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Alright, it's time to open the update up to $1 supporters! I hope many of you guys enjoy it, of course, but I also hope this round will allow us to further balance the final battle.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/DtEGiLJY#8wvb9NrIuPVd52O94NCZABL5iKDRJzTmIfiGXRqoTME

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/3glklYzY#fv_ntK5lxp-R0sQ8hl6pq8Pvj-rE8Vd9rlpsX8nMaNQ

TLS 0.74.4

- Polishing and background changes.

- New illustrated scenes: New Lovers, Uyae's First Time

This content is all pretty well polished... in a sense. The problem is that the playtesters and feedback have overwhelmingly been via highly optimized saves. While this update is playable and vaguely correct, I'm not at all confident that this is the true final balance that I want.

If you haven't played before, just have at it! However, if you keep disaster saves or are one of the players who complains about the game catering to optimizers, I am especially interested in your feedback. The goal for the final battle is that you should do reasonably well if you have completed most of the final harem quests.

Aside from that, development has gone on long enough that Annikath and I have finished two more illustrated scenes. Otherwise, this is just another step on the way to the public release.



There is one balancing thing I find myself wondering about, as a result of the Final Battle: The effects of torturing Estevan during the Erosian War, and how it impacts Entity Cohesion. I think it's a fair assesment to say that Entity Cohesion may be the single most important stat in the game now, as it's the one that potentionally determines which ending you can get. And it's not always the easiest stat to increase, and it occationally has some high thresholds, like triggering the conversation under the tree at the Nostalgic Home. One of the single most positively impactful choices you can make to increase it, is to let Wendis torture Estevan, which nets you +10, with practically no drawbacks (Nearly every other impacted RP score also increases, instead of decreasing). 10 Entity Cohesion is a LOT. For instance, it's nearly impossible to trigger the scene under the tree at the Nostalgic home for the casual player without that +10, and could honestly result in a lot of people losing the final battle, due to triggering the bad end. Triggering the bad end, because you didn't want to let Wendis indulge her darkest impulses and do the most sadistic form of torture imaginable seems a bit... off from the theme and message of the game, no? Not saying The Fuckwad didn't deserve it, but it's not really about him. I just don't think that the psychologically healthiest way for a deeply mentally scared being to recover her humanity and rationality, is to let her torture souls out of sheer sadistic glee. I was thinking, maybe it would make sense to keep the RP-score impacts from the torture-choice as they are, but add an event at some free-roaming point in Chapter 5, after gaining some distance from the event, where Wendis and Simon talk about the choice, where the Entity Cohesion score is evened out a bit? So people who didn't do torture, get a convo where Simon explains his choice to her, she understands, and she gains some Cohesion. While players who did do torture experience an event where Wendis sounds a bit dangerously unstable and hoping to do the same to The Lustlord/ Tanurak/ Xerces, causing her to lose Cohesion instead? Those are my thoughts, anyway. Have a nice week. :)


I agree. I had always expected that allowing the torture would have some negative repercussions down the line, and I'm very surprised that it doesn't (at least thus far) seem to be the case. "Torture is bad" doesn't seem like it should be a controversial position, but the game seems to be pushing players towards the opposite conclusion.


Whooo! I just finished the battle! I was giddy the entire time, such an awsome finale! Seeing all the impacts of past decisions was totally worth it!