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The setup: He is at the hotel bar cutting a deal with his “business associates.” They are old school Italian gangsters, flown in from Venice, three piece suits and expensive watches. 

He is more new school - with the flashy lifestyle and good looks of an Instagram influencer, but with a wiley business acumen and fiercely protective.

He tried to break away from the family business to study medicine, but was sucked back in after his father was murdered, to support his mother and three sisters. He has a weakness for powerful women, especially those who also like to take orders in the bedroom when they aren't trying to play boss everywhere else in life. But every time they get too close, he pushes them away to protect his family's empire. 

In a chance encounter, he meets a highly educated physician (you) who is in town for a conference. They have a chance encounter and a glass of pinot noir kickstarts a whirlwind romance both of them are unable to fully control. 

VA - Mr. Gallo

This script was written by Lucky Lady Writes


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*noise of me kissing my work productivity goodbye* Okay it's Gallo Time 👀


Mr. Gallo has slowly and steadily been making his way into my heart with Chambers and Robinson 🫠


Always ready for some Gallo 👏🏾 Let me get good and comfortable 🤭☺️


everyone can tell Mr. Gallo has improved soooooo much along the way. He's so good at elaborating emotions right now.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Doña Yayi

Oh my gaaaaaaaaawwd!!!! Another exquisite gallo audio!!!!! Ohhhh jesus having a shot of mamá juana!!!!! Ohhhhh i am so running right now 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ ohhh nutcracker eating tamarindo i am getting ready now!!! Holy mother of everything gallo!!! Gallo is officially a part of my beloveds club joined with Chambers and Robinson!!!!!🤌❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 gallo my beloved ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))

Doña Yayi

Holy mother of sexy growly men!!! Oh my gawd to be that woman!!!!! To be imprisioned so deliciously in this man's arms!!!! Jesus riding on a yamaha motor cycle!!!!! 🤌💋❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 gallo's dirty talk and moans omg a delicious treat. It sends chills all over my body and warm sensations reach a very sensitive place!!!! Oh holy nutcracker eating nasty hot cheetos!!!! To be her!!!! I would submit to this man. To feel this man's lips, hands and body all over my skin until i ride the waves of luscious pleasure!!! Gaaaaahhhhh @#$%^&?!☆▪︎¤¡¿ ohhh this man " i need more of you baby. Im not done with you yet." " i dont chase baby. I take what i want." Ohhhhh gaaaaaaaaawwd!!!!!! I will accept this man's invitación anytime!!!! I will gladly go on a trip for 2 weeks with this sexy growly man and share a glass of champagne with him!!!! Ohhhh my beloved Mr. Gallooooo 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))


Omg so hot 🔥 Mr gallo loved it 😍 ❤ your amazing 👏 xx

Murjani Tiffany

Fucking hell just… everything 🫠


OMG 🤯🤯🤯. Havent even listened yet but those tags with Mr Gallo??? I know this is gonna floor me 😂

nisosoup! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

girls really do appreciate the smallest thing cause why did i smile at the sound of the hands flicking off the water after being washed LOL


I am feral and my knees are weak, bravo.


As I’m clutching my pearls…..Sir Gallo…..my my my…..❤️❤️


So…an ex, huh?! 👀I hope she’s not in the same business as him.


I loved it! wouldn't mind listening to a part 2^^


jesus ..... my ears and face get so red you can def see the steam from my body bc this mans voice is doing something to me everytime🥵"baby" literally all the dirty talk i'm in shambles


I think I’m a little addicted to Mr. Gallo’s rough sex 🫠


Part two pleaseeeeee


the subtle wet sounds got me feeling all kinds of things.... under~ 😉😉

Sherree Garrett

I’m LOVING this new Gallo! Lately, his audios have been a bit softer starting out and I’m living for them. I swear I start getting happy every time I see his name listed as the VA for an audio. But also, this one was amazing and the writer did a nice job. Hopefully we’ll get a part 2, cause I don’t think this is the end quite yet.

Kandita Putri

This story needs part two, thank you.


😳🔥🥵🥵 Damn....excuse me we're going to need a part 2 .

Sage McDermott

Mr. Gallo sounds like Lee from the walking dead 😭❤️❤️❤️


Okay, why I am only discovering it now!? Holy smokes! That was so goddamn hot. I'm not supposed to be cheating on Mr Robinson but Mr Gallo is making it hard! Pun intended LMAO PLEASE make a part 2 with some ex-gf drama! PLEASEEEEE!


I loved the ol' skool vibe! My Gallo is truly a jack of all trades😘😘

Tia Keough

What a delicious experience, thank you again Mr Gallo for bringing such pleasure to my ears and…other areas 🤭


Now this was a great one! The protectiveness definitely balanced out the roughness and I loved the shameless flirting haha! And how I would love to be flown out to Italy haha! Much love 💜


Blue dress at the end of the bar….im wearing a blue nightgown 💀🙃🫣


The amount of nasty things I would let this man do to me is endless

Gaelle D

🫣🫠 this one deserves a part 2 pleaseeeeeee

Kori Shay

Need a part two were it's listener to the rescue of one of his boys. Awkward fumbling of telling her real job and she's all " You're mafia I get it now can I please concentrate!"

flo 🌟

pino noir.... he knows exactly what I like 😩😩😩😩