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Finally, the sequel to the first Victorian erotica is here!...Get ready for something quite regal and very naughty, with a high risk of being found out in the Lady's own estate.

Part 1 is HERE if you missed it!

VA - Mr. Robinson


The Earl is downstairs is he? In the dining room?

He always has been a foolish man. I see no reason to engage with him now.

You don’t look well Henrietta but at the same time, you don’t have any of the major signs for the illness.


You were faking it?

You know how risky it is for me to be constantly coming over here, I can’t be doing this all the time.

You know the consequences if the Earl catches us spending all of this time together, it is getting far too conspicuous. We need to lay low for just a little longer, until the wedding is through. I know how much torture it is to do so, but it is the only way that makes sense.

Having said that, it is good to see you again.

We are going to be together my love, one way or the next. We just have to stick to the plan.

Even when you look unwell you radiate such an energy. You do things to me that no woman ever could.

Has the date been firmly set now? Outside? The marquee. Of course.

I’ll be in attendance with Lady Dorchester but we must keep things distant on the day, no obvious signs, no long discussions. I will be cordial of course but only to the extent I can be, you must understand.

I’m going to climb into bed. I need to hold you. He won’t be back for a while.

I’ve missed you dearly these past couple of weeks. I know how much you’ve missed me too.

I had no idea you were naked under the covers.

You were very discreet about not wearing any clothes weren’t you? All of your spectacular body on display for me. Gracious, I’ve missed this, I’ve missed this a lot.

It is more than a little tempting to caress every inch of you. All I have in my head this very moment are all of those flashbacks from the cottage. All of the decadent and naughty things you did for me on the chair and the rug. Difficult to get that out of your mind isn’t it?

If you keep pressing into me like that, I’m going to have to lose some layers too. Frankly, you’re asking for it young lady.

Wow, you’re so eager to stroke me, it is going to get me extremely hard if you don’t stop. The things you do to me.

The thing is, we’re going to have to keep very quiet. I have no intentions on getting caught now.




I'm really not into the whole cheating thing.... but I would totally fake being ill to get this man in my bed haha 💜


This is very bbc like, with a little spice thrown in.


Loved this so much. His voice and accent just make me melt!! Can’t get enough and excited to hear more

foxy kitty

Is there a part 3 because I can’t seem to find it if there is and I’m hoping there is because I’m addicted now lol