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A couple of weeks ago you told us your embarrassing audio erotica stories.

We had Robinson moaning in job interviews, murmury 'mmmyeeahs' on planes, imaginary knocks on doors, security guards listening to Daddy wake you up in the morning ...all kinds of antics...

This week, feel free to tell us about a time you've felt proud as a listener.

Was it an aha moment during sex?

A thing you learned about yourself?

Something you'd had repressed or subdued that you now feel free to enjoy?

Advice you could give to a friend?

We want all the 'Hell yeah, I listen to audio erotica' stories

Also, just a little reminder...

All of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 420+ audios) HERE. Get your bluetooth set up right, ideally don't listen in the middle of a job interview (we don't live in a perfect world I know), if some male moans escape, just shrug it off as tennis, you'll be gold, don't worry.



Vocal_Essence Entertainment

Hmm..My proud moments are when I listen to an audio and hit a trigger moment. Whether it's the sound of a particular slap or the way a rough scene plays out, it manages to trigger deep wounds that I'd buried for the sake of emotional peace. These triggers make me weep and tremble..lol but then I analyze my behavior and realize this audio was the exact medicine I needed to even see what was buried in my psyche. Now I can listen to the same audios and enjoy them..even with laughter and a happy ending. I've moved passed a few deeply seeded wounds in only a few months.. A truly magical therapeutic process that actually worked. So, I guess what I'm proud of is my self awareness and my ability to want to heal. Awww..that's nice. lol


Literally these audios changed my life, i have discovered so many hidden kinks i have, these are my safe space and the BKS has inspired me to start writing my own spicy novels 🫣❤️❤️

Nyyn Buub

After having traumatizing experiences with giving birth, my drive decreased. This is due to self imagie issues and fear that cutting loose would get me get pregnant again. As I started healing mentally and physically, these autos helped my mind wonder to more pleasant places, brought up happy memories of fun time with my husband, and is helping me make healthier associations with sex.


I have a microperforate hymen and will be getting a surgery to fix it soon. This means I'll be able to have penetrative sex for the first time at 20 years old. I've been with my bf for 2 years now and being demisexual, I'm actually open to try it with him now but I've always had violent connotations with sex my whole life. I'm very nervous but these audios have helped me see that penetrative sex doesn't have to be degrading or dehumanizing. I'm opening up a bit more and while I'm still a bit scared, I'm actually becoming excited about the new opprotunity. Plus, now I know that enjoying sex isn't a bad thing despite what I've been taught. Luckily I have an amazing bf who wants to make my first time special.


I think just the fact that I’ve learned to embrace my desires, that sex and desire isn’t dirty or impure, that I can be sensual and sexy and still innocent. I’ve learned my sexuality, how I feel about sex and erotica and that learning about pleasure isn’t something to hide until “someday”

Tianna Valdez

Just need a better experience with sex, or experienced help... either or I know how hard it is long distance so with that I hope my drive don't go down because of it.

Samantha Senders

I’m discovering I have way more kinks than I ever imagined. I’m new to audio erotic. But I’m loving every minute of listening..


I have been feeling way more in sexual situations and I'm able to voice how I feel much easier now. I feel safe after years worth of anxiety about it


I've always had a low drive (due to past trauma) and my husband a high one (he's always been respectful of my issues and we made it work) , but I started listening to your audio dramas and my drive went through the roof. Husband was shocked and asked what changed. One awkward (on my part, he was amused) conversations later and we are closer as a pair. So... thanks guys keep up the great work!


I'm more comfortable being able to perform oral I used to fear that I wasn't good enough in the bedroom and listening to you guys has empowered me as a woman and partner also added bonus I now voice what my likes and dislikes are along with hard and soft limits also I've had an embarrassing moment to where I moaned out " oh daddy" at a kBBQ restaurant when my food came the waiter just smiled at me and laughed I may or may not have been asked not to come back... but BKS fuck yeah I listen to erotica