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Avatar the Last Airbender 1x3 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Omashu




You said, Kuruk didn't have a war to fight, this might be correct, but he had a lot of dark spirits to fight and he died at a very young age because of it. And yes he was open-minded and very intelligent(one if not the greatest pai sho players of all time), but he also followed a very hedonistic lifestyle as a way to escape the fact, that he had to fight the spirits and that he hated what he had become. He just had some mental issues he masked.

James Fleischman

My cabbages! I'm still not sure if I like the changes but overall I feel that it has been done with understanding and respect for the source material.


Just joined today and am currently binge watching the series over again with the funnylilgal. Life is good. So is this series! MY CABBAGES!!!!


Your point with Zuko at the begining, Zuko thought the Avatar would be an old man, not a Kid. No one knew who the avatar was, other than its an air bender. History is written by the victors. So when the Fire Nation attacked the air benders. And they didnt face the Avatar. They would then spread propaganda that the Avatar ran away. The Firenation didnt start killing waterbenders untill later when the Air Avatar could have been dead. Thus why Zuko was searching the watertribe areas. Expecting and adult waterbender


Both dallas and gordan have been in martial arts for quite some time and have won multiple tournements