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Hey everyone,

We've got a Mr. Gallo supernatural/werewolf audio coming out tonight (ON PATREON), it's gonna be a spicy banger, I can feel it but in the meantime...we've got some more events taking place on Discord this month too.

Under the Covers Session Sex & BDSM Q & A is on hiatus until September due to life constraints for both Doc BKS and Auntie Kinky.

The link to join Discord is HERE

3, July & 30, July Our Secret Meeting 3PM EST

Join us and listen to a BKS audio together in a voice chat. All tiers are welcome.  We will keep a list of your favourite requested audios, choose a few options, and voting will happen  in announcements like we do for movies for the 30th. For this first event we will be listening to ‘Dad’s Best Friend” by Piiikaaboo and Rob featuring Mr. Robinson. This is one of the top 5 audios in our catalog!

10, July double feature 3PM EST

Come and roast these movies with us! We will be watching 365 Days part 1 & 2. together and talking smack in the text channels! Bring some movie snacks and drinks and have a great time reveling in these bad films with good sexy parts!

13, July  Bump to the Hump 12PM EST

BKS Ultimate Music Playlist!  Come in, listen to the music, and relax on the second Wednesday of the month! This will be a little rave we have every month. We will listen to music and chat a bit. Lurkers (people who don’t chat themselves, just read the chat) are always welcome! It’s okay if you can’t be there the entire time. Come as you can! Hump Day!

16, July & 24, July  Movie night TBD

For Europe 3PM CEST

For Americas 3PM EST

Whoa! That’s confusing innit? We will show the same film at different times so folks in different time zones aren't getting up at at 5 AM to watch a movie. Let's leave that to us mods! The 16th and 24th will be two different films. About a week before the event a vote of three choices pulled from community suggestions and we will watch the winner.

23, July Game Night 3PM EST

Come and join us for games, laughs, and fun! Mics on or off it doesn't matter, you can still join in the fun just the same! Since people have been enjoying these so much the last few weeks, we will probably play more jackbox games!

We would love to see you at any of these events ♥





I wish I could join you guys but I’m not English native speakers 😭 I’m afraid that I’m not good enough to chat with you. 😭😭 anyway, have a good time☺️

Kristy Mystery

Well I was excited for the next werewolf audio but with it being put on Discord it reminds me of the reason why cancelled my subscription to BKS a few months ago.

Kristy Mystery

I apologize and thank you for correcting my misunderstanding.


No Mr. Emmerson 🥺


Oh thank you, I can't wait 🥰


We have many non native English speakers in the discord community! We welcome everyone!


How do u join the chats?


Wooooo, this one slipped by! Have you gotten an answer to your question yet?

Lola Kat

I'm also interested in how to join the chats........... I'll have to re-check my discord link, but initially I could only see the announcements.


Ahhh, sounds like you haven’t finished the verification process. DM me or one of the other admins and we can help you get sorted!