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Hope you caught the cowboy audio last night, if not go check it out, you're missing a treat darlin'. Mr. Robinson is back in town.  

In order for us to give you more of what you want and do it better...

What is something other erotic audio creators are doing better than we are doing? 

Are they funnier, more active, better voices, better stories?

You can roast us as hard as you want (no yo mama jokes or pulling of the hair, those are the two rules), we're aiming to get better month in month out. 

Tick all that apply.





Not sure about everyone else, but I would actually like to see a few more gentle audios. For example, maybe the listener has to use the safeword because a scene gets too much for her, followed up with calming reassurance and sweet affection. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of the rough audios, but I also think a few more tender audios would be great x

Sarah O'Leary

I absolutely adore the work you all are putting out. My only thought would be, do any of the VAs have social media that us fans can follow? Q&As are nice, but it can be fun to follow social media too. And hey, I get it, not everyone wants to be out there, and that's cool too. Just curious. ;) (I'm sorry if I'm not making a lot of sense, I'm exhausted)


The only thing that i would like, but i still enjoy the audios if its not there, is when youre doing whispering and/or neck kisses that the audio goes ear-to-ear or would it be called binaural? Like Its more immersive when im being whispered to and its mostly on one ear


Not a huge fan of fake accents


I know someone suggested a safe word being used with some rough sex and calming her down, reassurance, taking care of her properly and then much gentler sex in the shower. I'm going to put that in the next poll. And from what I see our writers working on I think there will be more gentler scenarios on the way more consistently! X


I've discussed this before on Discord Sarah but essentially one of the key reasons we have BKS set up as we do is that it keeps VAs more honest, helps prevent some of the God complexes and power abuses that have developed in the erotic audio community. 1 man cannot have a relationship with 10,000 girls, people get hurt and feel discarded, power always corrupts. So that's why we are very careful about closer interaction. And yeah all of our guys want to retain anonymity! There may be other things we can do besides Q&As though. Don't worry you made total sense 💪X


I know the new VA Mr Lewis is keen on binaural stuff, he has an audio coming soon so hopefully that will be a good test or demo of it. I'll discuss with some of the other VAs as I'm not sure they are as knowledgeable on it X


Binaural audio for sure, they are all are amazing but i think binaural would take them to the next level


Sorry totally unrelated to the poll ( BTW THIS IS THE BEST EROTIC AUDIO ACCOUNT I HAVE COME ACROSS THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR, FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!!🥰 ) but when is the next Mr Emmerson audio coming out? Been wanting more from this VA and I also like the newbie Mr Lewis👀😏🥺😩.


Hey I mentioned this on Discord but Mr. Emmerson has been having personal issues with family members being very sick the past few weeks and then he's had throat issues for 2 weeks as well. He is still recording things for us but might be a little longer than we thought for his next recording!


Awww I’m so sorry sending love 💞and support🙏 and good energy🌞 to Mr. Emmerson his way for him and his family and I’ll happily wait patiently for his next Audio!!☺️


Having two sets of voices, to understand the story a little better.

Youthere You

More Mr. Robinson & more of the cowboy & professor/student stories please


I don't know if this is possible with your VA's schedules, etc. And it's fine if not! But in the event that it is, I think i would absolutely lose it if y'all made some threesome content, with two VA's describing to the listener. (Also a tiny thing, I love when some of your audios have the sounds of sex and blowjobs, it really helps me get immersed. So any more of that and I'll be the happiest camper! 😳☺) Have a great day, lads, you're doing amazing!


Your channel is unique. Be patient, some of the most popular erotic VA's have been there for years when there was no competition, therefore their content is mediocre but they have many followers. Most of your stories are well written, I like the variety of themes and plots. Sometimes I like to hear something rough and primal, other days I am a romantic and the historical audios get me totally in the mood. Mr. Robinson is my preferred VA but all VA's bring something to the channel. My only suggestion is to work on the "special" sounds. They are different in every audio, sometimes they are too loud or irrelevant. Not to compare but Mr. Robinson does it perfectly, not too loud, not too soft. Finally, thank you for all your hard work. Your audios relax me and put me in the right mood to have amazing sex with my husband.


Thank you Isabella, those are some awesome words and it is the highest compliment that we can help further your relationship and marriage as well. We've shared many of the VAs some of Mr. Robinson's work to hopefully inspire them to stronger performances and to get the acting/explicit levels just right. I think it is often a matter of time as they work their way into new things and get the best feel for it! X


Yeah we have had MM4F requests before but at the moment it is tricky enough to get audios recorded on their own. I think it would take us having a physical studio and actually getting people in the same room together to make it happen. Which is a long long way off. We're working on improving our sex SFX more generally, we might need to hire a foley artist for some of them. If we can get MMF, maybe two of the guys in similar timezones we'll try to make it happen but can't promise anything at this point. Thanks for all the kind words X


What a great answer! Setting and maintaining boundaries is so crucial and anonymity is the key element. Anonymity also allows each listener to imagine for themselves who the VA is. You are so right about the shit show in the the erotic audio community and I urge you to make sure you attend to the needs of the VAs, as well. Don't assume they "know better."


Binaural audio takes it to the next level. There is a VA on Patreon who does some insanely good stuff with it.

claire hourihan

Ik I’m late but I think for SFX you should have more wet sounds during sex. Just something to let me know how fast your going. Helps with my imagination 🙃 I love everything else though!!