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Summary: It’s been over a year since you split from your ex. He was a dream on paper, the looks, the height, the brains, the money, the sex…it was all incredible. And yet, throughout your short and fiery relationship you had a disquieting feeling with him. He would get jealous at the slightest mention of male friends, he started going through your phone, your Instagram follows and started barring you from a night out with the girls. He would get violent with other guys if they tried flirting with you in any circumstances. All of it pushed the relationship over the edge and you had to end it for your own sanity, there were too many red flags.

At a concert, you’re back in his hometown for work with a date that’s not really going anywhere and bump into him in the crowd before the main act starts. You thought you were over him and his gaslighting tactics but seeing him stirs memories in you that you can’t quite forget, he made you feel like no other guy has since, inside and outside the bedroom…can you truly ever forget that?

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by QMalice and edited by Rob


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manipulative?? literally where?🤭