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“Turn the AC on baby.”

The heat is merciless, the blazing highs of the Parisian afternoon, piercing through the windows. Flicking the switch on the fan, I look back to him lying there. He’s impeccable, his stomach slowly moving up and down, hard lines marking the way to the top of his Levi’s. Veins coursing through his big arms, running all the way to his capped shoulders and well-set jawline. 

I rip my white tee off and undo my jean shorts, revealing new lingerie to him, a red ensemble from Agent Provocateur. He smiles and beckons me to him with his finger as I clamber on top and settle into the space between his chest and shoulder, safe from the stresses of the world. His body is my bedrock, a haven from home, the last few days had been a whirlwind since the chance encounter at the conference. The meal at Le Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower, the strolls along the Champs Elysee and the passionate dance at L’Arc. My mind was awash with new emotions, new needs I’d never felt with anyone else before. Things I couldn’t run from. 

He strokes my hair and runs his fingers up and down my stomach, his talented hands moving delightfully against my breasts and my nipples hardening considerably under his touch. I nestle into him, my tongue colliding with his and he parts my lips and tastes my burgeoning desire, my heart hammering away in my chest. 

“You know this isn’t going to stay platonic don’t you little girl?”

It was all happening so fast. We were perfect strangers caught up in an unravelling erotica. I was not prepared to stop it, despite all the baggage of my past, despite all the pain of my ex, I couldn’t stop this, I was putty in his hands.

“Come here.” His hooded gaze burrows into me as he gets on top, flipping me onto my back effortlessly. Everything passes by in a blur as he takes full control, his body moving like a snake across me, his firm stomach colliding with mine as our lips attach for an eternity. My breathing is shallow, hasty, as I try to catch whatever air I can but his sexiness is suffocating, his scent both an aphrodisiac and a cage for my pooling lust. He moves downwards on me, his mouth latching onto every inch of skin, adorning my body with tender affection as my hands run through his wavy black hair. His fingers start to tease the lining of my underwear, gentle strokes and light brushing against my bud, forcing my back to arch just a little bit more. Slowly he peels my panties off, his eyes never leaving mine as the first pangs of doubt creep inside my head. I wasn’t good enough for him, how could I be? A Greek God of a man, lying down in front of me, it wasn’t real. 

“David, I…”

“Shh, don’t talk, just relax. Let me show you.” He trails his finger against my lips, before moving back down between my legs, his big arms cradling my thighs and lifting my hips ever so slightly towards him. He holds my hands, gripping me hard, with the first caresses of his tongue as the first moans of a very long afternoon leave my aching lungs. 


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