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Well, this update is late because my chosen narrator was supposed to get his 15 minute checkpoint to me yesterday and I wanted to let people listen to it. As opposed to the audition, the checkpoint is real audio in final quality, so it's a good time to check on quality issues. Here it is:

Please let me know if there are any points of constructive criticism I could give (particularly regarding audio quality). Though I'm a bit tired for analysis right now, my first impression is that I am basically okay with what I heard. Speak up if you don't feel the same way.

After contacting all the top-voted narrators, doing some more research, and weighing the options, I went with Bryan Lamb. Was a rough decision, but hopefully this will work. Anyway, main post below.


Happy holidays, everyone! It'd be nice if this was just a quiet post, but things are weird at the moment. Here's what you can expect over the next while:

Dec 28 - I'd like to try to finish my list of additions and improvements to the synod by then, but I don't know if it will happen. It's the holidays and people are busy with their own things. I don't want to take too long with this, though, so that next year starts with good momentum.

Dec 30 - As I did last year, I think I'll do my more negative yearly retrospective at the end, to try to leave that in the old year.

Jan 6 - Official year in review and information about what to expect in 2019. January is likely to be a busy month, since several things I've been working on in the background are now done and ready to be shared.

There may be other posts as well due to uncertain variables. Aside from those things, please be patient if I'm not online as much over the coming period of time.


EG Douglas

Sierra, it's the Holidays. By general agreement anyway. Take some time off! Restore your calm! (Unless those two things are mutually exclusive).


Here's your 2018 Negative Retrospective: Sarai is still sexually frustrated, Steam is slow as hell, and you, my dear Sierra, are a tease to the point of sadism. I'm still smarting from Princess Fullling (She's certainly too fat to be a Halfling). Enjoy your holiday. Play some games. Decompress a bit.


Welp, turns out I could have waited another 30 minutes and received the audio. I've added it to the post, so please check if you are one of the people with strong feelings about audiobooks.


Sending a message out to a broad audience announcing that you didn't have the file is what caused the file to appear. Kind of like how purchasing a replacement for a lost item causes it to be found, or boldly predicting a victory by your favorite team inevitably predicates disaster. It's known as Angering The Baseball Gods.


First! Err... I mean, I am glad to be the first to give feedback on the prologue reading. Most of what I have to say is that I really, really like it. The recording quality is really good and the character acting is quite on point. I have a minor gripe with inconsistencies in the use of particular voices for lines of dialogue, because it sometimes sounded like he used the old man's voice for the dialogue of the Paladin. But it should be noted that who is actually speaking is sometimes not quite clear in the text and it actually hardly matters for most lines. While you should keep an eye on this, I think you might want to pick out particularly important dialogue, instead of verifying everything and give him a guide to let him know who is speaking where, if you feel it is unclear. The rest of the feedback is directed more towards the coming recordings. I read along with the text and noticed that he stuck to what was written even if it sometimes seemed a little hard to convincingly act the lines. I feel presumptuous for saying this, but I would argue that it is fine if some lines are reinterpreted or reworded in an audiobook, especially if the actor actually does provide distinct voices for the characters. I know that particular wordings are used to distinguish characters in written text, but this can be done by emoting in a narration. Additionally, I am somewhat concerned about the text-boxes that appear in the coming chapters. Some of them are straight info-dumps. This is fine in the context of print, but it seems this is something that should be rewritten or edited in a particular way to avoid letting the narrator read what is essentially a shopping list. I am pretty sure you are already thinking of this, but I wanted to mention it anyway. I hope you have enjoyable holidays, if you celebrate them!


Well, glad to hear you felt positively about the quality. I think I need to listen to all the recording anyway, so I will be checking for any misattributed lines. I did a poll of LitRPG audiobook listeners and they said they'd be upset if boxes were removed or edited. Some of the biggest books in the field are apparently 50% stat boxes by recording time, and there are definitely those who complain about that, but that is apparently standard for the genre. >I hope you have enjoyable holidays, if you celebrate them! You too!


Heyo! Merry Christmas SL and everyone else reading this. And I don't think you need to worr about keeping to the tight of a schedule in your post Sierra. You've had such an amazing year in my opinion I don't think anyone would blame you if next weeks weekly update was just "I ran over a dog and ate a bunch of funyuns mm mmm mmmh!" (It's possible that sentence isn't as funny as I thought it was but the best part of my family at the holdiay is how much we like extra strength egnog) Anyway merry Christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas to you too! >You've had such an amazing year in my opinion I don't think anyone would blame you if next weeks weekly update was just "I ran over a dog and ate a bunch of funyuns mm mmm mmmh!" (It's possible that sentence isn't as funny as I thought it was but the best part of my family at the holdiay is how much we like extra strength egnog) It got an actual chuckle out of me. ^-^


Wanted to wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It has been a year since I first heard about TLS and its updates are among the high-points of my year. I always need to stop what I am doing and spend a few hours seeing what is next for Simon and Co, and that doesn't count all the hours spend between updates tweaking investments and thinking about all implications of the update as the story is revealed. The quality you deliver always makes it worth the wait! On a more specific note have Riala and Altina ever talked about what went down in the prologue? We know intellectually that the Succubi have done some shady things in the past, mainly Yarra, Iris, Riala and to some degree Nalili. But its usually been put down due to misunderstandings, necessity of survival, or cultural differences. Yet, none of these ring true for what Riala did to Altina, and saner-Altina clearly has some scars from the experience. Saner-Altina discusses them with Simon, and can get over them in the 3rd War, but there seems to be no tension with Riala. Not sure about Cockwhore-Altina but she'd still likely bring it up. Seems odd that with how often they'd interact while working with Simon that it would never come up. It feels like like if Aka never confronted Varia about being a bandit. Again, Happy New Year!


Thank you! Happy holidays to you as well, and I'm glad to hear that TLS can be a source of positivity in your life. ^-^ Putting in a conversation between Riala and Altina is on my list, actually, though it will probably go in retroactively. This is honestly an oversight on my part - I agree that they absolutely should discuss the subject, but it wasn't in my notes to do and it never happened. I think the game will be better with such a conversation added, it's just a question of when I get around to doing so.

Runcible Technician

I'm glad someone put it more eloquently than I did when I noticed it. Playing the game a few more times and I see more of the recovered or active addict in her behavior. I look forward to seeing what that conversation will be like, because these moments are always golden in Sierra's games. I love the consideration given to radically different personalities in her stories.


I don't have strong feelings about audiobooks, but I did just give the prologue narration a listen, and it all sounds good to me. My only real criticism is that Elleane's accent is a bit all over the place. The other voices are good, as is the narrative.