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=== UPDATE ===

The new Films system is now online!

I apologize for the fact it took longer than expected. My web dev and I ran into some bandwidth limiting problems that took longer to resolve than we anticipated. There were also some configuration problems we hit attempting to go live.

We've ironed most of them out, now. At least enough that we decided it wasn't worth delaying a third day.

Note that all older 1080p or 2160p links will no longer work. If you are a 1080p or 2160p Patron, looking for access to these versions of the videos, you now view them by going to the Films page, clicking the relevant film, then clicking the gear to change your resolution. You will have to log in to your Patreon or Discord account to gain access.


The films page is currently down for maintenance. I don't know how long it will be down. During such time, anything off the videos domain, such as films (this includes the Liziverse 1080p early-access) will be inaccessible, and may yield various errors such as 404, 503, or security warnings.

This is all part of migrating to a new (and much better) films system.

I will update this post (and notify everyone) when the new system is live.

Expect this to take 24+ hours.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's the price of a total system overhaul.



How long willit be down?