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Thinking back over these update posts, I feel like I've been more negative than positive. I guess the difficulties are more salient when I'm putting posts together, as I'm usually thinking about what I need to work on, not what's going well or already done.

So as a counterbalance, let me say that I've also spent plenty of time working with a big stupid grin on my face. ^-^ There are tons of momentous pieces in the final battle, from dramatic to silly, that I'm looking forward to everyone experiencing. Not a ton of sex content for obvious reasons, but there is a crazy sex scene, because how can we not include that element in a game like this?

I put in long hours at work, but that's because I truly love TLS and this job. All of you have supported me this far and I can't thank you enough or ever really repay what you've given. This is the best thanks I have to offer: the final battle update should be released this Friday.




I'm so happy orcent gets to be front and center. I also like that Simon is flanked by the Entity and the Empress are flanking Simon. After all, one is Simon's first wife and the other is raising a child with him (in the succubus way).


I know this sounds ridiculous given how long this has been in the making, but... I can't believe we are already reaching the end of TLS's story.