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You're getting a post outside the normal ones because I just found out that Audible finally approved my audiobook! Check it out here:


It's improbable, but if anyone has never used Audible and intends to get my book, please consider using the above link. They have a special deal where if someone buys their first audiobook via that link, I get a $75 bonus. Not sure how likely that is, but I figure there's no harm in trying.

Anyway, all I can really do is put it out there and hope that this investment was worth it:

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to nail down a title for my modern wuxia series. Reflecting over all the suggestions people gave, I think that "Street" is a pretty good adjective for capturing the modernity element. The question, then, was picking the best  word to capture the other half.

Right now, I feel like I'm probably going to go with "Street Cultivation". It's blunt, but the genre is not known for subtlety. Otherwise, I think it represents the story's themes pretty well and is likely to serve as a decent advertisement for it, so I might go with this. Speak up if you have something I haven't considered, though.

It's nice to have one of the pending projects finally released! More coming soon.



I'm afraid I already have an Audible account, but I'm looking forward to listening!


I've never bought an audio book before, and I'm surprised at how steep the pricing is. I guess it makes sense, as there's considerable work being put in my a voice actor as well as the author.


Hm. Wouldn't "Cultivation Street" fit better? I guess it changes the meaning from an activity to a place, but you could always add something before it. Like, "A Walk down Cultivation Street" or "Life on Cultivation Street". I'm fairly certain there are better combos out there. Still, just figured I'd mention it in case no one had pointed it out yet. Regarding the Audible, I've never bought an audiobook before. Do you get the bonus if we use the 30-day free-trial option with that link?


I honestly couldn't tell you much about the economics behind the pricing, but yeah, they're apparently all this expensive. Unlike most self-publishing routes, in this case I didn't get any control over the price at all.


Hate to disagree directly, but that wasn't my intention with the title. I meant it as in "street fight", to imply a level of grittiness. >Regarding the Audible, I've never bought an audiobook before. Do you get the bonus if we use the 30-day free-trial option with that link? It's unclear. If I'm reading the fine print correctly, it doesn't count unless you go a month past the free trial, I think. It also seems to indicate that old accounts that haven't ever granted a bounty can give one even if they've bought other books, but the whole thing is low on specifics.


Guess "cultivation" evokes wulin/wuxia stuff in a way that isn't apparent to someone like me who doesn't read the genre much? I'm getting more of an "urban gardening" sort of mental picture from that. Personally I keep noodling over that "Debts Written in Qi" suggestion someone made, trying to make it fit. Best I've come up with is "Debts of the Ether", which at least fits the plot point with Melissa.


Yeah, it's a common enough term that it's used as a genre label sometimes. I'm confident that RoyalRoad users will understand, but did wonder if people would think horticulture when it went to Amazon. >Personally I keep noodling over that "Debts Written in Qi" suggestion someone made, trying to make it fit. Best I've come up with is "Debts of the Ether", which at least fits the plot point with Melissa. I think this is a better title as an actual title, but doesn't serve as well as an advertisement. Maybe a title for the first book, if I end up writing more than one?


Street Disciple, maybe? Edit: Like mentioned above cultivation makes me think of plants.


Street Cultivation. Hmm. Sounds like people harvesting streets like crops, leaving potholes. This comes mainly from the fact I have no idea what a "modern wuxia series" is. I'm rambling. Grats on the audiobook


Haha, yes, that concept actually occurred to me. If people thought that instead of urban gardening, I'd be fine with it.


Oh! This is a good thought, as it will be less ambiguous for those unfamiliar with the term. I like it a lot... but when I search, it looks like that title would be competing with a ton of rap. XD


Incredibly Tedious Minutiae: In Sarai's complex monologue after the vote on Herin and Kaskia before the combat party is mercifully teleported out, Sarai says "All of this will be heavily based on the Aglasia Accords, a set of limitations from the days when »Ardford« and Aram were at war. Get Carina to explain." I would suggest that "Ardoheim" was meant rather than "Ardford".

Quiet Stranger

I find myself immediately thinking of Shadowrun, and its "Street Samurai" and "Street Shaman." As names in this style go, I do not find Street Cultivation interesting or descriptive; I'd assume I was looking at a horticulture book. Of course, I've not read a single wuxia story. Your novel will be my first. Does the word have more interesting connotations in context? It may be best to not explain. If I go in blind, my perspective could generate useful feedback. I shall pose the suggestion of "Street Alchemy," in the spirit of eastern internal alchemy.


Wuxia is a cluster of tropes, basically. Whereas in western fantasy you might just nod and accept a guy in a wizard outfit throwing a fireball, in wuxia it's unsurprising to see a guy in a monk outfit who can float through the air. My project is more wuxia-inspired than core wuxia, though. More like fantasy that tries to establish specific rules for wizards rather than just assuming fireballs are a thing. ...now that I type all that, I realize that you're probably asking if the word "cultivation" has specific connotations. Yes, it implies training that powers up the body to superhuman levels.


...Street <i>Ether</i> Cultivation?


I'd consider it for the book, since that will hit a broader audience, but I'm going with the simpler form for now.

Runcible Technician

Paper Spirit Style: And You Can Too! (sorry, just thinking about what adds would be like in that world)