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after posting a large update to Jungle Diff i'd like my big helpers to give me ideas for what people wanna see more from me! comment down any suggestions as this poll is just for general things 



I think a mix from comics and illustrations are a good way... If you have spare time then you could throw some other content in ^^...


I also thinnk a mixutre between Illustrations and comic seems to be a good way to go. Enjoying seeing them back and forth so seeing some nice illustrations then seeing and reading a Doujin comic is really good way to enjoy your content and work


In my opinion, the best content is not actually the sex scenes, but the sexual tension built by a plot, a narration, to lead to the expected scene. So comics or original stories for me!

Anya Beboop

Love seeing a mix of standalone lewd pieces and comics. I dig vg things in general, funny or not. Always interested in AU and OC content, myself as well.

Ryuu Seenpai

yes i do believe high sexual tension(and no actual sex) really brings people to their knees more

Kevin Cole

How could you not want mcmommy stuff moreoften...like not even a porn comic? Why not?

Ryuu Seenpai

thank you to all that participated! ill actively try to make more with the girls your have recommended to me and girls you will suggest in the future!