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It remains to be seen if the issues will be insurmountable, but I am having problems with Steam for the release of DoW. A more complete explanation follows, plus some misc stuff at the end.

Steam says it takes 2-3 days to review games, so on Monday I submitted a final version of DoW, thinking I was plenty early. No response for five days, then at the very end of the workday on Friday, I got a rejection.

Why? "Pornographic depictions," despite the fact that I sent in a censored version. No further information, no way to contact anyone for clarification.

To add insult to injury, I was also rejected for a number of minor reasons that were objectively false. Apparently my screenshots don't look like real gameplay. -_-

I rushed to upload a version utterly scoured of any adult images (and changed the minor things). At which point, it became clear that there was no way to resubmit the game to Steam as had been requested. I'd already been through this once with a minor issue related to Crimson Gray, and the options simply weren't there.

So I sent a support ticket. All of that happened within an hour, but of course Steam is off for the weekend. I have no way of knowing when I'll receive a response or if it will do any good.

That is the situation as it stands now. It's possible that DoW won't be accepted on Steam at all, worst case scenario. More likely, I will have to go back and forth tediously, and the release date is now completely up in the air. The relatively simple patching system I had hoped to use has been killed and I'm going to have to use a much worse one. It's not great.

I was already feeling tired and not inclined to make a trailer. This has made that 99% certain. Hopefully that won't harm the game - though it won't harm it at all if Steam doesn't allow it onto the platform. >.<

Anyway, I can end this on a more positive note. If I was just a developer trying to get by on game sales, this would be pretty bad. Thanks to everyone's support on Patreon, it's not devastating. I still hope to get DoW on Steam to help secure my future as a creator, but I'm moving toward that goal regardless thanks to all of you. ^-^

If you haven't been following TLS fanart, a week of it has been posted (though HF is always laggy due to manual approval):


Some of those have never been featured on Patreon, so do check them out! I have also been working on a new short story over the past two months as a form of stress relief, so I may polish and post that up eventually too.


EG Douglas

Damn. Steam seems ever-increasingly an excellent example of "Power Corrupts." - if corruption can be taken as callousness and apathy. Perhaps a better saying might be "Familiarity breeds contempt". [headpats]


(っ⇀⑃↼)っ Sending hugs....


Sorry that shit's going down. DoW is one of the best RPGs I've played in years and imo your best game to date. They'd be fools to turn it down.

Zaq Reman

If it somehow does get denied again as being too pornographic bring up the OneOne1 porn games Sakura has for sale and ask what makes yours worse?


Well, that's kind of you to say! Hopefully they'll just make me jump through some hoops and then DoW will get its chance.


Yeah, Steam's near monopoly isn't good for anyone, which is why you'll always see me put my games up on itch.io and other sites. But right now it's still the biggest storefront by orders of magnitude...


I won't lie, I'm miffed about getting flagged for this when so many games that are pure porn go through. With any luck, small changes will let me go through the same way. All evidence I've seen suggests that Steam does not care, it just needs to avoid being penalized under the laws of certain states. But one of the annoyances is that everything is delivered via an automated system, so you don't even have anyone to argue your case to. In theory my ticket should be looked at by a human being, but I can't count on them being reasonable.


Things will work out. Steam may not be a great and easy thing to work with but your games are fun and have great story's to them. I have played porn games and your games hold my attention and add to it, including the explicit to a easy and story driven degree. I hope the best for you and will continue to support your work.

Can't Wait

Sorry Steam is being such a bitch. How does a game like <a href="http://store.steampowered.com/app/639790/DEEP_SPACE_WAIFU/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://store.steampowered.com/app/639790/DEEP_SPACE_WAIFU/</a> get through and your's doesn't? Have you tried talking to others who have released games with adult content on steam to get their input? Life likes to throw a lot of curve balls and I'm sure there will be ups and downs, but as long as you have products that are made as well as your's it's hard to imagine things not working out in the end. Also, I checked out the gallery and the pictures of Robin and Qum are awesome. They aren't just good to look at, they capture the personality of the characters beautifully.


I haven't talked to anyone about this incident specifically, but I've kept up with other creators who have had issues with Steam, which is what I've tried to base my decisions on. Glad you liked those pics, I do too. ^-^ There's one more by the same artist (of Megail), so look forward to that!

Dmitry F

That is a real shame with steam. I have started to buy everything I can from GOG since they seem to have turned really greedy. There was a humble bundle a while back with those sakura games and other trash that I gifted as a joke to a friend and frankly I am shocked that they are allowed on steam and not your game. If anyones games have redeeming quality without the art, it is yours.


GOG is a great store, though unfortunately not an option for anything I make. Anyway, thanks for the vote of confidence! I still hope to put many games up on Steam.


If you need a palette cleanser, how about an utterly inane and pedantic contradictory detail in TLS? Because I found one at the start of Ch 2 in my min-mining playthrough this evening. During the Carina First Time scene, in the screen beginning "For all her confidence", the text indicates that Simon "lowered her to the bed" her "hair fanning over the sheets...". The scene takes place, so far as we know, in the courtyard of the dark ruin where Carina's men and Simon's party are camped, there being no human civilization for quite some distance. Where did the bed come from?


LOL, so obvious asset swaps are allowed on with barely any trouble and your game isn't? Steam has to clean up their shit.


Sucks to hear that. :( Most likely you'll get approval in the end but it will surely be a pain to get there. Considering their quality of customer support (non-existing basically) it sadly doesn't surprise me. Since other (similar games) get through you probably just have to resubmit it until it gets through (and you won't get an answer why then either...) Wish you as much patience as possible and when it will release I'll buy it. :D


Got Desecration of wings on Nutaku tho. Honestly its a really nice game, and the skill gaining system is fun reminds me of FF3 magic system in a sense, am a little sad that so few games contain simelar systems for skill/spell gain. all in all a nice game :D


Yeah, it's probably just a matter of jumping through hoops. I know what I'm doing this week. -_- Anyway, thank you very much! I really have my fingers crossed for this one.


That rejection is honestly completely retarded from Steam's side since they allowed games like "The Heiress" to be purchased there which doesn't even censor much and still has all of it's adult content in the steam version...


I'm not going to insult Steam since many people already did that, however, do you considered using other platform like Gamejolt or such instead? Or is it too unstable/unreliable?


I have my games up on GameJolt and well as itch.io, MangaGamer, Nutaku, and DLsite. Definitely don't want to go all in on Steam, since any one source of income is precarious. But the unfortunate fact is that Steam is bigger than all of them combined.

Lord Forte

Ugh, sorry to hear that dealing with Steam has been so unpleasant... I wish you the best of luck in expediting the rest of the process and getting back to more enjoyable things! It's definitely ridiculous that you have to deal with these issues at all, but I hope it also ends up being worth it in terms of exposure/sales as well.