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I have horrible news. I'm so distraught and I don't know what to do but I felt like letting everyone know would be appropriate.
My community post on YouTube isn't coming up for a reason therefore I will share what I said on there, here. :

My channel is being taken down in 7 days.  

I'm sorry to bring any negativity to your timelines but it was important that I tell everyone what is going on.  

I just saw now and I had to tell you guys right away... My channel got 3 strikes simultaneously (Ghibli again... all of them) and as a result is being taken down.  

I am terribly distraught, shaken up and honestly unsure what to do. I'm beyond upset.. I've been working so hard for this, putting all of my best efforts into doing everything correctly and perfectly..... this is devastating and I'm trying to keep myself together and tell you guys.

As a result, I am making a second backup channel.

I will be posting my videos that I have already made on there (with the exceptions of the ones taken down) and will continue to post on there if this termination is final. (I pray it isn't... but I think it will be...)   

If anyone has any advice on what I can possibly do... Please let me know. I feel heartbroken. I will be trying to counter the claims but I just don't know how long they take...  

My new channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwGC...Please subscribe as I don't know the future of this channel... thank you guys again. This was the one thing that brought me happiness and it's being taken down...



We'll be here to support ya no matter what! SUBSCRIBE PEOPLE

eric micke

Sorry this is happening. I have subscribed to the new channel. The only thing I think you can do is try to fight the strikes to get them removed through the proper YT channels. Which is of course very difficult to do. If you're sure what you post is within the fair use laws what seems to work is making a big show of it. Maybe we can make enough noise for YT to take your claim seriously and reinstate the channel. Blind Wave went down for like 2 weeks a couple months ago due to the same thing and it took massive efforts from them and other channels supporting them and getting on YT's social media radar. If there's anything we can do to help make that noise for you we need to do it.


Sorry about what happened. I subscribed to your new channel. In future videos you can have a small mirror or glass object reflecting what you’re watching, instead of editing it into your reaction video, so there isn’t a clear image for them to scan.


I think the strikes that are being made are baseless. You are giving your opinion of the film. You aren’t putting it up the whole film for free! This absolutely falls into fair use. I would fight this. Definitely look into fair use. And if you can you should look into the Ethan (h3h3) fair use case that he won against another individual. His was much more intense sense the individual wanted to fight tooth and nail. These strikes you’ve gotten from Ghibli aren’t them coming for you but more an automated system I think but maybe I’m off. That said I still think this falls into fair use and you have a case to fight it. Let me know and I can do what I can to help.

Khalid خــآلــْد

I think you don't need to upload any Ghibli videos on your channel, just tell them about the issue with the strikes and they will understand and we gonna support you of course till the end because you worked so hard and you love the thing you r doing, I ask Allah/God Almighty to help you and make you one of the successful and compensate you for your pain and your efforts that you have made, and make it easy for you every difficult step in your life, and to bless your endeavors, and I ask Him to keep you from worry and sadness, and to make you always happy with your family, friends and all your loved ones. Take care, we are waiting for you ^_^


Hang in there, we'll follow you to your new channel. I'm sorry you got caught between the wheels of the automated systems of Disney/Ghibli and YouTube. Please keep fighting the claims. Your content is covered under Fair Use. I'm sorry I don't have any experience to offer on how best to actually dispute the strikes. In the meantime I'm off to go subscribe to your new channel.


Don't let it affect you. :) Your asset in all of this is an intangible one (us). We will keep watching whether you make a 100 channels. x)

Eric Janssen

Ghibli is now being handled in the US by GKids, so sounds like it was from the studio itself, and yeah, Japanese rights play hardball. If it's any consolation, you're pretty much through with the classic Ghibli by now anyway (Cagliostro doesn't count), unless you want to try for Ponyo or Arietty.


Im so sorry to hear that! :-( In sure it is again an automated Strike! Thats the Problem with YT, they have everything automatet and as long nobody complains they dont care. Also im sure that big and paranoid companies like Disney have also AI Systems who search the Internet/YT for someone who uses their content in whatever form...! So i think you should fight against this! Also i would be in future super careful with Disney content (well unfortunaly most of Hollywood belongs to them now...) and only make reviews without any clips from their movies (im sure the movies have hidden watermarks... !!!), only showing some pictures, but even this is critical... But i think you can still show the full watchings on patreon. I hope so much that you will recover from that shock soon! But never forget, we all here stand behind you, whatever happens so dont give up! :-)

Ryan Anderson

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this. Unfortunately, companies like Ghibli seem very trigger happy with their DMCA strikes. I don't know much about running a channel, so I'm afraid I don't have any advice on what to do to fight this. However, I have subscribed to the new channel, and do remember that I and everyone else in our little community is right behind you. You'll pull through this, and we'll be with you while you do 💕

Lee Salvemini

It's a total social media/corporation battle going on out there. And content creators are just becoming collateral! Don't fear, this has been happening and happened to others before. I mean really, they should not be able to hit you with 3 strikes instantly, and I've heard other channels I know get 2 in a row, or even the all 3. This obviously means you're a great channel, they only strike the best VKunia! ;D I'm sure some Patrons here may have ideas on how to deal with Ghibli (and GKids which seems to be the publisher now?)


Look up sargon of akkhad, he just won a fair use against an individual also. You should fight it and should win. Fair use is just 10 minutes total of a TV show and 20 for movies if I recall, so I think you'll be OK if you just show them the fair use proof and everything should work out. 😀

m dunt

i strongly suggest making videos on youtube that redirect to other platforms when you have any doubt about the copyright issue. This youtuber seems to be doing fine with it, only timed reactions are on youtube but always a different option for screen. Not sure if that works for monetization tho but if that doesnt bother you and you get your support here then its fine. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzPYLpdYHUoJM1J6MmlGXSA

Eric Janssen

Good point--Again, this may be coming from the Japanese company, and not sure how educated they are on the fair use clauses in the West. (It's a running joke on anime TV shows over there that you can't even show a real-life product logo without fear of retribution.) You can't blame Ghibli for being over-careful, since that's how they first got Disney in the first place, but they can overdo it.

James Park

Theres a lot of reactors that make a youtube video that directly links to a google drive or something. It definitely is the better way to go. Although the only issue with it is keeping the links up to date as the place you link to might delete the video as a copyright thing.


This is probably too late at this point but YMS does a really good job of breaking down DMCS and Fair Use when IHE was getting striked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5ZmVheuxpo


Just wanted to get back to everyone here. Thank you guys so much for the support❤ Our new channel is almost back to where we were and I couldn't be happier. You guys are the best❤


Hi! I have just recently found your channel and discovered what happened. Do you still have your old reactions on your Patreon? Specifically Poltergeist. That’s one of my fav films and I would love to have seen your reaction to it. Maybe even the sequel/s. I heard you mention having seen it in another video.