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Premise: We all need a break from our regular day to day. That’s why when a somewhat distant relative offers to lend you their cabin located on the magical coast of Wales, you can’t pass up the chance. Excited to kickstart the impromptu vacation with a yummy meal, a quiet afternoon of cooking is on the menu. Finding your way around the cabin’s kitchen is easy, you even have time to admire the old oil painting hanging overhead – when suddenly, something strange begins to happen. You swear you can hear the distant hum of horses galloping. But that must just be your imagination?

However, it happens again, and this time the sound of horses is drowned out by people shouting. Before you can decide if you’ve really gone mad, a giant form crashes through the painting and lands in front of your very feet. The man is more handsome than your heart can handle, and he is wearing what looks like medieval clothes. Is he some raving lunatic or just a harmless cosplayer? That arrow piercing his shoulder says otherwise.

Equipped with a sword and a burning intension to save you from unknown danger, the gorgeous stranger certainly knows how to get a girl’s attention. And those eyes, glinting with valor and sparks of mischief, if only he wasn’t bleeding all over the floor…sigh.

Well, looks like your peaceful vacay just took an exciting turn.

Let’s see where this adventure takes you, shall we?

Trigger warnings: Battle, mentions of bleeding, stitching of a wound, needles, old time/medieval mindsets about women...

[Main nicknames: My lady, Lass, Sweeting]

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Snoooza


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And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 420+ audios) HERE.




another one from Snoooza im sat


Whoever invented this premise 😂 I’d like to rent some time inside your head please ❤️


i haven't even hit play but im calling a part 2 rn


I'm already hooked just from the title!


Sisterwives, it's our cue!!! ❤️🥰🔥💦 Oh, Snooza is back with heat! 🔥🔥🔥

Love Dainty


Skye Bravo

Already a few minutes in and I'm in love again


I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought…. Was he just quoting Aladdin? Lol. And Python !!! I was lady of the lake and Spamalot, so when I heard that one, I spit my drink out… Tis but a scratch

Jinx mai

It is but a scratch... God I love that xD

Doña Yayi

Ohhhhh shiznit!!!!! I am late!!!! Anyways let me finish my nighttime skincare routine and then get my snacks and wine ready and take a listen to this wonderful time travel masterpiece!!!!! Gaaaaaawdsssss midieval knight Robinson is hereeeeee for us sisterwives!!!!!! Sisters uff i am so fawkin late but imma move it on quick so i can assemble with you lovelies here!!!!! Once again he demands all of our presence!!!!!! My beloved and beautiful man we are ready for youuuu 🤌💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂




Yes literally got the python ones and others lol I wonder if that was him just doing improv. Lol living for it.


Literally spit out my drink when I heard that. Was just saying, I wonder if all the movie references are the VAs improv or actually in the script


I straight up snort laughed. It's probably in the script! I know Ellie put the "Gimme that gluten" in the one lol 😆

Lisa Camp

I’m half way through and I believe this has been one of my absolute favorites!!


i need a part two where the listener introduces him to modern technologies like vibrators please and thank you


There NEEDS to be a part 2 to this!!! I need to listen to Aaron figuring out the present day and him being extra protective and sweet to the listener on random occasions!! This is one of the best audios so far!!!


Yes. Yes I am that eager for you to bed me. Carry on.

Honey Buns

🤤😵‍💫🥴 I’m absolutely melting!!!! As a woman with uneven breasts, I feel seen and beautiful from this! 🥰 this will go down as one of my favorite audios!!! Oh please let me keep him!! I love all the worship and praise and adorable Robinson-ness!!! Definitely another amazing audio 🤭🤪♥️




I love Mr. Robinson but after this audio I have fallen in love harder than I have ever before


LMAO Aww that was so sweet and adorable! That part about that statute made me cry. I love how he reassured her about her insecurities! I'm a proud owner of uneven breasts as well so that lovely audio is more special to me! I died when our knight tried pronouncing thong hahaha! So precious! Oh please, Snooza, give us another part!


Hellpppp ive been inactive here because i found a sweet guy that resembles mr. robinson’s behavior…and sex talk so well. I’m finally back to binge on everything I missed😎


Listening to these audios somewhat made me better at sex and communication.

Valentina Osorio Palacio

This is giving me Outlander vibes and I’m LIVIIIIIING FOR IT!!! OMG!!! Loveeeee it!


How is he so versatile?! This was so funny and pulled on my heartstrings 🥺 Snoooza pls you never miss thank yall 💫 p.s. that irish accent did things to me 💞😂


go live your life, girl! we ain't going nowhere 🤸🏽‍♀️


Mr. Robinson is amazing. Definitely my new fav. I was lstening to this audio with earbuds and was so invested that I thought the 4.2 magnitude earthquake was just my imagination

Pam 701

I REALLY enjoyed this story. It has a lot of humor and romance. Mr. Robinson did his usual exceptional performance, including some great accents. I would love to see this story continued, since I’m wondering if the knight can even get back to his own time. ❤️🥵🥰🥵❤️


Oh Snoooza you definitely know how to write an amazing script. This definitely has the makings of another amazing series alongside your others. And it was amazing to see this side of Robinson. Right some thoughts: 1. Robinson's accent for a start - wasn't quite prepared for the sexy medieval accent! 2. Wales of all places - This shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did haha! 3. Favourite quote number 1 (4 mins in) - 'Your ladyship makes for a convincing angel' 4. Favourite quote number 2 (6 mins in) - 'How about I take a knee instead?- Ahhhhhhhh! 5. Awww Robinson is in pain! Oh wait... he likes it?! 6. 18 mins in - Love the throwback to 'Falling Through Time', such an awesome audio! 7. Oh his apology was beautifully done! 8. And that body desire was even better, followed by that sweet kiss! 9. Favourite quote number 3 - 'Fuck honour?' Hell yes! 10. Favourite quote number 4 (27 mins in) - 'You might be dressed like a tart but you're squirming like a maiden' - perfect balance of the inner saint and sinner! 11. That virgin speech was so well done! Strange to think of Robinson as a virgin but he really did that speech justice! 12. That breast appreciation was divine! Perfect handful and perfect mouthful?! Perfect scriptwriting! 13. 38 mins in - I love how shocked he was by the shaved legs and then the thong! 14. 44 mins in and we are only just introducing ourselves while we're naked and his fingers doing the most delicious things inside! 15. Not sure how I feel about the masochistic moment - purely down to personal preference! 16. That was great seeing the male virgin experience! 17. The simple aftercare of finger through the hair and then rubbing the temple was so sweet and caring! 18. Where exactly does Robinson think he's going? Can he just go back through the portal picture or something. And if that is the case. The listener is on holiday... how is he gonna find us? Am I thinking too logically haha?! 19. So many cute moment in this - I just couldn't keep track! 20. Gave me all the feels - exactly what I needed at 2am haha! Once again, bloody amazing work Snoooza! Please please please do more parts for this! And I love that this is Secret Tier Sunday! Awesome work as always by Robinson and the editing was very well done! Keep it up BKS Team! 💜 Ps this is now my longest comment to date haha! Part of me should be embarrassed by this, but I just love it!

Mus ~

Hey, Robinson! Duuude! Leave some ladies their fluid balance, why don't you? Yeesh - it's another "unexplained epidemic" of feminine dehydration (and drained earbuds). Clearly the man was having waaay too much fun with the accent thing, but please at least pick one - Irish OR Scottish - you excessively talented goose! Can somebody explain to me the whole "grabbing the wound" thing? I mean, I get the erotic use of pain (teeth, nails, tools, etc) even if I don't personally share the kink, but digging into a freshly stitched arrow hole (?!) seems a bit extreme to me.


i'm 20 mins in and i had to take a break from all this laughing!!! this is hysterical! robinson's comedic timing is impeccable! face hurts from smiling.


This comment is the only thing that can describe my desperate need for a part 2




I'm not a neuroscientist but I believe that touching wound released serotonin which is the happiness hormon that has amazing pain relief properties. It literally feels good to feel physical pain when touching or scratching a wound. It works even better when we administrate touch ourselves. It gives relief by reducing pain. They did a study about it ages ago. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-soothing-touch/#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20published%20online,touch%20from%20another%20cannot%20mimic. Hope this helps! 🙏 [Edit] I forgot to add that having sex, orgasm especially, release a lot serotonin so our Knight got double pain relief 😅 😌 ❤️ I can confirm that as I suffer from chronic pain and sometimes I get bad nerve pains in my chest and self-plesure is definitely helping 🙃 😉

Doña Yayi

Oh gawds oh my heart!!!! This was just so adorable and funny and sweet and romantic ohh holy mother of cuteness this here was just 🤌💋❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 lol i love the banter of the sweet knight who has traveled from time, he is in a strange house with a strange lookin kitchen and he sees a woman who wears a dress that he calls a devils creation lol that had me giggle 🤭🤭🤭🤭 and he is entranced by her natural beauty. She has her insecurities but he shows her how beautiful she is with praise and lovely affirmations and i love it!!!! Ohhhh hades havin a beer with zeus and poseidon the sexy time!!!! Oh gaaaawds the sexytime was so sweet, intense, so lovely a whole lot of emotions were felt here and jesusss just listening to a man who gave away his virtue to his muse with so much feeling ohhhh that squeezed my heart!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 how he worshipped her how he made her feel how amazing and beautiful she really is!!!!!! And gawds the aftercare in this after wonderful and romantic sexy time ohhhh " putting my hand on my heart " i have no words this loveable knight caressed my heart with so much how he takes care of her, running his fingers through her hair, massaging her temples making her feel relaxed , how they hold eachother, how he confesses to her that he wants to remain with her he wants to court her he wants to steal her heart oh gaaaawddd my heart 🥺🥺🥺 i swear i have tears in my eyessss his last words!!!! " from today onwards i am yours if you have me" ohhhhhhh the tears dont stop!!!! This is just beaaaaaautifullllll!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Mr. Robinson!!!! My beloved and sweet knight you did it again!!!! You caressed my heart once more with this wonderful work of art!!!! Geeeeeshhh im so emotional now tears just run down my cheeks this was just perfection 💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ my beloved knight from tonight on us sisterwives belong to youuuu and shizzz who am i kidding you belong always to this wonderful community of lovelies!!!!!!!! My beautiful and loveable man i give many tender kisses, so many soft caresses and lots of ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG ))))) 💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂

Doña Yayi

Ohhhhhh don BKS pleaaaaseeeee do bring us a part 2 of this amazing story!!!!! 😊🤗🥰❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏


Based on how many terrible wounds this character has probably had, he probably used a pain fetish as a way to cope with always being hurt. Turn the pain into pleasure type thing? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mr. Robinson meets James Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Fraser???????????????


Please make this a series 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m literally begging you 🙏🏻🥺


OMG Mr.Robinson what is this performance at the start!? I can't stop laughing! And slipping into a Scottish brogue every now and then. You got me giggling like a silly school lass! You somehow out did yourself.

Mia Rose

I politely request a sequel to this one, it's so sweet and just silly enough to balance the spice well! I loved this💞


Ha! Snooza has been watching Outlander! And if YOU haven’t you should! I heard every single Outlander-homage in this audio (”I don’t mind that you’re a virgin so long as you don’t mind that, I am” and ”I’m a virgin not a monk”-line, and some others too) and I loved every second of it! Part 2 is not a want it’s a NEED! Fucking smoking hot,.. I may have dated myself with that expression and,.. as always, thank you Robinson for your service. Jeez.. 😅😮‍💨 Woke up to this drop. Listened first thing,.. it’s gonna be a great week!


I think you need to watch ”Outlander”. A lot of inspiration for this is from that show,.. you will not be sorry you did. 😜


Aaaand now I have a new favorite audio! Mr. Robinson knocked this out of the park per usual, like omg!!!

Kimi Harris

Between the sweetness, the accent moments, and the size kink I am officially swooning!!! This should absolutely be a series!!!


Now this right here… masterpiece. I giggled, I swooned. AND WHEN THE DEEP ACCENT CAME OUT?!?! I have to say I replayed that part a shameful amount of times. The ending left my heart full. Will be needing a part 2 please.


That body worship was truly something- had me tearing up AND turned on 😭 I’ll be patiently waiting for a sequel!!


I literally cried. Our bodies deserve to be worshipped girls!!!


Script: 💯 SFX: 💯 Performance: 💯 No more words needed. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Miss Dill

It’s a mere scratch…😂 I hope our dear Robinson had a field day acting out this script because, sir, I enjoyed every time-traveling second of it.


Actively demanding a part two..


As the rat king I approve


I can tell Mr. Robinson had fun recording this one. 😂 He’s so cute. ☺️❤️❤️


My GODS this was attractive. Damn. Nice job.


You brought a spark of hope to my day! I really miss him a lot 🥺

L. Kane

So it got a little outrageous in the middle but I liked it. I didn't see myself in this one at all, but I honestly can't wait for the next installment. I love the time traveling stories since so much can be done with the plot.


please have a part 2 where he returns and stays


I think this has to be in my top 5 Mr. Robinson audios. The humour throughout the whole thing is so incredibly sweet, his eagerness to please and reassure her is touching. Bravo Snoooza for about incredible script and Bravo Mr. Robinson for the great acting. 10/10 please give us a part two. 👏


Mr Knight is so cute!!!


the concept was cute but i really wasn’t a fan of it. it was kind of cringy all the noises he made. i dunno :(

LaLa Li-Oon

I loved it! I can attest that being shot by an arrow actually sucks that bad. :D


Virgin VA is wonderful! I enjoyed this a lot


That was utterly magical.


Please make this a series BKS!!!! I wanna see how this Knight intends to court her through time😆😆😆


Robinson's voice getting this hoarse at the end is illegal🤯


Oh lorddddddd Robinson knew what he was doing with this one—please bless us with a part two🙌🏽🙏🏽


I guess maybe that’s for trying not to cum too soon?


Well I couldn't help myself listened again and I have say MR ROBINSON as a Scottish lassie myself u absolutely nailed 👏 the Scottish accent U MAKE A HOT BRAW 🔥 🥵 KINIGHT most definitely 🥵🥵❤❤💋💋 EPIC SCENARIO FINGERS CROSSED PART 2 COMES SOON 🧡🔥


Omfg, what an amazing script!! And Mr Robinson…fucking hell!!! Please, please, PLEASE let there be more!!!


I listened to this and carried on with my life. But guys, I had to come back. I love it 😂. I didn’t give this the recognition it deserves. I think I’d like it to be entered into the BKS Academy for Best Picture. Thanks 😂😂😂


I've listened to thus audio like 5 times omg it's soo good


This was so funny and sexy 😭 I couldn’t stop giggling


Omg the fact that the listener is a vet😫🙌🙌🙌 I’m going to vet school next year, so this audio hit harder than it normally would lmao

Honey Buns

After listening to this audio 10+ times, I can officially say that this is my favorite audio!! I love the way he says “Lass” and “Sweeting” makes me feel adorable and special. The body appreciation!! Everything is amazing. If there is a part 2 I would be eternally grateful to hear from Sir Knight Erin/Aaron again! Maybe he could hang around our modern world or we could go into the medieval portal with him and live a simple maiden life with our new knight husband! 🥴♥️🤤 Either way, incredible job to Mr. Robinson and to Snoooza!!! ♥️♥️♥️


This was soooo whimsical and fun! As soon as I heard the historical himbo comment on being plenty hospitable I had to pause and laugh 😂 but those things make these fantasies all the more charming 🌟 crossing my fingers for a part two…maybe with some Scottish dialect for a whee lass? 😇

Amairany Aranda

Let 12:55 live rent free in my mind


This is so FUNNY, why did i tuck my hair behind my ear, "you think I'm fair 🌝 teehee"


I loveeeeeeeee thissssssssssesess

Lady Erosina

It was funny 😆 and then it got really hot 🥵


I’m just imagining the listener wearing a standard nightgown. Not lingerie or something a little sexy. Just you’re standard nightgown. Idk why but it makes me laugh when the VA is like ‘yOu’Re DrEsSeD sKiMpY!’


This was the most adorable, sexy and immersive thing I’ve listened to in a long time. I’m new here, but I can see why folks like Mr Robinson. I can’t wait to hear more


i imagine raggedy booty shorts, an old tshirt "team building exercise '99", lopsided bun and glasses. that's what i wear every night. lol.


same! def in my top 3. i was re-listening for the nth time while i was on my hot girl walk this evening and i was laughing, with my head cocked back like a maniac. lol

Jonelle Phoenix

I just clicked on this while I wfh and omg it was a perfect blend of funny/sweet/sexy. What a nice way to start my morning.

Rag Doll

I'm...I...am...RagdollFX has stopped working...you broke me...I am broken 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Please make this a series. I have to know how they work out. Virgin Robinson is definitely one of my favorites.


how is his voice so juicy and delicious?! i do not understand it. i want to swallow it!


Wow what a fantastic review thank you so so much❤️✨


Busted! Haha yes I have (as everyone who enjoys a fabulous romance should😚) A lot of inspiration was drawn from that show and various others ✌🏻


Glad I took the time to really listen and enjoy these audios. A fantastic review for a fantastic audio! Keep em coming Snooooza 😍💜


Oh I’m gonna need a part 2.


Were those... hand kisses? Did he kiss her hands? Dear Lord that alone took me out, I'm so guarded of my hands and the simple action of affirmation by that?? Off goes my soul!

Lady Vulpine

I might’ve joined just for this story 😬 worth it.


never seen Outlander, but this audio sure has ruined those chances of seeing it now with these standards to uphold 🧎‍♀️🙇‍♀️


There are no words…. Starstruck I guess… absolutely astounding 😅😳☺️🫠


It would be great to have a funny part 2 where the knight is having trouble living in this world and embarrassing himself.😂😂😂😂😂

Anya Logan

This whole thing had me dying of laughter. "Hoss... Pital?"


i would love to see this fish out of water/ encino man- type story... robinson would hit the comedic beats so well.. i am tearing up laughing just thinking about it.

Melissa ScheissEgal

How scared he was because she often shaves 😆 I hope there is a part 2


We need a part 2!!!!

Madame Zee

I have listened to this audio at least half a dozen times, and I giggle every single time at the shock of the shaved legs


I demand a part 2. This made me laugh so much.

MAP draws

"HOW CAN YOU BOIL WATER WITHOUT FIRE?!" made me laugh like a maniac. I love 'man out of time' stories. well done <3

Hey Jamie

This is SO DAMN CUTE I can’t stand it!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


:)))) I soo need the bloopers for this one :))))) genius!!!! haven't laught so hard in ages :))))))))

Angeluna Fortuna

I keep coming back to this one. The knight is the perfect himbo and the script is TOP TIER. The adorable growl when she tries to pull the arrow to the best and the guilt Robinson conveys when he apologizes for insulting her is so sweet. This one is just magic!


As soon as I heard it's just a scratch I died laughing.


I have to admit, I listen to this nightly. Idk why, maybe it’s the pain that turns to arousal, the way Sir Robinson adores and pleasures his beloved, or maybe it’s just because it’s Robinson and is amazing.


I'd love to see how they make it work in a part 2 bc this was amazing 😍😍😍


I literally just bounced back over to re-listen before I dive into Part 2!!!!!!! Goddamn I love this.

Queen Zelda

it was so beautiful and so much fun to listen to our knight being adorably handsome and so into his love making :'D I laughed a lot of times and swooned at the same time. thank you so much, Mister Robinson and Snoooza, it was a wonderful spectacle <3


Sir Robinson, our Knight in shining armor. I liked this medieval fairy tale. Kudos to Snoooza! 👏🏻👏🏻 The SFX were perfect. And Sir Robinson took my breath away, hard to believe that a man of his abilities was still a virgin. His moans and whimpers made me shudder and his dirty talk with the accent🫠😍🥵...please let me catch my breath before I enjoy part 2.

Samantha Senders (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-31 19:13:58 Mmmm between sweet and growling, fuuuuck mr Robinson….
2024-01-31 01:00:05 Mmmm between sweet and growling, fuuuuck mr Robinson….

Mmmm between sweet and growling, fuuuuck mr Robinson….


Oh this was just so mediaevally lovely! ✔️ Excellent Script ✔️ Mr Robinson in pleasure-pain And for some reason, “I’m a virgin, not a monk!” just sent me 😂

Amy T.

The shaved legs fascination sent me.

Ariel Ledbetter

I was laughing so hard at the beginning portions of this, I hope Robinson had fun recording it because it definitely sounded like he did!

Amber Reynolds

This made me laugh so much at the beginning. I love it

Amber Reynolds

A thong??? The song starts playing in my head, “thong, thong, a thong”. Lol


A Knight or a Jester….and I’m not that funny…omfg Snoooza, that was my favorite!!! Love your scripts!!!

Ceri Long

The only thing missing was him running into the wall trying to get back through the painting. Ngl that would have had me in stitches


It seems like you were actively watching me before making this bc tell me why I want to go the veterinary route, have uneven breasts, AND YOU EVEN GUESSED THE BIGGER ONE. What type of sorcery did you pull here?


"The Grown Ass" part killed me 😂😂!


Oh my gosh! Aaron wants to court us, he's so sweet. He's not going back to his world alone I'm going with him no arguments.


Oh no worries honey, Jamie will change your mind 😏

Feufeu15 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-08 23:24:15 I’m going too lol
2024-04-04 13:52:18 I’m going too lol

I’m going too lol

Feufeu15 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-08 23:24:15 The music at the end makes it feel like the end rolling credits of a movie, and this whole audio deserves an Oscar 👏🏼👏🏼
2024-04-04 13:54:09 The music at the end makes it feel like the end rolling credits of a movie, and this whole audio deserves an Oscar 👏🏼👏🏼

The music at the end makes it feel like the end rolling credits of a movie, and this whole audio deserves an Oscar 👏🏼👏🏼


The accent shifting is killing me. :/ I had hoped this was gonna be Mr. Chambers or Mr. Wright. :/


Time to relisten to this series! And hope that Part 4 is maybe in our futures 💙💙💙

Nala Sky'

Eight minutes in and I have wheeze laughed five times 😂🤣😂🤣😂


This was one of the best works from mr. Robinson I've heard so far.. Made me laugh 😂 and definitely made me hot and bothered 🥵

Nala Sky'

I agree on the accent, it was TOUGH to get over, but I don't think this would have been nearly as funny with anyone else. The comedy is what makes this whole series for me. The sex is secondary, maybe even tirtiary because of the banter.


Yeah ihave to agree with you, the banter and goofiness and fun of it was what makes me like it more. The spicy stuff I just tuned out and I replayed the funny parts more.