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This version is finally public and available on the blog:


It would be really great if this one doesn't need any more work, but as always I will be around for fixes and polishing. Update post on Sunday.

SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT: I now have a Discord server. I didn't intend to launch it now, but Patreon unexpectedly forced my hand. There are lots of patrons, but it could use members from the broader community if you want to join.



I appreciate your solution to the Spike tent not being noticeable enough, was to put a sign with boobies on it. XD. Now players are gonna be lining up around the block to get in!


I'm sure everything's fixed now. And no, it's not because I'm eagerly waiting the awkward scenes between Simon, Ivala, Carina, Sarai, and Vhala. So much potential for awkward hilarity, especially if Ivala's essentially a goddess version of Sarai. What were we talking about again?

Jeffrey Lebowski

I feel bad for always spamming a wall of text for even the tiniest changes, so I'm gonna really try to keep this to almost purely actionable comments (not hard since its just been fine tweaks): Everything still seems good and balanced. I didn't mention it last time, but I appreciated the name change to the spike tent - sorry, the Tent of Stabbiness. Now that this dev cycle seems very close to being over, I just thought I'd mention a couple bugs outside of this update. However, these are very non-critical and can obviously be backburnered. 1. During Qum's affection locking scene, her cowgirl art displays before and after the chibi art for the scene. Obviously just an error, and as it stands it just confuses the fact that they aren't having sex during that cuddling since the chibi art also looks a bit like cowgirl. 2. Iris still seems to appear and eagerly awaits a discussion about sewing during Ginasta's recruitment section. To be clear, she isn't being an awkward voyeur during the final Ginasta convo, but is rather hanging around wanting an unrelated convo during the section when you can walk around and talk to everyone before having the final conversation with Ginasta. 3. I dont know if this is actually correct, since I don't actually datamine and just use a save editor to check how values and switches change, but I believe that the during the Ardan Succession Crisis, the decision whether to have Mestan fake an assassination attempt on Bhakan or just stall Donovan doesn't actually have any impact on any values. Thought I'd bring that one up because Mestan is now dead and won't be able to comment on any future consequences of that decision. Damn this still ended up a bit long. Oh well, that's all at the moment. I hope you can take a breather and be super proud of this update! It is definitely my favorite gameplay section of the entire game to date, and is somehow still actively fun even though I've played through it multiple times in a short time!


Well, I can see whoever Anak is fighting with, they are quite thorough. First they kidnapped all Incubus Kings and now us :p It's great that you finally have your own server Sierra


Quite certain I know who the anak's rival is and that tanurak was lying saying it was Alonon


I've seen no indication that Ivala is in any way shape or form like Sarai. And I think the hilarity is second after the grief and revelations. Carina has been praying to ivala for so long to the point of anger that she feels abandoned. At any rate the situation is what Tanurak said at the beginning of chapter 5. "The untouchable Ivala reduced to this. Are you proud of your little church?"


I don't mind long comments, though in this case I ended up not doing much. 1) Displaying it before was intended, since the scene is supposed to make you expect sex and then shift to the conversation. It displays after, though? 2) If Iris is in the area prior but not during the conversation, that's what I tried to do. I guess I could be persuaded to remove her for the whole section, but someone else would need to double check the correct switches. 3) I think this has come up before and I believe it's an oversight, but it'd be better brought up after the war event, when these calculations will be wrapped up. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this update so much!


Oh, the one in this post. Should be fixed, thanks!

Open Sourcerer

Hey Sierra! I have one minor request: Would it be possible for future releases to add the training orc to the "standby for more content" scene?


Minor bug reports relating to the exit events for the Dreamlike Ruin and Dreamlike Mine: There's a 100 XP bonus for exiting the Dreamlike Mine in the 1st code page @ (024,050), but it is replicated in the 2nd code page gated by self switch A. It looks like the intention was to have the 100 XP be a one time bonus for exiting the mine the first time, but as it stands it is possible for not easily boreable players to use it to mine XP (haha...) by repeatedly entering and leaving the Dreamlike Mine area. The Dreamlike Mine's heal area at (021,025) is reset by the 1st code page of the abovementioned exit, but not the second. So it resets on your 1st exit but not thereafter. In contrast, the heal area for the Dreamlike Ruin (016,005) is reset by the exit event (014,035), which has no 2nd page, so it happens on every exit. It looks like the two should be consistent with each other, but I dunno which is correct.


My convern is by buffing some of the enemies you've made Weakening slash useless since we only get it fairly late and by that time all the enemies are immune to or highly resistant to attack debuffs.


So you can test out random fights on the waiting screen? Sure, I suppose that's a possibility.


Yeah, I just neglected to delete the 100 XP there. As for your second paragraph, all mid-dungeon healing points were meant to reset and a few were neglected.


I was concerned about it being an easy way to get through a lot of bosses last time, but potentially a valid complaint. I think it's still pretty important for a few key fights like Nyst, though.

Reddy Bread

I have kind of an unrelated question about the artist. Lets say I wanted to create a piece of custom merchandise with 1 of the characters of TLS.. Would I be able to commission the artist to make me an image to use for it? With your permission of course.


I don't own Annikath's time, and in fact she's actively seeking commissions. You can contact her in a couple different ways from her Twitter: https://twitter.com/annikathart I think she'd probably be quite happy to do some more art of TLS characters. ^-^

Long Tran

I'm actually super glad that I decided to give this gem a try! I'm having blast so far! Definitely one of the better indie RPGM offbrand projects out there! Plus, it hits on a lot of what I'm into and using for my own story, though mine's not a game... Still, inspiration is inspiration and learning what works and what doesn't is worth it on top of having a good time! Thanks for all the hard work and I'm glad I decided to contribute!