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Hello Patrons.

With June inching closer, I've decided to unpause billing for the new month. My work (while it does keep me busy) is great because I'm not dying of sleep deprivation at the end of the day and I have a few hours in the evenings to work on the game which I previously didn't have on account of my long commute back and forth to my previous office.

Chapter 8 will be the last chapter for the public demo but as Patrons, you'll be getting extra chapters to play 🎉 I'm likely going to extend the demo to Chapter 9 for all tiers and for the Ishari tier Patrons, up to Chapter 10 (and the start of Part 4). Chapter 8 is a long-ish chapter because it's going to include Dena's reappearance and more alliance talks. There's also going to be two NSFW/romance scenes - for Irus and Elora. Because of this, I estimate to only be ready with the update in July since my writing time is still limited to evenings.

I'll start working on the next chapter by next week and will hopefully finish off the prologue for Crowning Glory this week for a tentative release for you. I'm also going to be putting up a poll for a possible livestream where you can ask me anything about the game, my writing process or anything you want about future games, characters etc.

Also keep an eye out for the polls for side story options for June!

Thank you to those who have stuck with me through little to no progress, leaked content and my sometimes non-IF ramblings 😅


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