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New bugfix build out to deal with a specific error blocking some players, plus assorted other content.

TLS 0.74.1

- Primarily a hotfix to remove a fatal bug when your final variables are too uneven.

- Minor bugfixing and polishing, but this is not the fully revised build.

- Additional tweaks to Rachnera's control scripts.

- The base library is now complete. One shelf will fill retroactively, one will fill if you talk to Grynyth in the base, and the last is reserved for the final optional dungeon.

- New illustrated scenes: Hilstara Massage, Titfucking Tips, and Robin + Qum

- Added a sheep Zirantian thanks to Annikath, primarily for Annikath. =P

- Annikath also made new unique sprites for Iris and Trin.

- Relevant to much earlier content, the Lustlord fight has been nerfed.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/vhVHESaQ#FijHdJGsTMH_7NsGgpIXRle-Znn5ZFVc9T0QG4V-UbE

Mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/file/efwap0suc4ee2rs/TLS+0.74.1.exe/file


I don't usually post updates earlier in the day, in part because often I'm not done yet and in part because when I have, people generally don't have time until later anyway. But this is a large update and it's ready, so I might as well post it now for anyone who does have time.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/HgtzmQYB#qGtsNI29OhoZKcVM07g6aSHanP6TZzyGYpFYZwkTGZk

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/O4ESVLID#JcO3RO6XtWvHGhKxvJUDLgRXNOW8WhztcMYubm3Htpg

Now that we're at the end, I almost don't want to say anything. But I do need to emphasize that victory is not guaranteed and you cannot leave the final battle. Please keep extra saves, and not just because this release could well be buggy. Much of it is polished, but I'm afraid that some combination of choices will leave the player stranded on a map or something.

But all that said... this is the final battle. I did the best I could to pour all my love for TLS into this. I hope you enjoy it.



Additional reports/assets: Quieter BattleF version, as requested: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gqoo4k6w835lm6pzm79cc/BattleF.ogg?rlkey=5biw5r9v2ofesnzba3tj6ueb1&dl=0 .ogg version of Dungeon Dark (please delete the .wav version): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z0lgrpov05luj0dwg0rmp/Dungeon-Dark.ogg?rlkey=3vc7swxw2bgabrj1vjaaf5ix4&dl=0 Here is a script to suppress auto map BGM using a switch. It's very similar to the one I made for disabling main menu items; if the comments don't make the intended usage clear, let me know. It doesn't look like you have any conflicting scripts, and I've tested that it works as intended during Yarra's Appeal. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zcipmdh5erz5ktwkv6g8z/suppress_auto_bgm.rb?rlkey=pllcql7zytfouf6wt4ifljvvo&dl=0 I think the new script would be useful during the following events: - Xerces's real-world monster attacks: Final HQ, 009,000 - Orilise/Elleani's counterattack: Final Clearing, 004,000 - Yarra's Appeal: Tower's Heart (bottom copy), 000,000 - probably a bunch of places in previous versions... why did I only write this script now? Further to my previous reports, it looks like there are a bunch of missing music changes during the Fortified/Battlefield locus sequence: - when entering Fortified Locus for the first time - when entering Battlefield Locus for the first time - when entering the Harem Prison (maybe reuse the Manipulation theme at 125% pitch) - when entering Fortified Locus for the second time (Wendis rescue decision) - when entering Battlefield Locus for the second time (Sarai shield) - when entering Fortified Locus for the third time (Balia orcwall) - when entering Battlefield Locus for the third time (after Hester's alliance gambit) - when entering Final HQ after IK arrival and Ginasta's kamikaze run Empty text events for IK arrivals, to be removed or replaced with short delays: - Fuzkao: Battlefield Locus, 003,000, around halfway down, just before "Hahaha, you're all going to burn" - Lustlord: same event, shortly afterwards, just before "And I, the one true Lustlord" - Estaven: Final HQ, 006,000, near the top, just before "The Lord Of Fucks has returned" - Incubus King Of The Entire World And Also The Other Stupid Continents: same event, about 70% down, just before "Eh, what's going on? ..." I forgot to make specific notes for save points, but in general, I think it would be positive to allow saving at the points where you allow the party to change formation during the long scripted sequences, e.g. after the first and second events in Fortified Locus, when switching to Battlefield Locus. I'll try to take more notes next time round. Random reports: Repeat of 'safe' - suggest changing the first to 'clear': https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ao98inz8cmvs6wshe4ic/Screenshot-2024-06-03-21.51.19.png?rlkey=mjd9ja64a33reg8zsg5w5mqt2&dl=0 benefactors -> benefactor: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uail3rhfljfprplw3a7h8/Screenshot-2024-06-05-23.08.31.png?rlkey=n2c6hn1kr141j057e1qqceys1&dl=0 spreadhead -> spearhead: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jvhrw6w6q7lgac0ib5p6x/Screenshot-2024-06-06-21.22.33.png?rlkey=horgqvkw0saxl1vy0cqw0rao5&dl=0 I feel like Robin should be temporarily removed while she's figuring out Xerces's arcane barrier - I had her in my spearhead party, so it's weird to have her fighting in the subsequent battle. Probably need to give the player the chance to rejig their formation as a result. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/to5d31iu9vgiq48oni68r/Screenshot-2024-06-06-21.30.14.png?rlkey=84fpe7ryono35oj089f0lvngi&dl=0


Thanks for your continued attention to detail! I have everything ready for tomorrow's build, except where noted, but it is really not tested. >Further to my previous reports, it looks like there are a bunch of missing music changes during the Fortified/Battlefield locus sequence: I'm afraid that the mental energy I have remaining for music-related stuff is zero. Many of those are maps that don't have an attached track - should it have one? I cannot overstress how much I don't want to think about this. >I forgot to make specific notes for save points, but in general, I think it would be positive to allow saving at the points where you allow the party to change formation during the long scripted sequences, e.g. after the first and second events in Fortified Locus, when switching to Battlefield Locus. I'll try to take more notes next time round. Alright, added one more. >I feel like Robin should be temporarily removed while she's figuring out Xerces's arcane barrier - I had her in my spearhead party, so it's weird to have her fighting in the subsequent battle. Probably need to give the player the chance to rejig their formation as a result. While this is logical, I'm really not sure how to handle it. Letting the player add in a new party member would be mildly complex and really mess with the feel of the section. I could remove her (and Qum) for the sake of logic, but that could seriously hamper the player.

Captain Hair

How much is changing for the 74.2 version? I've been holding out for the iteration after the quick fixes thus far.


Not a ton that would be noticeable, but you're so close now you might as well wait for the upload later today.