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The title of this video hits deep on so many levels and was a very moving and symbolic episode. I feel like we now have full understanding of what each character is facing, and going through (for the most part). :( The scene with Howard really broke my heart and made me so sad... let me know if you guys felt the same way watching this episode or if anything else stuck out to you!!



Jimmy was already generally hesitant to talk to a therapist but I think after his encounter with the three "delinquents", for lack of a better word, I think he actually seriously considered it again. He was kind of ready to look inward. But I think his encounter with Howard gave him an excuse to think "ah well, therapists are useless, just as I always thought" and move on. He might even think Howard seeing a therapist is part of what caused him to be this messed up which is of course nonsense but it could be part of a wrong-headed interpretation of correlation; cleary troubled people like Howard are the ones who see therapists, therefore it must be the therapists that are the problem. As to Kim, I don't think it's really helping the "youth" as such that is her goal, I think it's more in general just helping people, actual people who deserve it. Since she can pretty much pick and choose her cases, she might be looking at people that she thinks are getting a particularly unfair treatment in relation to what they did and also people who have a genuine chance of turning their life around; I doubt she would bother with "hopeless" cases. But of course, that description would include a lot of young people in trouble for some stupid but ultimately non-malicious offenses like vandalism or drug possession. But I'm doubtful she would offer to defend young people like the ones Jimmy defended in the pilot just because they're the "youth".


I looked down at my plate and laughed when you said, "chicken sandwich" lol. Eating chicken salad w bacon on a roll xP yum