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Phew, okay, TLS 0.74.2 is out. There's still a lot more work to do, but things seem stable and are moving in the right direction.

I don't want to overstress the finality of the final battle and minimize the importance of the remaining updates (perhaps I'll write about that sometime), but I am feeling a sense of relief. The final battle ties up a lot of loose ends and concludes many parts of the story, both of characters and of variables. If I get hit with a bus tomorrow, TLS won't be a never-finished Patreon project.

That said, I care about TLS and want to do it right, hence the entire week of bugfixing and revising. This process will continue until I'm happy that this key piece of the game is complete, then I'll move on to the next important pieces.

However, this won't be happening immediately. There were a large number of things that I put off to focus so much on the final battle, and those things are rearing their head one way or another. My poor book fans have been waiting long enough, for example. Three things, two relevant in a week and one right now.

1) My newest book in The Weirkey Chronicles will be coming out next weekend and, for the first time ever, the series will be free on Amazon. I'm hoping this will give an overall boost, but obviously it's a good chance if you want a copy for free.

2) So much behind-the-scenes stuff that needs to happen this week. -_- Perhaps none of it relevant to you, but perhaps you'll hear more in the future.

3) I am doing some long overdue promotional posts for Depthless Hunger (the image above is a cover for the series), so please click on those:



Is that all? Maybe. I will have my hands full trying to keep up with TLS work while catching up on everything else.




Regardless we would still greatly prefer it if you did not get hit by a bus. Maybe just avoid all buses for a little while.

Ark Tolei

Congrats on finishing such a huge milestone! I had a lot of free time recently, but no computer access and started rereading Weirkey, so this is perfect timing for me. I just pre-ordered it. Apparently it'll be released...today. Guess I'd better pick up the pace. I'm not at a high enough tier to access the early build of TLS, so I can't comment on the final battle other than to say I'm looking forward to figuring out which save file I'm on and diving into it when it's released publicly. Thanks for all your hard work over these many years.


Thanks! Hope you enjoy your reread, and the new book is indeed coming out today! TLS work continues and the new build should be released to your tier in time, though I can't say exactly when.