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Well, here we go. New release, potentially not the smoothest one.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is likely possible to save in a completely unwinnable position in this version. Do NOT take in only a single save or you risk getting stuck. Balance/rewards are likely to change, anyway. In later versions I'll try to include more features to prevent players from screwing themselves over, but that's difficult without completely nerfing difficulty.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!SoNEkC6C!z6PXywxlVZC-2SggN7IpsvvNWkxrkMG_OXfLuQff9bY 

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!KkdySIaS!lFMlPFE8T2pcAX9ivmF_r2ktc2nSPuQlLyKYswdxr60 

OLD 0.39.0 LINKS:

Link: https://mega.nz/#!CgdA1KYJ!uPFP_G-j4tGrrsyp05h4hwvvPTOhiX6C03Zy1y4u9_Y

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!e8N2FQjJ!y-P71TydvKtNbwGB7l8NqEFW8sBG6zOsSR8MOpQGSOk

TLS 0.39.0

 - New update covering the first three days of the Ivalan summit.

 - Initial lamia battler swapped with improved version (thanks to Decanter for finding it).

 - Retroactively added custom sprite/bust/face for Vera (priestess of the Goddess of Magic). This is thanks to Bug Reporting, who also did the new characters this update.

TLS 0.39.1

 - Difficulty of the second vote has been reduced.

 - In addition, it received a special last ditch option to prevent unwinnable games.

 - Key bug that made Vote 5B too difficult is fixed.

 - The usual bugfixing and polishing.

There's a lot going on in this one under the surface, so I hope people like it. >.< Doing these sections that depend on numerous previous choices and allow for real player choice can be very time-consuming, but the final result is something you can blow past quickly, especially for people who only care about combat.

Though I did my best to balance, I would very much like input from players who try this version:
1) Tell me your initial Influence variable with Sarai.
2) What were your numbers with all the High Priestesses by the end?
3) Which results did you get naturally? Which did you aim for?
4) General feedback on how the new mechanics in this update felt.

The balance is likely not final, but the plot develops a lot and there's a ton of dialogue, so I hope people enjoy giving it a try. I ended up burning the candle at both ends to get this done, but pushing forward is better than giving in.

I'll take a nap now, then finish up other things like updating threads on the forums.


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