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2016 EDIT: If you want to play this alpha, send me a PM requesting the link. I do want to emphasize, though, that this project is on the backburner for the foreseeable future, perhaps indefinitely.

If you're getting this update, you should also be getting a message with the partially completed game in it before too long.

This one I will say some more stuff about. First, regarding the scope. It's functional for the first bit, but there's obviously a lot of plot and other content I didn't have time to include. I worry that this is more setup than payoff, which is why I didn't do a general release of it - please don't leak it either, I'd rather not be showing half-finished work everywhere. -_-

The game is part sim, managing your lust levels and such, and part a VN exploring the truth of the world I've set up. Obviously a lot of what you're told is deceptive at best, and malicious lies at worst.  I wish I could have somehow finished it, but... well, what I have is already quite a lot of text and code.

While I think this is playable, I haven't released a Ren'Py game before and it's always possible I added bugs I didn't catch in my last run. I know of one unfixed bug: the money variable on the display screen doesn't update all the time, and I'm not sure why. Probably just a Python thing - I don't really know any Python, I'm just using documentation and my (limited) general programming knowledge.

With those caveats in mind, let me know what you think. I really don't know how much of a market there would be for this sort of thing, but imagine it with real art instead of placeholders (including for each scene) and provide feedback as you like.

Provided that the reaction to Futa High isn't awful, I will probably finish it... at some point... not in the near future. It's another good candidate for a (relatively) quick standalone game to test out an artist, though, so I'd like to get it finished.


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