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Okay, new version:

Link: https://mega.nz/#!3p9gnKrS!a2ZdTbNt9mJvrRFatgSQUwVXe2pnIi8ie9W84N7O3TY

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!f5snwDbS!0CAQBfVu8WubE5UA99J99VDPokgBh_5xLT8V_FtW74A

Enough things have changed that it's not worth listing them. I hope this will be the primary version until the final polishing update for the public 0.19.3, but it's possible I broke something new. There are a few new things in the city if you want to check them out.

One change does deserve your attention: Ginasta's fight has changed in a lot of ways. I hope it's harder now without potentially being an impossible barrier for weaker saves, but please do provide feedback.



Something really weird is going on with Rick's Family. I wasn't able to find his mom at all. If you talk to Dad first, then Uncle magically disappears from the square. So only Dad appears at the cathedral. If you talk to Uncle first, then talk to Dad then they both appear at the cathedral. But it gets weird there. When you talk to Dad at the cathedral, he thanks you for finding his son and that's it. When you talk to Uncle he thanks you for finding Rick, but says he worriers about mom and dad. So the game doesn't recognize that Daddy is there at all.


Hmm I had always gotten the uncle first just because to me if you find the mom and dad the uncle is not really needed, but anyway, the mom is there, but it's a rather large map with alot of ppl to talk to, and stuff to do.


In 0.19.2, Yarra's Harem list still shows Aka in her pre-tranformation state.


Not really a bug - I lack that art for Aka in her transformed state. It's something I hope will be remedied in time, but I lost contact with some of my usual art people when Hongfire went down.