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The new version is finally out! Download and version notes here:


Though I reserve the right to make modifications as the war event evolves, in particular if any problems or omissions show up, I intend this to be the core version of this update. It has a lot of content on various branching paths, so I hope that everyone enjoys. ^-^

In other news, I've seen some confusion, so I wanted to remind people that the wiki for TLS can be found here:


The community has migrated from the old site, so if you want up-to-date information and guides, check the above link. I hope this update feels enjoyable chaotic to play blind, but if you prefer to chart all variables, they've put in a lot of effort mapping this one.

That's all for now. This is a pretty busy weekend for me, so expect a hefty patron update later.



woot! Game on!


Congratulations on the release of TLS 0.57.3. Great update and thanks for sharing the helpful links!

Jeffrey Lebowski

We didn't directly see her get zapped, and none of the others mentioned her being missing because they were too focused on Simon. but is it safe to assume that Esthera has also been zooped into the Tower prison?


It is said, that all Incubus King were teletransported to the prison. So yes. Unless Esthera is an Incubus Queen and the future qum dont give a damn about Incubus Queen.


Hoo boy it's out! I need to play this.


During my last playthrough I looked a little more closely at this mysterious figure that kidnapped all the incubus kings. Although we can only see the shape of her figure, it seems quite familiar. From the beginning, this lady seemed to be hiding something and I had the impression that we only saw the mask that she wanted to show us. Of course I might be wrong or Sierra is trying to deceive us somehow ;)


Is it bad that when Iris said we needed a magical silk, I immediately thought of those *@#! Spiders in Stineford?


Okay, so Patreon would probably ban me if I posted my comments on the Mestan/Lilith fight, but seriously....


Sorry if it's obnoxious. If you have status protection items on everyone, the unblockable bad effect is only 10% chance, but that doesn't keep you from getting bad luck.


Time for a replay, but man. Side note - no way to avoid that permanent loss against the Anak? (Unsure of how much spoilers should be said)

Jeffrey Lebowski

There seems to be another positive benefit to allowing Estaven to be tortured with a + to Mithyn's RP (according to Fulminato's notes at least), which leads me to ask: will we continue to see consequences for that decision and will any of those consequences be negative? When the decision first appeared, it struck me as one that would have a lot of short term relationship benefits due to the catharsis multiple characters would feel, but would end up ultimately corrupting Simon's character (as he has stated several times in different ways that he is scared of abusing his power, especially in the Orcent conversation where he expresses the caution he approaches all his decisions with since "the worst he can do" is now cataclysmic). I also thought it would end up worrying any characters that are concerned with Simon's morals (Ginasta might take it as a sign of cruelty that could truly make Simon a tyrant, and I expected the goddesses to be especially wary of any signs of toxic or cruel behavior from Simon given the potential influence he has over them). Now Mithyn liking this decision makes total sense because of her "thousand years of hatred" and all, but it just brought these questions I've had back to the fore of my mind and wanted to ask about any possible future ramifications. Thanks so much! Oh, and also I am absolutely crushed about Mestan. He's had an RP score since chapter 2, and yet I think this section has the only check of it in the game that I can remember. If Mestan's entire character was literally to set up for the joke he told at the end, then damn I got got.


So this is only my second complete playthrough of this section of the War and it seems because of earlier choices I have made some choices are made for me. However I am not mad because they are the choices I would have made anyways. (I don't variate as much as I would like considering I play a bit completionist.) Still got to say this was an awesome section in which I think this last playthrough put me exactly in the position I want. I do wonder if I am missing out on eliminating Nyst or conquering the Island of the Lord of Blood because I continue to choose to dominate the air battle (Probably to exess.


About Estevan I was just so happy to say, "You are right, there are some people that I just can't save."


Personally, I'm wondering if I need to replay that to put troops in Ardford, but putting the troops in Givini land just made so much sense at the time, ah well, it's not like the harem is incompetent, they'll can take Ardford down to the Sx wards and Tyna will still be glad to see them. /joke :D


The events will vary somewhat, but there's a permanent loss that happens on any path.


Absolutely marvelous job with Trin in this one. 😘👌 It's right up there with her missionary scene for best Trin scene to date.


So replaying from the beginning to get a feel for the game again (And the excellent replay value.) and I realized some story things that I haven't seen revisited in awhile. Varia and her want of Chains, maybe seeing Altina pulling off some major magic (Riala and Robin stealing a lot of that kind of thing but she is supposed to be talented too.), Varia and her experience with explosives seems to have been limited use which is weird now that as Doom King in Chapter five we should be able to get/make more, And I haven't gotten that far again but our healing Monk with animal instincts hasn't shined that much since her country's arc. (Just some notes. Don't take these as bad or good things just some things my squirrel brain noticed on replay. ) Hadi is cute.

Reddy Bread

Is this public release any different then the original 0.57.0 patreon version you released? Cause im still playin 0.57.0 version and I just want to make sure im not behind on anything.