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Hey everyone!! GUESS WHAT - we’re continuing with more of our beloved Better Call Saul:))) I don’t want to give too much of my thoughts away… because I feel like I’ve expressed them pretty bluntly in the ending LOL but this was a wild episode. You guys will know what im talking about…



The opening is one of my favorite montages and with a perfect song choice. They have been living different lives but Kim doesn't see Jimmy the way everybody else does. I think her helping him with Huell, is about trying to stop him from continuing down the road he is on. When the lawyer insulted Jimmy to her face and he decided to take things into his own hands; I think that was all the motivation she needed.


I agree but it's also something she's clearly excited to do. "that was all the motivation she needed" is a pretty good way to put this because we've seen before that Kim enjoys doing these shenanigans and elaborate scams with Jimmy, she just seems to have more restraint and a stronger moral compass on what she is and isn't willing to do. So yeah, I think to some extent she was looking for an excuse to do this.

Max Hassam

So about 7 months passes in the intro, I believe. It's one of my favourite montages in the whole universe, if not my absolute favourite. Perfectly shows how they're together but gradually drifting apart until they're living completely separate lives. Kim had no idea about Jimmy's "Saul" business and thought he was full-timing it at the cell phone store. Gus is deeply evil, as we saw from the speech he gave about him torturing the animal that ate his fruit. Hector killed his partner - presumed lover - Max, which we saw in BB and since Gus has been building up a revenge arc. Last season when Mike gets cocaine from Gus' Dr to set the DEA on to Hector's business, the Dr is told by the nurse that Mike is there for "The Revenge." Hector is far more grotesque than I think you gave him credit for. It seems to me that he was trying to get some eye candy off the nurse by knocking his water over and that's what let Gus know the real Hector was there. I think Jimmy has a bit of an inferiority complex about Kim's current situation. As he said before, she has her cake and is eating it. He knows he won't be able to lure her away to join his practice, which he clearly wants as when giving the tour he talks about the "partner office" which is obviously Kim in his mind. So his ego was hurt a bit and he had a few drinks... The bit with Kim & the ADA is meant to demonstrate how in certain legal jurisdictions they put heavy (possibly too much) emphasis on the defendant's record rather than the actual events that took place in this incident. To the ADA, all that matters is that Huell has a criminal record and is therefore going for strict sentencing despite this being not too serious a situation when the circumstances are fully fleshed out, considering it's a battery on a PO. But her insulting Jimmy certainly triggered something in Kim and it seems she has a plan. Slippin' Kimmy maybe? XD


Slippin' Kimmy, a.k.a. Giselle St. Claire, out to help her bud Viktor with a 'K'...