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Loki 2x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Glorious Purpose



Kevin C

FWIW, I love this ending…it’s such a complete arc for Loki, not just from the start of this show, but the start of his character in the MCU. He says he is “Burdened with Glorious Purpose”, but Mobius gets the killer retort…”Most Purpose is more Burden than Glory”. And just when this Loki has found friends and connections, he finally (centuries later) realizes his purpose is to save them…with the burden of being alone. I love it. People keep complaining about every Marvel show ending in a CGI-laden fight…I don’t know if I complain about that, but this story was a perfect change of pace, retort, and example that it doesn’t always have to be. Though, the CGI here in the finale was amazing. And about those pumpkins…”Some Pumpkins” was a 19th century exclamation to mean “Someone or Something Impressive”. It’s fitting for Mr. Timely to say.

Ian from wine country

So this is a little complex (took me a minute to wrap my brain around it), and ScreenCrush has a whole video about it, but: All this has happened before, and all this will happen again. Loki gathering the infinite timelines into Ygdrassil negates the Sacred Timeline, allowing all branches to exist without a loom. But as we see in the "After" portion, that means there are now infinite versions of Kang out there about to discover the multiverse. Nathaniel Richards will still become Kang the Conqueror, still eventually become He Who Remains and replace Loki by harnessing Elioth and installing the loom (the whole purpose of which was to only allow timelines where other versions of Kang did not exist). One of those timelines will be 616, which will spawn Hiddleston's Loki, who will accidentally create a branch when he picks up the Tesseract, getting him sent to the TVA, and... It's an ourobourus. All of it. Infinite looped time. On the plus side, that means our Loki will not be trapped there solo forever. Just... extraordinarily long.

Chris (darkwater)

This hits about as hard as Endgame. Well done.


The Tree of Life. To me, it is Loki sitting on He-who-remains decayed thrown, keeping the timelines alive. He has become the loom. This is all taking place long after sylvie Killed He-who-remains. It isn't what I expected. I think It only works because the show is call Loki. The end of his story is to be burdened with the thrown he thought he wanted. Now understanding the weight that responsibility comes with. I wonder what He-who-remains would think of this choice.