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Hey everyone! Happy 2nd day of Halloween! I know it's a bit late but since I did film this on Halloween I HAD TO BE FESTIVE AND YOU GUYS WERE GONNA CELEBRATE WITH ME LOL It was a funny occurrence that I JUST SO HAPPEN to dress up like Freddy Krueger AND THE FILM WAS ABOUT DREAMS.

But enough about Halloween... I FINALLY watched Paprika and... that was definitely a ride and HECKING confusing. Even after watching it I'm still thinking through it and watching videos explaining the film LOL

I hope you guys enjoy the reaction and MORE REACTIONS WILL BE COMING VERY SOON ❤❤❤


Paprika | Full Length Reaction



Oh man, can't wait to watch this one! Thanks for posting this! Yeah it can be quite a bit confusing for sure. But a fantastic movie still! Sad that it was Satoshi Kon's last major work before he passed.


Utterly confusing movie, isn't it? But it's a masterpiece for sure. Happy you didn't watch Inception before this because that movie is basically a rip-off of this, and not even a good one. Paprika is an alter-ego of Atsuko, a different side of her. Whereas Atsuko is serious and focused and couldn't accept her own feelings towards Dr. Tokita, Paprika is basically a "spicy" version of her. Easy-going, fun, flirtatious and all around thoroughly enjoyable. Most likely the kind of woman Atsuko wanted to be deep inside, but couldn't. Probably why also the stark contrast in appearance, Atsuko is very conservative, while Paprika is super casual.


I was getting ready to go to bed when this popped up, so I had to go searching for my copy to watch along with you. I was almost positive I had the BD, but only could find my DVD and the English translation of the book. Much like Perfect Blue, I had to watch this film several times before I felt like I really got it all. The entire soundtrack is on YouTube. I think they released a vinyl version recently, but it sold out pretty quick... That may have been Perfect Blue, though. Also, if want more info on Kon's editing style and how he composed scenes, you should check out a video call Editing Space and Time. Search for that on YouTube. It contains minor spoilers for Kon's other works, but nothing that would ruin them, I don't think.


Satoshi Kon films are truly something else, aren't they?


I believe I'd have to do the same!! I don't think I *fully* understood the movie just because of how many moving parts were going on simultaneously but yes the music was SO good. I *really* enjoyed that. I watched a few youtube videos describing it and I felt like I understood a lot of what was being said because I noticed the points being portrayed themselves in the film. Thank you for the thoughtful comment Chad. :)


It was SUPER confused holy LOL I've watched Inception before, a long time ago but I don't really remember much of it so I can't compare it to Paprika much! And that's what I felt as well, as thought that was who Atsuko WANTED to be, but I didn't want to say it and be entirely wrong. :) Thank you for the comment Alex!! :)


Yes this film is quite confusing and you just cant stop thinking and thinking about it... ;-) If you like such surreal and misterious movies you really must watch "Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer"! It is really special and so much fun!!!! I love the older Movies from Director Mamoru Oshii. :-)))

Khalid خــآلــْد

As for me, frankly, I didn't like the film and I didn't complete it until the end, I see that anyone can compose a very complex and confusing film story like this. I have seen many films and series like this, However, we rarely see a complex movie, but at the same time its simple idea makes the viewer dazzled by the story and the beauty of the idea. I apologize to all of you but this is my humble opinion and thanks for the movie.


I hear and respect your opinion entirely Khalid. :) I personally preferred Perfect Blue because I felt like I could follow the story a bit more but that doesn't take away from the uniqueness of this film and the enjoyment from watching it!


I'll have to check them out Antonio!! :) thank you for recommending me such good things  🤗