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I will be direct: someone very precious to me is dead. It was a sudden/quick accident, it happened last week, and all evidence suggests it was just cruel chance. That's all I want to say about the details.

I have not accomplished very much in the past week for obvious reasons. However, this is not an announcement of extended delays. I've meant everything I've said about how important creativity is to me and I feel that once I regain some energy, I will need to create in order to heal. I can't give accurate predictions of progress, but I will keep you updated. 

I don't intend to ask for sympathy here, I know there's little anyone can say, especially over the internet, but I wanted to let everyone know the current situation. You will start seeing me around again and I will start responding to the emails and messages that went unanswered.



Gods im so sorry to hear that, take as much time as you need. I do know how much creating can help though, but i think its safe to say nobody expects you to push yourself.


I give you my sincere condelences for your loss, take the time you need to recover, your well being allways come first


My condolences. We'll still be here when you get back.

A Good Hunter

I can only reiterate what the others have said, you have our support and well wishes. Take your time and take care of yourself first.


No rush here, you do what you need to make it through this. I'm sorry for your loss.


Yeah take your time to cope with this loss. That is more important than anything.


My sympathies for your loss. As everyone before me said, take your time to heal und don't try to push yourself to please us or meet deadlines. There are many things more important in life than work!


I hope you are ok, and you have my sympathies! Do whatever you need to to heal. Seriously, all of us (patrons) understand what is important here, and its not the deadlines, or the game updates. Make sure to take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon.


I know the sympathy of strangers is not worth much to you. But for what it is worth I am sorry for your loss. Do what you need to do.


My deepest symphathy. Take whatever time you need to heal. I know what it feels like.

Dr. Genesis

I'm glad you intend to keep moving forward. Stagnation often makes grief even harder to bear. One thing you might consider is to take a break from your usual projects to make something with a piece of your precious someone in it. Something that reflects their personality or that they would have liked. Even if it becomes too personal to share with strangers like us, if it helps you, do it.


You know what you need best, that being said my prayers / sympathies go out to you, heal, and be well.


take you'r time and come back stronger then ever


my condolences to you man and take your time to heal.


Jack, do you play Vampire the Masquerade by chance? Or maybe you've played the VtM computer games?


You do you Sierra, whatever works for you!


My condolences and respect. I can't think of anything I could say that could make you hurt less, so I will say nothing except that I too stand with you.


My condolences as well, take time as needed.


My most sincere condolences. You may not be asking for it, but you still have all my sympathy.

Bill B

I am so sorry for your loss. People will say a lot but DO NOT let anyone, ever, tell you how you should or should not be grieving. Your grief, and your pain, and your healing and YOURS and anybody that thinks they know better doesn't. Find a way to let it hurt as much as it has to, then heal however is best for YOU. I only wish I could give you hugs and beer over the internet. Take care, good luck, and know that all us internet perverts wish grace, kindness, mercy, love, healing and hope for you.

Secular Reason

You've more than proven your dedication to your game and patrons over the year? Two years? (I don't even remember how long it has been. 19 months? Did the patreon start a version 1?) As such I don't think you need to worry about us getting antsy. Take your time, do what you need to do. Things happen. We're all sorry for your loss, but obviously words can only do so much. Take care of yourself Sierra.


I have to admit that my first reaction was curiosity, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that you said right out that you didn't want to share the details. My second was condolences though, so at least I'm not a COMPLETE bastard. Deal with it as you must. We'll weather the wait.


My condolences.


i'm VERY sorry! :( i can wait. :) take your time.