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He comes into the bedroom to wake you up one morning and discovers that the orgasm denial game he's been playing is beginning to drive you to desperation, so he decides to tease you.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Lain


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Those tongue-y moans 🥵


Nice audio, daddy. :3 Glad to be subscribed again.




Mr.Robinson I’m free Saturday night. On Saturday night I will be free. Again I’m free on Saturday night to hangout on Saturday night.


L-bomb tag is used on audios where they've never said I love you for example friends to lovers


Honestly dude, you’re getting better at this if that was even possible. I think you have a gift 😂


I agree! Mr. Robinson is super talented! Rob has a real knack for finding these guys.


He really is talented. Objectively, he really is; it shines through. It’s, I’m sure, a really challenging type of acting too. And to be consistently good at it must really require real effort honestly. There are a lot of people “good” at this. I don’t think I’ve found anyone else this consistently excellent. Perhaps one other but he puts out quite different content. Major major kudos honestly, I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t genuinely believe it 🙏🏻


Dizzy omg 😵‍💫💘


I’m not sure why but when my phone goes black because I haven’t touched my phone the audio turns off? Is anyone else experiencing that?


Could it be a setting? I can close the app and turn off my screen without it shutting off


It does the same thing to me when I play the audio here from the feed...when i switch to the tier library and play it from there, it's ok :)


Why did I feel like the mr.chambers came out around the end


I love the banter they write before the sex.. it makes it 1000x better and I acctually dont skip through. Also, you will not be getting your t shirt back. That is all 😀


i just woke up (it’s 2pm)


That was sooo hot and intense. I don't think I would be a good girl and hold on to that long. I'm Uber sensitive, but I would try for Daddy😘😘

Hey Jamie

I just can’t fathom that NOT cumming when you are on the verge, while the cause is also not stopping, is a real thing. It doesn’t compute to me lol


Dear god I know an audio has hit home when I’m dizzy just listening. Fucking hell


This is my first time commenting under an audio and let me say, this script is one of my FAVORITES I love hearing how needy I am, and begging to get railed is so hot.


Sweet Jesus that low voice and those growls!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵