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This was watched on Amazon prime, that may help with the syncing issue. EPISODE 2 STARTS AT 55:14, no opening and no credits, right to Roslin and Gauis.


Battlestar Galactica 3x1/3x2 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Occupation/Precipice

FULL LENGTH REACTION Episode 2 starts @55:14 no credits or title sequence 



Ouch. I hope there aren't any more episodes like that one. My bluray copy seems to be different than some others, I had to resync at least 12 times. Sometimes my scene would be longer, so I'd have to resync when I noticed. Sometimes Angela's scene would be longer, so again, once I noticed we were off, I'd have to fiddle about to resync it. It was brutal. And it was a good episode, which I really didn't get to enjoy. Okay, rant over. I know Angela and Xander couldn't do anything about it. I still love these reactions and this show. I appreciate the time and effort you guys put into making these for us.

Andrew Skow

Buy the disks and write them off as a business expense. Amazon and Nickelodeon will eventually change what ads they play before hand or what edit they have. For most series, the disks are going to have what the creators wanted to present. Please stop pandering to the streamer peasants. Let them f*** with sync on the next series.