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Consistent TLS progress, but some elements are becoming larger than expected. Bit drained. Would very much like to release Friday so the reworking is completely done before Christmas. To keep things moving, I'm going to go back to work and just post something I had pre-written.


I say I'm grateful for all of you a lot, enough that I worry it might come off as repetitive or insincere. So I wanted to try to say it in a different way.

You guys have been much better than I expected you to be. I anticipated people would hate or barely tolerate Orcent, but most of you love him. I figured I might be the only person to care about worldbuilding, but you've engaged with it seriously. I thought I'd get a lot of hate if I made complex segments, but you've asked for more.

So when I say I appreciate all of you, I really mean it. I can be pretty cynical, and sometimes it can feel like there aren't many reasons not to be - but all of you are definitely one of those reasons. I'm incredibly grateful that you've supported me so that I can spend my life making something like The Last Sovereign.

As long as it's within my power, I'll definitely be finishing TLS to the best of my ability. Thank you for your patience when the path isn't entirely straightforward, but please believe I want this more than anyone. 

Thank you all, not just for your support, but for being you. TLS would not be possible without you and I'm glad to have all of you with me on this journey. ^-^



Hearing you say that makes me feel mushy things that I will categorically deny in front of the other Patreon members.


I'm confused - why are you thanking us? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Happy Holidays, Sierra

Kyle S

Your sincerity is appreciated. I genially love all of the characters you've created in TLS and crimson grey. Your weekly updates are very appreciated. I can't thank you enough for your hard work. I just wish I could help you out more monthly.

Grey Wolf

I've never addressed Orcent specifically but he really grew to be an endearing character, in my knowledge your take on orcs is nearly entirely original and the way they have developed is really fascinating. He started as a curiosity and progressed to the point where lines such as this one hit me like a ton of bricks <a href="https://imgur.com/a/P0TD7Fg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/P0TD7Fg</a>


Hey, porn with plot is a barely touched niche nowadays. I relish digging into details, and you always supply ample amounts. Hell, since the Reflect ability was made available I speed through the smut (to come back to at my.... ahem.... leisure) just so I can dig back into the politics and worldbuilding. You've brought me hundreds of hours of entertainment, and I appreciate that so much. Now enough mushy stuff! Sarai's due a long hard dicking after putting up with a bunch of holier than thou high priestesses for so long.


Awwww, we love you too Sierra.

Edward Culham

One of the things that I have likes about TLS is the world building and that the world does not seem static. Final fantasy for the good story telling it did has this problem. That is why I support you in what you do and why many of us are patient in the end.


Very much this. Despite the vast number of games out there, so few actually shift and grow with player actions, especially ones who has characters that become powerful enough to shake the world. Orcent growing as a character with help from Simon who is able to step up on the world stage and talk as a competent diplomat is just one of the many awesome parts!


awww! We wub you too, Sierra. Keep up the awesome work.


TIL: Sierra Lee drinks on Sunday nights, just like everybody else :)


People generally like things that are well written and intelligently designed. Orcent and all the world building and serious philosophical questions involved in this game are unusual for the genre...but written well enough and presented intelligently enough that they are entertaining and feel natural for the story you've elected to tell. It may not be a story for everyone, but it's a damn good story.


Aw. I'm an extremely busy person, so I modify the economy to speed up game-play so I can get the story. I know it cheapens your work, but I still highly appreciate the amount of detail and work you do in creating this game. I particularly enjoy the often unexpected plot, comedic twists, and even occasional purposeful redundancy to produce that moment of "oh… 😨". I'm happy with the work so far and would gladly hang around to watch it grow even bigger. And one day, gosh darn-it, I'll find the time to play the game without editing the economy. 😓


And thank you for making such an excellent game! One of the coolest things about all the complex world-building and character work in a long-form project like this is seeing things slowly pay off over time. Hearing about places like Zirantia and Givini in the margins and then travelling there months later, or learning about Ardan and church politics for ages before becoming a key player, is immensely satisfying and makes the world feel much more organic. Stuff like Orcent's evolution, Yarra's maturation, and Simon's relationship with Janine all land so well precisely because of the time and attention that's gone into fleshing out these characters and making sure we care about them. When I first reached the end of a version of TLS I was disappointed the ride was over, but now I really look forward to spending a little more time in this world each month. Thanks for letting us peek into it!


Hi Sierra. Since we're doing this, let me say we don't compliment you enough. It's too easy to provide well-meaning criticism and leave the author with an impression that no one appreciates their hard work. We play the game expecting to like it, we like it, so there's nothing to write about is it? So let me tell you this: TLS is one of the best role-playing games I've played. I like how it deconstructs and reconstructs the genre (both one-hand games and RPGs), I like your characters behaving like real human (or not always human) beings that grow and evolve, I like the ever escalating scope, I like having to play politics instead of hitting everyone with a stronger sword.


The following is entirely not serious. Honestly i am baffled, how a simple porn game made with RPGMaker can make you 5k a month. There's a lot and i mean A LOT of words words words, before each part of porn. Also there's combat. And you can't grind to make yourself stronger, so to get to the porn you actully have to try. Also there are no pictures to go with the porn. Such travesty! How can there be porn that's not porn? And then there's all these numbers. Investments? Having to think? In MY porn game? I won't stand for this.

Kobold Lad

Honestly The Last Sovereign is better written, has more lovable characters, and better world-building than most other games, erotic and non-erotic alike. You should be very proud of yourself.


Hi Sierra, I was recently introduced to TLS and have been playing it religiously since. I've come to love it, as well as appreciate the care that went into its creation. The post-Stenai trip content was especially meaningful. I'm looking forward to the continuation of the game, and wish you the best. More Orcent content is appreciated. I'll be reading Changing Faces in the meantime ;_;


I came here for the porn, I stayed because of the story. (and the pron)!! :D Keep up the good work!


You sound a little drunk. :D I really like the Orcs. Last time I had the time to play TLS I ended up fixing up all of the Orc-Pages of the wiki and made the page for best-maid Patty, who I hope has gotten more love since she/he first appeared. Sorry for not providing feedback on the novel even though I made you dig up a differently formatted copy. I have just been very busy with other stuff... I hope I'll have the time to play TLS again soon. You are doing great work and you should be proud! By the way: Are you planning on ever doing another survey? I found the last one really interesting, especially since I happened to make some choices which put me in a clear minority. They are a lot of work, so I can understand if you don't want to do another one, but I was curious anyway.

Lusty Loiterer

Love your work keep it up ;)


Wow, I step away from most internet things to focus on working and I get a huge number of comments. I won't be able to reply to all of them, but know that I appreciate them all. ^-^ Those of you who appreciate the core attractions of TLS should definitely enjoy the update I'm working on. Several things were planned to be simple and ended up becoming more complex in a way I hope people like. Still hoping to finish by Friday.


Regarding non-mushy stuff, the coming update does not have many scenes but one of the votes will be VERY relevant to your interests.


Oh, I don't mind. People should have the freedom to play the game how they like, so long as they don't begrudge the effort that goes into the parts they don't like as much.


I enjoyed the survey too, but it definitely took a lot of time. I have been thinking of doing another one after the completion of TLS.


So I have a bug report, I think. I picked up this game earlier this month and loved it. I've caught up now, and I was looking through some old comments when I realized I apparently missed a Ginasta scene! In version 0.37.3 There's a scene at the end after talking to Wendis about a new body, but in the version 0.39.3, it never showed up. I'm not sure if you removed that on purpose or not, but I figured I'd let you know. Thanks for making this awesome game!


Yes, the transition was erroneously skipped. Expect it to be fixed in version 0.40.0!


Sorry but I cannot enjoy updates anymore unless I'm allocating resources. Just kidding, the political machinations are fine too. And the exploration and worldbuilding. And the glacially slow revelations of the universal concepts. And the characters and their development. Hmm, I wonder if I'm not forgetting something.


this game is one of the best i have ever played if only more people took the time to build a complex world gaming wouldnt be so boring anymore i miss the gamecube days when every game was so detailed and well thought out


No thank you for putting out one of the best written rpgs we've seen in a long time.


Honestly, it's such a good game that I kind of regret the sex portion, because it means I can't readily recommend it to people, and I find myself wanting to talk about it.


Yes, you aren't the only person to respond this way. All I can say is that I intend to finish TLS as the kind of game it has promised to be, but I'll have everyone's reactions in mind as I consider my future work.