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It’s our wedding anniversary, but because of my new job I forgot it. When I get home, you’re visibly upset and I’m trying to figure out why. I feel terrible, I want to make it up to you. I take you out to a five-star restaurant and when we get home I’m on my knees, ready to serve you and make you feel my love.

from bksaudio.com request - 'BFE/married couple. It’s their anniversary but because of the new high profile job VA has he’s forgotten,despite the listener dropping subtle hints on the run up. VA gets home to greet a visibly upset listener who refuses to reveal what’s wrong. Once he works it out he promises to make it up to them by getting a table at the most exclusive restaurant in the city (he has contacts thanks to his job). Once they get home they have passionate sex, where the VA shows the listener just how sorry he is.'

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by coldtofu


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Samantha Senders

Do I know how beautiful I am? No no I don’t think I do please mr Robinson convince me some more…


Agh I love the “slice of life” tag so much.

Hey Jamie

“It’s gonna be the most beautiful table you’ve ever seen. Mahogany!” LMAO STOP I LOVE HIM

Hey Jamie

15:31 oh no. Oh noooo. The voice of this man is ruining any potential man from even coming close oh no what have I done


“I’m going to make it up to you all night.” HELL YES.


One on my favorite

Sol ☀️

Oh my goodness Mr. Robinson, amazing work 👏🏼🔥🔥🔥


Well, and that's called an apology. Robinson as usual you did a great job!


It doesnt work?????

Chamia 💓

The way he adores her and her feelings ✋🏽🙂‍↕️


This is so fucking beautiful but omfg it breaks my heart that the sweetest, kindest things I've ever heard said to me, has been shit I pay to listen to 😢