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Alright, one last mid-week update. I would love very much if this was flawless and I can make this the public version, but I would love even more if any remaining bugs were reported before the big release. Not sure if there are still people with time and interest to play again, but here you go, if you want.

TLS 0.74.6

Link: https://mega.nz/file/qttFlAaT#tkJou1OuKptSqOvXHDS5UfuhYkLaJOerMTPQAsRexrk

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/fs0SmSYQ#UKOSYTrCrToBlPwVeTvI_pSPgUUt-4JcR2U8_G5PWOs


Alright, here we are! Maybe. If the Patreon issues are truly fixed. As I write this, I have no way of knowing if it will actually go through.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/f4VETIhL#jG9L3zL-gDjgz3yCGysS4nk5QhZJ57MH2QY98Bic1so

TLS 0.74.5

- Some story additions. Too minor to be worth replaying for their own sake, but I think they make the final battle stronger overall.

- There are significant new additions to the battle for highly optimized saves (both mechanical and plot-based). These will only occur if you start the battle from the beginning.

- One notable example is that, for optimized saves, healing in the Harem Prison is now finite.

- The massive Chosen boss is buffed for optimized saves.

- Several additional opportunities to use stamina have been added throughout the battle.

- There is a final place to use Simon's stamina near the end, with new bonuses.

This update is the reason I have been taking longer: as you can see in the notes, the additions this time include qualitative additions and improvements as well as fixes. Unless there's a serious omission or someone makes a very compelling point, I intend for this to be the last form of the final battle.

Not enough has changed to be worth replaying, but I hope there are enough people who haven't given it a shot for us to try this. I likely added a typo or two, if not new bugs. If all goes well, we'll do the public update next weekend.



I started a new save to experience the entire story from start to final battle and just finished after 113 hours. I'm blown away by how great this was. I'm sure there's plenty of elements and nuance I missed, but as someone who really looked forward to Mass Effect 3 back in the day and came away from it satisfied but not ecstatic, I can't overstate the joy I felt during this sequence. So many different elements and relationships paid off, a really great mix of strategy and direct combat, and culminating with the TLS classic philosophical debate, one that felt very earned. I can't wait to see how this story wraps up over future updates! Someone else already reported it, but the only bug I noticed was the inability to interact with the rock Simon is supposed to be able to break in Tower's Heart southwest.


Thank you, I'm glad to hear from so many players who felt this conclusion was satisfying. ^-^ With such a long game, not to mention all the player decisions, it's important to stick the landing, so I did my best to bring everything together. >Someone else already reported it, but the only bug I noticed was the inability to interact with the rock Simon is supposed to be able to break in Tower's Heart southwest. Unless you still ran into that in the newest build, all should be fixed!


i was checking the change and i think in the last push map (#921) in the second event (position 1:0) the entry to use wendis remaining stamina to hit xerces or hester is duplicate. near that position in the event https://i.imgur.com/d8YzSsG.png