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Description: He’s been pursuing you for months. Visiting your shop, sending gifts and you typically just roll your eyes and ignore it… But you can’t help but enjoy the feeling… Your boyfriend is rarely around, he’s stopped putting effort in and Valentine’s day is right here. Being fought for is nice and you do have feelings for him. You’ve known him longer than your current partner and there was always a spark. You never wanted to admit it because of the man you’re dating but that doesn’t even faze your not so secret admirer… He wants you, and you finally admit, you want him.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Ellie

If you missed the first episode in this series ('Greed') with a guest VA you can catch up HERE


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Oh good lord pleaaase give us more of this voice Mr. Robinson 😮‍💨


I was envious of those who listened to this when it came out. I'm a bit late, but I one million percent loved this. It is going to be one that I come back to on the weekly. 🔥


I love this!


Okay, i enjoyed the accent, but overall, it’s a no from me. Couldn’t get behind some of the tags. That’s just my preference. Storyline was good though.


Dang it Tony!!! You stay having one job that you can't do😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂


“I’ve wanted you for years! I don’t care who your boyfriend is! I’m spending so much time pursuing you!… But you’re no Helen of Troy, alright?” Hilarious 🤣🤣


I don’t know why I keep coming back to this one, but I just love this character


“marrone bella donna”…was this inspired by a brown woman 👀

Remy Darling

Ahhhh shagging with the suit on. It's to women, what lingerie is to men. Rawr.

Katira Moon

I’m not really a mafia romance girlie, or at least I wasn’t. Hard request for more please!!


Omg mafia Robinson even comes in Italian