019.21.32.png?dl=0 Text overflows: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ry8qf6fo3nx5w0f/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2019.33.26.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ms94ka7ajd131ud/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2019.34.16.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcti84uqk4oas82/Screenshot%202023-06-11%2019.34.50.png?dl=0


I was at a wedding on the day of the update, but now that I'm back home a TLS update is the perfect way to unwind from travel stress! I've just finished the Varia sidequest and it was a fair bit of fun! I enjoyed the dungeon and didn't have too much trouble with it. At least as far as enemies go, when it came to finding the right path I had worse pattern recognition then the fish down there. I think I went through the same hole 3 times in a row! A bug I have found with the quest is that I am unable to equip the "Pressurized Heart" to Varia. At least to a re-shaped Varia, I am unsure if a dominated Varia also has this problem. That's the only bug I"ve seen so far, now it's time for the Nalili quest!

Jeffrey Lebowski

I did have a quick lore question about Varia's quest. When in the underwater dungeon, we are told we are in the Tower, but there are also lines implying we are still in the mundane world but at the bottom of the ocean (such as speculating why a chosen would jump into the ocean when you find a skeleton). Is this intentional and supposed to imply that in this universe the deep ocean is a rather mystical place where physical and magical reality overlap? Because that would be pretty damn cool. Or are we just supposed to hand-wave it?

Jeffrey Lebowski

Also given the musical theme of the dungeon, I keep calling it the DEEP Deepwilds in my head XD


Appreciate your feedback, as always! My intent was for each of the three training lines to have an entirely different feel, including the library scenes being a surprise, so I'm resistant to changing it. However, I'll add a line to make clear that there are no more sex scenes after the second. I intended for the player to be able to make all four deals, but not all three 50 requirements. Those are in there to complicate things a little. In a past update, Yarra's dungeon accidentally changed the battle theme to Alonon's track at the end. So the bug isn't specific to Varia's dungeon and past saves just need to run through any event that changes the battle music. I believe I have addressed all your raised issues except those mentioned below. Dang, tons of mistakes in the Nalili sexual training. That wasn't near the end, but I must have been tired when I was testing it. >Text overflow, and double space between "them both" on line 2 of paragraph 2. Also, the "her master" bit at the end of paragraph one sounds more like Dominated Varia than Reshaped. Overflow and space, fixed. But that box should only display for Dominated Varia and I don't see any issue with the logic. >Empty text box after cancelling the initial decision in the baths. This also happens after selecting the one-day option. Not sure about the five day option, I haven't triggered it yet. It's all the same leftover text box, so fixed. >This character has a black-haired sprite but a white-haired face (also in the dungeon): Oh right, I kind of ran out of fucks there at the end. Wished I had another unique-looking succubus combo, but didn't.


Both Varias are configured wrong for her new unique item. Glad you're enjoying the update!


It was meant to be that the Chosen's bones have migrated into the Tower as they sank, sorry. It's a neat idea, just not what I intended.


Another bug report from everafter. Partially it's a repeat of the delightful Riala research blocked message bug from the end of the Erosian War. The fix I gave you corrects the bug for instances when discussing research BEFORE the Erosian War, but it also appears AFTER the Erosian War when you have selected a research project and then discuss research with Riala again. (I know... ugh...) To correct this, the Riala event (HQ B1 (007,021) Page 3, bottom of the page) needs to be modified so that the current conditional giving the notice of blocked research needs to not happen if any of the following 7 research project switches are ON: 2582, 2583, 2584, 2585, 2590, 2591, 2592. It's irritatingly involved, but not complex. :/


So we need a big nested set of conditionals checking that all of those switches are off? If I'm correct, please remind me which line of dialogue needs to be behind all these.


Sorry. Very last line. "I'm afraid we're busy improving our Tower defenses and we don't have time for new research now."


Finished the Nalili quest and had a blast! Like as others have said, it was very fun to return to the style that Simon's path had during his first stay in the OE. I loved all her character building moments with all the conversations she could have with the various members of the empire. Plus the Empress's social lessons were fascinating to listen to. I likely would have gone through all of them even if there wasn't a gameplay reason for it! As far as the major checks and rewards I ended with Knowledge: 40, Social 50, and Sex: 45. The final Empire points was 43. I managed all the big checks save for the OE magic upgrade. I think not too shabby for a blind run, and I think I'll have fun trying to make a more optimized route to get that shiny sex toy! Loved the comedy of the update as well. The 25 day cost to find a slime was a great reference to how every optimizers route skips slime hunting in the original Simon path, and the chosen who tried to fuck/fight the water will live on in my head for years to come! Also sex scenes! Those were all very well done as well, Nalili deserves it for working so hard!


I admit a bit of a random idea, but perhaps walking through Varia's dungeon could trigger a sigh and conversation from Lilith/Aka. Going through the area again made me think about our poor Lost Prince of the Sunken Continent. Though I'd understand in also not doing something like this. Mestan's death has been fairly well covered, and there isn't a need to overtalk about his death in game.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Lilith needs a bar scene where she gets drunk and makes a new globe with the sunken continent lol


It's a cute thought, though Lilith isn't guaranteed to be in the party at this point. In any case, I'm afraid it's not getting added now due to time constraints.


I suspect that it's not feasible and/or easy to do, but it would be neat if, during the Nalili quest, it was Nalili the sprite that walks around the map instead of Simon's.


I'In the talk with the brothel owner, one of the options is Human visitor->Human visitors fits better, I think: https://imgur.com/a/kADi4uY


> Overflow and space, fixed. But that box should only display for Dominated Varia and I don't see any issue with the logic. That text shows up twice in the event logic, once for Reshaped Varia's 3rd page and then again for Dominated Varia's 4th page. I suspect the first one is an accidental copy-and-paste error and Reshaped Varia's page 3 text should contain something else. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgl2jf9qiqv97fn/Screenshot%202023-06-13%20121314.png?dl=0 > Oh right, I kind of ran out of fucks there at the end. Wished I had another unique-looking succubus combo, but didn't. I could knock together a white-haired version of the nude succubus sprite if you want.


Ah... yeah, two entire paragraphs never made it from document to engine. Varia's split scenes are a pain to format. >_< Matching sprite would be fine, but probably won't make it into the .1 update.


The trouble is that this quest doesn't limit the player, so they could walk out and go start any other quest unless I force the change both ways at the entrance to the Orgasmic Empire. Would also need to check for any conflicting events. I agree it would be cute, and I actually wanted it to be Simon in the crypt originally, but it's more details to track.


Here's an updated version of the existing nude succubus sheet with additional hornless, white-haired, and hornless white-haired versions (I can do the hornless green-haired version too if there's ever a need): https://www.dropbox.com/s/uiqpjcuiu9k8whg/SuccubusNude_fixed.png?dl=0


I played it over 2 years ago and then waited for it to have pictures, now pics are coming along more and more but also its so close to the end. I kept donating even if i didnt play to support it cause i really liked my first run a lot and thought the story, the characters and the setting were really cool and filled with a depth one doesnt find very often in erotica rpgs. I think i will play it again from scratch when the Roadmap hits the Epilogue completion. Keep up the good work and happy vacation!