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Description: You love him, but you’ve never told him. He’s always been playfully flirty but there’s never been anything serious. You want to tell him but it’s been hard to find the right time… the right words… to protect your friendship. During another sleepover with him, these get more and more frequent, you pretend to be asleep to scare him… but what he says shocks you more than anything…

VA - Mr. Adams

This script was written by Ellie


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And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 530+ audios) HERE.




Love love love this. I need a part 2 where they talk it out please??🥹🥹

Rose A

Can we have more Mr. Adams laughing please? 🥺🫠


Please make Mr Adams regular!Super please!


Mr. Adams I miss you 🥹💜