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First up, we have some huge TWC fanart from Argo the Ratfolk! I wish this could coincide with some sort of TWC news, but I'm afraid that's all getting put off by continued TLS work. I really should be doing a big promo of free books some time before the next release, but doing that right now would be too large a distraction.

Regarding the final battle work, I'm pleased to report that another hurdle has been cleared: all mechanical and coding obstacles are dealt with. You might not think that the conclusion of a game this long would have new things introduced at the end, but there are some brand new mechanics in the concluding section to try to make this land. In theory these could have caused delays if I couldn't figure them out, so I'm glad I have all the necessary scripts and other pieces now.

Don't worry too much; this won't be a case where a game introduces brand new gimmicks at the end instead of focusing on core gameplay. These pieces are there to reinforce the main game... I'm sure lots of people won't even realize this stuff is impossible in unmodified RPG Maker. T-T But regardless of whether you know any behind-the-scenes details, I hope these will make the moments hit the way I wanted.

I want to thank Lamsey, Grim8P, and LordForte for helping me with various pieces related to all this. Each of them has moved the final battle further towards completion! Barring surprises, the rest of development is 100% on me now. >_<

One final item of business: annual billing has been turned on, because one patron requested it. This will not change anything except when you get billed, but if you would prefer this, feel free to take advantage of it.




Super thanks to everyone helping. Truly all of you are the Orcent to Sierra Lee's Simon. (I think that tracks, but I'm a little sleepy, so hopefully I didn't just say something incredibly weird). I am super excited for the ending, but I hope you have some faith in how much practice you have at making incredible endings for your stories.


Thank you for this game, never thought that one of the best game I would play in my life would be made on RPG Maker but here I am, the characters, the universe, the ambiance and even the impact of the players choices. Again thank you for all those emotions All the support for the next updates