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Hey girls,

I wanted to run this poll to find out a bit more about what drives you the most to listen to the audios. 

Tick all that apply to you. 

Let me know below and in the comments which are the most important for you!




Justina A.K.A Sunshine

I put other because I lost my dom/husband early in our relationship and I haven't found the right person and there's a VA here that sounds like him. So this is helping me move on.


My partner is so very sub but I'm a switch so this is how I fulfill my sub feelings while remaining faithful to my monogamous promise.

Maria xoxo

@tiffany feel you big same

lee lee

1: It helps with my anxiety. I KNOW THAT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT HEAR ME OUT!! I have a hard time focusing on things and that tends to send me into a tailspin. I’ve discovered that these audios helps me to focus and become immersed into the storyline. I love reading but I get distracted quite often. Only with the audios am I able to be still and listen. 2: I’m a depressed fat lady who needs the 15-30 minute dopamine boost 😅


Nothing pumps me up for workout better than moans 💀

Kanisha James

for me its a combo of being lonely and just wanting to know what its like to have a guy in my life who not only wants me for the hot and steamy stuff, but who actually wants me for me and actually wants to hang out with me and do normal boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. That's what i wish guys today would stop thinking with their dicks first


I got sensory and trust issues so its hard for me to be romantic with people so I like using these when I feel the need.


I’m very much sub but my partner is kinda timid about everything. So while he’s building up to it this is how I feed into it for me


The zoom conference call about treatment for constipation finally gets to me


Makes me feel satisfied of feeling tamed. 😇


For me it’s about safe fantasy to explore that doesn’t come from my own head and to share some of the things that really tick my boxes with the hubs. He’s outstanding that way.


Get my imagination going. hehe

Elizabeth Bail

Comfort, confidence, inspiration for my own spicy nsfw roleplay stories I write with my best friend